Chapter 13 I have something that can drive away evil spirits

Wang Yue turned his head and saw a pair of straight white legs.

It was Liu Beibei, a frequent customer of his.

She always liked to ask him to tell her fortunes, whether she was renting a house, moving or going on a trip, to see if she was suitable for doing business.

At this moment, she was wearing a pair of short shorts and twisting her curvy figure as she walked over.

Wang Yue's eyes lit up immediately.

Isn't this the right time for business?

"Beibei, it's so late, how come you have time to come here?"

"Why, don't you welcome me?"

"How could that be?

Come on, come on, sit down."

Liu Beibei also smiled, but as soon as she walked into the store, she immediately covered her nose and almost turned around and left.

"Old Wang, what are you doing?"

"Why is it so smelly?

Did you poop in your pants?"

Wang Yue's face was full of black lines.

He thought, how can I talk like that?

Can I poop in my pants at my age?

"I just finished detoxifying and haven't had time to ventilate.

Excuse me."

Liu Beibei sat down with a little disgust. Seeing that only candles were lit in the store, he asked again:

"Why don't you turn on the lights?"

"Isn't this to save electricity?

Hehe, you know!"

After saying that, he turned on the lights. Then he sat opposite Liu Beibei, looked at her and said:

"What are you going to calculate today?" "Let me tell you first, my fees have increased."

Liu Beibei didn't care, and said lightly: "Haha, the price of vegetables and meat has increased, and your fortune-telling will also increase.

Tell me, how much will it increase?"

Wang Yue smiled slightly when he heard it, stretched out three fingers and said:

"You and I are destined to be together, and this relationship costs 3,000 yuan."


Why don't you go and grab it?"

"Before, you could charge 200 for 3 hours and 300 for a whole night.

Now you tell me that you want 3,000.

Do you think I have big breasts and no brains?"

After saying that, he puffed out his huge chest.

Wang Yue shook his head helplessly.

Liu Beibei still dared to say anything.

And the words from her mouth had a different taste.

Before, she charged 200 yuan for two hours of chatting, and 300 yuan for five hours of chatting.

If she said that, the police would invite you for tea.

"We are old acquaintances.

You listen to me first.

If you think it's worth it, then give it.

If not, then it's up to you, okay?"

Hearing Wang Yue say that, Liu Beibei knew he was not joking.

Then she stared at Wang Yue and observed him carefully.

She found that he seemed to be a little different today.

He became more handsome.

His chest muscles were bigger.

I wonder if he had abdominal muscles. Finally, she glanced at his crotch and said, "Okay, I want to see what you can say.

If you can subdue me, I'll pay the three thousand."

Wang Yue wiped a cold sweat.

What kind of tiger and wolf words were these?

That was subjugation.

He stopped talking nonsense and used the skill of seeing clearly to look at Liu Beibei, skipping the scenes that readers loved to see.

Wang Yue found that Liu Beibei had a dark aura, and the dark aura on her forehead was even more intense.

No matter what she chose, she couldn't avoid bad luck.

It seemed that this was the so-called bad luck.

Wang Yue frowned and said, "You have a bad omen."

Liu Beibei was originally very nervous when Wang Yue looked at her, but when she heard him say that, she rolled her eyes.

"When did I not have a bra on?"

"If you want it, I'll take it off for you.

Don't worry, it's original (flirting)" Wang Yue ignored her teasing and said seriously, "Three days ago, you took a business deal. The other party was a 70-year-old man."

"You were originally resistant, but you couldn't bear the fact that the other party gave too much, so you agreed."

"It's a pity that the old man is really too old. You worked for several hours and your hands were sore, but it just didn't work."

"His legs just didn't feel!"

"There was no way, the old man could only give you the money and let you leave first." "Who knew that after you left, the old man drank himself to death!"

"For this, you were taken by the police to cooperate with the investigation. Fortunately, there was surveillance at the old man's house, which proved your innocence."

Liu Beibei's eyes widened, as if she had seen a ghost.

As a traditional masseuse, she is also well-known in the neighborhood!

Three days ago, someone asked her to dredge the meridians of an elderly man with lower body paralysis to see if he could restore sensation in his legs!

At first she did refuse, but the other party actually offered 50,000 yuan, and whether it worked or not, the money was hers!

Unable to resist the temptation of money, she agreed, but in the end such a thing happened.

In order not to affect her reputation, she didn't tell anyone.

At this time, Wang Yue spoke as if he had seen it with his own eyes, and she couldn't help but be shocked!

Pointing at Wang Yue with a trembling hand, he said:

"You, you, you, how did you know?"

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet."

Wang Yue continued slowly:

"Since that day, you have been unlucky." "First, I met a liar and didn't make any money.

After the incident, my phone was stolen, and then bird poop fell on me while I was walking."

"I always get robbed when I play mahjong!" "Today, I was almost hit by a car!"

"So you came here today to ask me to calculate for you whether you have touched anything dirty."

Liu Beibei was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

It took her three seconds to react.

She grabbed Wang Yue's hand excitedly, looked at him with big eyes, and said:

"Old Wang, you are so amazing.

It's as if you saw it with your own eyes. It's completely correct!"

"Why did you suddenly become so powerful?"

"Tell me what happened?

I didn't do anything bad.

Why am I so unlucky all of a sudden!"

Wang Yue frowned.

Although he saw it clearly, how could he solve this bad luck?

[Your yin energy is too heavy, you are haunted by bad ghosts, and you have bad luck.

You can wear positive treasures to get rid of it! ]

After getting the system's answer, Wang Yue felt relieved!

Then he said to Liu Beibei:

"You have too much yin energy, you are haunted by bad ghosts, and you have bad luck, so you are so unlucky!"

"And it will get worse and worse.

If you don't solve it, you will die within three days!"

Liu Beibei jumped up in fright, feeling a chill on his back!

He threw himself on Wang Yue and said in horror:


where is the ghost?"

Wang Yue was also stunned.

He didn't expect that Liu Beibei, who usually looked carefree, was so timid!

Then he felt a soft mass on his chest, which made his Yang fire too strong!

He swallowed his saliva, this hand that has nowhere to put ~ "You can't see it!"

"Since I said so, there must be a way.

I have a Yangwu (yang treasure is abbreviated as Yangwu) that can drive away evil spirits.

You can carry it with you 24 hours a day to solve this problem!"

"Let me go first, I'll take it out and give it to you!"