Chapter 17 This Marriage Will Be Your Grave

The mistress's professional dissuasion teacher smiled bitterly when he heard this, "Master, what's wrong with me?

I just saw that your fortune-telling videos are so accurate, and I feel it's magical, so I came to see it for myself," "By the way, I can take advantage of your popularity and increase my fans.

If I'm lucky, I can get a few orders, then I'll make a lot of money!"

"Now I've seen it, it's really amazing!"

"To be honest, if I hadn't experienced it myself, I wouldn't believe it even if I died," "You're not a human, you're a god!"

Looking at the mistress's professional dissuasion teacher's admiring eyes, Wang Yue shook his head and laughed:

"I'm not a god, far from it!"

"At most, I have a few more skills than ordinary people."

The mistress's professional dissuasion teacher grinned:

"Hehe, the same, anyway, to me, you are like a god!"

"Master, I'm also taking advantage of your popularity.

You are worthy of being a top star.

I have already added nearly 10,000 fans.

I see that there are fans who have business to discuss with me in private messages.

I won't waste your time, Master, you can move on to the next destined person!"

Hearing what he said, some anchors who also wanted to get traffic were jealous.

This was a huge profit.

These were all active fans.

Usually, for other big anchors, I don't know how many fans they need to increase to 10,000 fans, not to mention that they can convert and cash in immediately!

How could such a good thing not fall on me! In the final analysis, it was because I didn't practice my hand speed enough.

I will practice three times a day in the future! When other fans saw that he could talk about getting traffic so openly, he must not be a hypocritical person.

More people went to his homepage and clicked to follow him!

The mistress professional dissuasion teacher hung up the microphone after he finished speaking.

At this time, Wang Yue said:

"Wait a minute, don't hang up in a hurry!" "You have a bad omen!"


The mistress professional dissuasion master stopped his hand in mid-air, was stunned, and cracked on the spot:

"Master, I didn't travel abroad, and my honeymoon was cancelled!"

"And I live on the 23rd floor, 32 on the top floor, the murderer can't come down from the rooftop!"

"Physically, I just finished a marriage checkup, and I am very healthy in all aspects, and some parts are particularly strong!"

"I really can't think of where the bad omen came from?"

"Master, don't scare me, did you see it wrong?

"At this time, the fans in the live broadcast room were already boiling with excitement: "Here we go, brothers, the master has started again, the melon seed bench is in place!"

"@小三专业推退师, you are confused, is your head buzzing?"

"Hearing this sentence, I just stuffed the shit in my asshole back, just to maintain this tension!"

"Brothers and sisters, I have a strong premonition that if this buddy doesn't have a good attitude today, I will eat shit upside down on the live broadcast!"

"I know you upstairs, you come here to cheat for food and drink again!"

"Hahaha, this brother is prepared, he actually knows to rule out the situation of those two people yesterday, but do you think you can get away?"

... The Xiaosan professional persuader looked at the content of the barrage and couldn't help but get more flustered!

Wang Yue's voice sounded at this time:

"Aren't you preparing to get married recently."

Although the Xiaosan professional persuader was a little confused, he immediately answered:

"Yes, we have known each other for three months, love each other, and have the fruit of love, so we are ready to start a family.

Is there any problem with this?"

The fans in the live broadcast room didn't think there was anything wrong, but the speed was a little fast, lack of mutual understanding, and there would be more or less family conflicts in the future!

"This marriage will be the grave of your family!"

After saying this, not only the mistress professional dissuasion teacher was more confused, but also the netizens!

Could it be that the other party married for money and life?

It is not impossible.

After all, they got married in just three months.

Who knows what the other party is looking for! "

Master, I have only heard that marriage is the grave of love, how can it become my grave?"

"Is she a husband-killing fate?

" The mistress professional dissuasion teacher was also frightened by his own guess.

If so, he really can't get married!

Otherwise, if he dies, there will be someone to take care of your wife and children, and someone will spend your money for you!

Wang Yue smiled:

"That's not the case.

The two of you are in harmony, and she won't conflict with anyone in your family!"

"It's just that in a year, you will get bipolar disorder, and then kill your wife and children, and then commit suicide!"

After Wang Yue finished speaking, the mistress professional dissuasion teacher's mouth kept jumping, and his hanging heart was immediately put down!

I thought it was something else, just this?What a waste of worry!

Then he looked at Wang Yue and smiled: "Master, I am also a psychology student!"

"I am also very resistant to psychological stress.

It is impossible for me to suffer from bipolar disorder!"

When the netizens heard him say this, they also suspected that Wang Yue was wrong.

After all, when it comes to mental illness, they are professionals!

Can people who are not strong in their hearts learn this?

They all joked in the barrage: "Hahaha, the master is no longer magical, and he can make mistakes sometimes!"

"Please tell me how embarrassed the master is at this moment?"


As long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed."


Are you questioning me?"

... Wang Yue ignored the content of the barrage, but looked at the mistress's professional dissuasion teacher with a playful smile:

"Are you so confident?"

The mistress's professional dissuasion teacher was frightened by Wang Yue's expression, and the heart that had been put down was lifted up again!

Licking his lips and swallowing his saliva, he said:

"Master, I'm suddenly unconfident again!" "How about you just tell me what it is, and I'll see if it will be irritating!"

Wang Yue smiled:

"It's not a big deal.

With your ability to withstand pressure as a psychology major, I think you should be able to accept it!"

"According to normal development, one year later, no, it should be 9 months later, your twins are born, and then you find that one of them has a dark complexion, so you do a paternity test and confirm that only one is your child, and you don't know whose the other one is!"

"You should be able to bear it, right?"

The mistress professional dissuading teacher's head buzzed, and he didn't react for a long time.

After reacting, he exploded:


In his subconscious, men can cheat, it's just for fun anyway, and women must be loyal to themselves!

If it's this kind of thing, let alone bipolar disorder, it can cause schizophrenia!

The netizens were also confused,


Which man can accept this kind of thing, no wonder he has bipolar disorder, if it were me, I would too!"

"Although I feel a little sympathetic, why can't I help but want to laugh, hahaha, how dark is a little dark?

Please post pictures!"

"It's incredible, how can twins have two different fathers?"

"Let me give you some scientific knowledge. Based on my twenty years of professional medical experience, the probability of this happening is only one in a million, and it requires the woman to discuss the origin of life with two different men during her ovulation period!"

"Love is a light that drives you crazy!"