Chapter 16: The Mistress's Professional Dissuasion Teacher

As soon as Wang Yue finished speaking, the live broadcast room immediately rose Huazi special effects [Professional mistress persuasion teacher] Reward Huazi X1...

Barrage appeared at the same time: "Master, I am the first to give a reward, can I go first?"

At this time, some netizens recognized this professional mistress persuasion teacher.

He is also a relatively famous anchor with millions of fans.

His main business is some emotional recovery, saving marriages, taking orders online to persuade mistresses to quit, and other work, and fans have another title for him:

Friend of Women.

Netizens who knew who the other party was teased:

"@Mistress professional persuasion teacher, are you here to persuade Master Wang to quit?

Dog head."

"I think this is because business is not good recently, so you come here to advertise and attract orders?


"Is there still this industry?

Can you persuade the original wife to quit?"

"I just saw this ID and was shocked.

I thought it was chasing me..."

... Wang Yue still underestimated his current popularity.

Just after he finished speaking, the quota was full.

Many people floated Huazi and left messages in the barrage, asking if they could also count.

Wang Yue shook his head and smiled: "There are three places every day, and this will not change for the time being."

"I have taken a screenshot, and it will be based on the order of reward."

"Other people who are destined to be missed can apply for a refund later."

After Wang Yue finished speaking, those who were not in the queue were annoyed that their hand speed was too slow, and they couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Then they left messages on the barrage: "No need to refund, just make a good relationship with the master, small money!"

"I just saw such a magnificent Hua Ziyu, I was so excited that my hands shook, and I sent it out.

Thank you, Master, for the refund."

"I just used my private money to reward, and my wife recognized me.

Now she wants me to kneel on a durian. Thank you, Master, for saving my life." "Conscientious anchor, positive energy!"

... After the number of places was determined, Wang Yue said:

"Now welcome our first destined person: the mistress professional dissuasion teacher."

After that, he approved the microphone connection request of [Mistress Professional Dissuasion Teacher].

Only a pair of slender hands appeared on the screen, and no human face enteredMany netizens were confused.

What was going on?

Was he too ugly to be seen?

Was he here to show off his ring?

"Master, hello!"

The voice of the mistress's professional dissuasion teacher came.

Looking at the hands on the screen, Wang Yue was a little helpless and said with a smile:

"Hello, this destined person, are you here to test me?"

The mistress's professional dissuasion teacher smiled and said:

"Master, don't mind.

As far as I know, this fortune-telling can not only look at the face, but also the palm!"

"Can you help me with palm reading and tell me about my past?"

"Of course, but did you change to your own hands?

You put a pair of prop hands.

Do you want me to see when these props were produced?"

After Wang Yue finished speaking, the water friends in the live broadcast room laughed: "Hahaha, I was wondering why you put a pair of prop hands.

It turns out to be to test the master.

Do you look down on the master too much?

I can see that these are fake hands."

"This buddy is good at messing with people's mentality, hahaha."

"The above is wrong.

He is not messing with the mentality, but coming to make people laugh, hahaha" "Mistress's professional dissuasion teacher: Is it so easy to be seen?

I knew I would put a pair of inflatable hands earlier!"

... The mistress dissuading master in front of the screen didn't take it seriously.

He did it on purpose.

Many people have been paying attention to him.

After all, who can resist a humorous and funny person?

Then he removed the prosthesis and replaced it with his own palm.

This is a pair of short, thick hands with dense and messy palm lines!

There is also a ring on the ring finger of his left hand.

It can be seen that it is a brand that claims that men can only customize one in their lifetime.

"Master, please take a look."

Wang Yue used his skills to take a look.

The life destiny of the mistress dissuading master was clearly seen. "

You are 35 years old this year, 183 cm tall, and you have opened an emotional counseling studio.

You have been very popular with women since you were a child.

You are a person with high emotional intelligence."

"The highest performance before was to persuade 800 mistresses to leave in a year. This is what you are most proud of."

"I am going to marry my girlfriend recently. It's the kind of getting on the bus first and buying the ticket later, and getting married with a baby!"

After hearing what Wang Yue said, Xiao San's professional dissuasion teacher did not have much emotion.

This information can be found on his official account, so it is nothing.

So he interrupted Wang Yue and said: "Master, what you said is not a secret.

Anyone who has watched my live broadcast knows that compared with your level yesterday, the gap is too big.

Can you tell me something that others don't know?"

Wang Yue really didn't know where this guy got the confidence to say such a thing.

In this case, then don't be polite.

"Haha, no problem, I'll meet your request."

"When you were 8 years old, you tricked a 9-year-old neighbor into giving her your first kiss.

After she came home, she shouted that she wanted to marry you.

When her father pressed her, she said she already had a baby."

"Her father almost suffocated and sent her away directly.

Then he came to your house angrily, ready to retrain you."

"Finally he found out that you just kissed her, so he let you go."

The professional mistress dissuasion master appeared directly in the camera with a strange expression.

This was indeed one of the few things he remembered from his childhood. "

Master, is this what you saw from your palm?"

The netizens were speechless at this moment.

This guy is indeed a friend of women.

He tricked a girl into giving him her first kiss at the age of 8.

It was probably because he was powerless at the time, otherwise he would have become a father the following year.

Wang Yue went on to say:

"When I was in middle school, my desk mate asked you to help him deliver his love letter.

You criticized him, saying that students should focus on their studies and that women will only send people to hell!"

"Three days later, you successfully got together with that girl!

Your reason was:

If I don't go to hell, who will?"

"You and your desk mate even had several fights over this matter, and one of your front teeth fell out."

Upon hearing this, comments in the live broadcast room kept flying:


This guy can get a girl in three days, why can't I?

Where did I lose?"

"Fuck, I met such a guy in high school.

I asked him to meet a female netizen for me, but he told me that the other person was a dinosaur.

I quickly deleted the contact information, and finally found out that they were together. Damn it!"

"@小三专业劝退师, why didn't you tell me about your glorious history in the previous live broadcast?


"@小三专业劝退师, Master, please teach me the secret so that I can end my 40-year single life."

... 小三专业劝退师 ignored the content of the comments, and seeing that Wang Yue was about to continue, he quickly stopped him and said:

"Master, no more, no more.

If I continue, my dark history will be exposed."

Seeing that Wang Yue did not continue, he patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. Wang Yue had a smile on his face.

"Don't you need to say more?"

The mistress's professional dissuasion teacher shook his head repeatedly, indicating that it was not necessary.

"Well, now tell me your question?"