Chapter 15 Live broadcast again, popular live broadcast room

Liu Beibei did not feel the pain of being hit, so she slowly opened her eyes.

She found that the crystal lamp was shattered and scattered around her, but she was not hurt, but there was a burning sensation in her chest.

Looking down, she saw that the Monkey King pendant was heating up, and then it broke directly and fell to the ground!

She was stunned and murmured:

"Is this the appearance of the Fighting Buddha?"

Boss Ma was also dumbfounded, looking at Liu Beibei who was unharmed with an unbelievable look.

What's going on?

She was clearly hit head-on, how could she be fine?

This is unscientific!!!

"Beibei, what's going on?"

"Boss Ma, I think it must be my amulet that saved me.

I thought I was dead just now.

At the critical moment, my chest was hot, and I felt the Monkey King was hot, and then it broke, and I was not hurt at all!"

Boss Ma was so shocked that he lost two golden front teeth.

He recalled the masters he knew, none of them had this ability.

This is no longer a master, this is simply a god!

Liu Beibei can know this kind of god, and he also appreciates and gives him a talisman.

It seems that they have a special relationship!

I can get to know this kind of god through Liu Beibei, and buy an amulet.

This is simply an extra life!

Boss Ma quickly sorted out the power relationship in his mind, and then looked at Liu Beibei and said carefully:

"Beibei, look, can you introduce this god to me?

Don't worry, you won't be short of tea money.

How about 100,000?"

Liu Beibei was also stunned when he heard what Boss Ma said.

Is Lao Wang so powerful?

100,000 for an introduction?

Then he quickly took out his mobile phone and directly transferred 49,400, with a note: Lao Wang, this is the remaining fee of the Great Sage, I'll buy it!

Fortunately, I have your Great Sage tonight, otherwise someone would have died!

I'll go back and thank you Liu Beibei was a little disappointed when she didn't get a reply, and then she turned to Boss Ma and said, "Boss Ma, the master is probably asleep, how about we go another time?"

"Of course, of course, we can't disturb the gods to rest, I'm not in a hurry, I'll go when the gods are free!"

Seeing Boss Ma put himself in such a low profile, Liu Beibei was even more shocked, because the boss in front of him had assets of more than 1 billion!!!

What Liu Beibei and Boss Ma didn't see was that in the dark corner outside the doorA black shadow flashed by!

"Damn it, who ruined my good thing?

No matter who you are, I must kill you!"

... Wang Yue finished his practice at noon the next day.

After a whole night of practice, he did not have the refreshing feeling of spiritual energy filling his body like last night.

I don't know if it's because there is too little spiritual energy in this era, or because his own realm has reached the late stage of Qi training, the feeling of improvement is not obvious!

This feeling can only be said to be tasteless and a pity to throw away!

"It seems that I still have to collect more merits and then exchange them in the mall!"

He remembered that spiritual energy filling can also be exchanged in the mall, and there are all kinds of elixirs, such as reborn pills, Huanglong pills, Xuanyuan pills...

Everything is available, as long as the merit points are enough, you can exchange them at will, and those thick pills, golden rooster pills, and God is crazy...

These can also be sold directly, the price is right, and they are shipped directly to your home!

He habitually picked up his phone to see if anyone was looking for him.

He then saw Liu Beibei's transfer.

He casually replied, "Received!"

Then he saw the landlord sent another message early in the morning:

"Xiao Yueyue, what do you think?"

"When are you going to move to the villa? Auntie will call a car to pick you up!"

"Are you still not up yet?"

Wang Yue felt goose bumps all over his body.

How did you know it was Xiao Yueyue, not Da Yueyue?

But he still transferred half a year's rent as soon as possible, and then transferred another 1,000 yuan!

"Aunt Cai, thank you for your grace during this period.

The rent has been transferred.

The other 1,000 yuan is for Auntie to have morning tea!"

"Auntie, don't think about me.

If it doesn't work, I'll introduce you to a few readers who are more beautiful than me.

Let's see who doesn't want to work hard!"

The other party quickly replied:

"Xiao Yue, where did you get the money? Did you hook up with other rich women?" After replying an emoticon, he stopped replying.

Then he got up to brush his teeth and wash his face.

He took a shower and admired his upgraded body!

After taking a shower, he lay comfortably on the bed, ordered takeout, and then opened Douyin again!

The tickets from last night have not been cashed out yet.


What's going on?"

After a night of fermentation, Wang Yue saw that his fans have approached three million, and currently have 2.5 million fans! This is really shocking until you see it!

This fan growth rate is killing a large number of Internet celebrities in seconds!

Then I randomly watched a dozen videos, all of which were his live broadcast screen recordings last night.

The most likes exceeded 3 million, and the least had tens of thousands!

Can this be played like this? ? ?

And his private messages were even more explosive! ! ! !

The list is so endless, all unread, and 90% of netizens are asking when the live broadcast will start!

And the gift income, minus the platform's commission, is actually more than 30,000. "It seems that there were quite a few fans last night.

What a group of little cuties!"

"However, this individual ticket is fine, the platform even dares to take a commission from my hanging money.

It's a cause and effect, and I have to pay it back sooner or later, hehe!"

After cashing out the income, Wang Yue started broadcasting again.

In an instant, tens of thousands of people poured in, and soon it showed 100,000+. Wang Yue looked at the background data, and it was already 500,000, and it was still pouring in!

Many of them saw the screen recordings on the Internet and searched here specifically to see if Wang Yue is so amazing!

"Here he comes, a godlike man has appeared!"

"Master, are there any bras to see today?" "Master, what level of beauty did you set today?

Why do I feel that you have become more handsome?

I want to give birth to a baby for you!"

"Is this the master who single-handedly made netizens all over the country refund their tickets and cancel the trip to the Land of Transvestite?

It seems that there is nothing special about him except that he is handsome!"

... At this moment, several rocket special effects rose in the live broadcast room!

Dancing lover Da Nai Miao rewarded rockets, and the barrage floated by:

"Thank you Master for saving my life!"

Li Xiaoyao rewarded rockets, Su Erye rewarded rockets...

"I am a friend who walks with the wind, thank you Master for saving my life!"

"Thank you Master for saving my life!"

... Fans who watched the live broadcast last night also rewarded with little hearts, flowers, lollipops, sunglasses, sports cars... "Thank you Master for live broadcasting again!"

"Thank you Master for live broadcasting again!"

The comments were all fast and furious!

The newcomers were stunned, and felt that they would be out of place if they didn't keep up with the team, so they joined the comments!

Wang Yue looked at the master who was broadcasting live again with a smile:

"Don't be so polite, I just happened to tell a fortune, and you just happened to believe it," "Okay, now let's welcome the new people, as usual, one Huazi can tell one fortune!"