Chapter 22: A Bizarre Experience of Seeking a Child

Seeing the content of the barrage, the bachelor's face turned green, thinking: "Don't you have any face, big boss?"

"I don't want face to say that I can't do it in front of more than one million people, but my wife still needs face!"

Fortunately, he didn't show his face at this time, otherwise the fans would have to double their screen speed!

Wang Yue also laughed, but he didn't say anything, and said lightly:

"You put your...

your friend's palm towards the camera, and I will calculate what the problem is!"

The bachelor saw that Wang Yue didn't ask who his friend was like the fans, and he was relieved:

This master is capable.

Although he doesn't look young, he is very smooth in dealing with things and won't embarrass people in front of him.

To put on a full show, the bachelor immediately turned the camera in a different direction and stretched out his left hand from the side.

There was a lot of joy on the barrage:

"Hey~ Boss, your friend wears the same watch as you, both are Patek Philippe watches.

They look like twins of yours, exactly the same!



I was careless and didn't take it off first..." "Hahaha..."

... Wang Yue used his skills to see the fate of the bachelor's life clearly.

After knowing what the problem was, he shook his head with a bit of a smile!

Seeing Wang Yue shaking his head, the bachelor sighed and said:

"Master, if you can't see the problem, I will cut off the microphone."

"When did I say I couldn't see the problem?" Wang Yue was made to laugh by the bachelor, who actually looked down on him.

"My destined lover, you have tried many methods in the past two years!"

"I heard that the woman should stand upside down afterwards to facilitate swimming inside, but you hung her upside down, and then you fell asleep directly.

No matter how much you shouted, she couldn't be woken up.

You kept her hanging for a whole night, and your wife almost had a cerebral hemorrhage!"

"In addition, the fortune teller asked you to buy sanitary napkins for pregnant women who were three months pregnant, but you actually spent a high price to buy a box of sanitary napkins that the person had used before, which made your wife vomit directly.

You were so excited that you thought it was morning sickness!"

"And you took all kinds of tonics according to various folk remedies, but the child was not conceived, but your belly is getting bigger and bigger..."

"Haha, there really is no method you haven't tried.

I have to say you are really talented!

"Hearing the speed at which the netizens in the live broadcast room refreshed the screen, it was only 100 times faster than the speed at which you guys comment now: "Hahaha, I can't take it anymore.

My mom saw me lying on the ground laughing and she directly called 120!"

"Master, that fortune teller couldn't be you, right?


"@钻王老五, Boss, believe me, this kind of thing requires a time.

It must be delivered exactly at 12 noon every day.

Not a second more or less will do.

I have given birth to five children using this method, dog head."

"Hahaha, it must be the wrong posture.

I have the 1008 posture, which is sold at a discount.

Boss, transfer 2 yuan and I'll send it to you!" "What you said is not right.

It must be related to the environment.

You have to go to the mountains.

As the saying goes:

where there are mountains, there are spirits…"

"The person above is wrong.

It should be in the water.

No matter how deep the water is, as long as there is a dragon, it will roar…"

... The netizens directly contributed 9999+ methods and remedies.

Wang Yue couldn't help but sigh again at the strength of this group of fans.

He thought that the bachelor had tried all kinds of methods, but he didn't expect that this was just the tip of the iceberg!

Outside the camera, the bachelor looked at the content of the barrage and was quite tempted by some methods!

He was happy and secretly took a screenshot, ready to find an opportunity to try!

After taking this screenshot, he said to Wang Yue:

"Master, it seems that you already know who I am!"

"And there are colleagues who spread my deeds in your circle."

"Humph, we all signed a confidentiality agreement before.

You are so unprofessional and dare to tell others.

Don't let me know who he is, otherwise I will sue him and make him bankrupt!"

Although I can't see the expression of the bachelor, I can hear from her tone that he is very angry at this time.

If it is really found that someone leaked his deeds, we can only mourn for that person for three seconds.

The netizens, on the other hand, just wanted to watch the fun:

"Master, it's time to make money.

Sell this colleague who told you the news, and you will definitely get a good price.

This is called killing two birds with one stone.

Not only will you make money, but you will also hit your colleague.

There will be one less person competing with you for your job.



I'm trembling with fear.

Stop talking.

I'm going to run away on the train."


Wife, hurry up and give me 10 boxes of your sanitary napkins.

I'm going to apologize…


What if you don't have enough blood?

Let me drain it. It's okay.

I'll take you for a blood transfusion after you drain it all.

I'll let you drain it while I'm transfusing. Hurry, hurry…"

"Boss, I have a method that guarantees you'll give birth to a child.

If you can't give birth, I'll give birth for you.

@钻王老五 can you please let me go?



... Facing Diamond Bachelor's statement, Wang Yue was not angry.

"Do you think someone leaked your privacy, and I just happened to know it?"

"What else?"

Wang Yue smiled slightly, "In that case, let me tell you something that others don't know!"

As soon as this was said, the viewers in the live broadcast room advised:

"@Diamond Bachelor, listen to my advice, you can't listen to it.

Based on my understanding of the master, if you listen to him, the master can count the hairs in your pants clearly."

"Boss, it's not too late to run now.

If you're late, you can't escape even if you take a rocket."

"The master always builds our happiness on you. I don't think this time is surprising.

If you are not afraid, just keep listening. "

... Faced with the persuasion of the barrage, the diamond bachelor was dismissive.

He had also rewarded many female anchors, and there was no broadcast room without a few shills.

In addition to giving gifts, these shills would also provoke other big brothers to give gifts.

It's all routine, and they are all in the same group.

At this time, Wang Yue's voice continued to sound.

"A week ago, you met a female college student.

The other party was top-notch in terms of appearance and academic qualifications, so you came up with the idea of ​​​​borrowing a child.

You offered 10 million and signed a surrogacy agreement with the other party.

You paid 5 million first and another 5 million after the child was born.

You just convinced your wife today, and you are going to the hospital to retrieve eggs tomorrow. "

"Also, a month ago, your friend told you that Hu GeYou thought that you could increase the chance of pregnancy, so you spent a lot of money on the black market to buy 10 Siberian tiger penises, all fresh.

But after eating them, you had a nosebleed and nothing else happened.

" Outside the camera, the bachelor's face changed.

He did not tell anyone else about these two things, and only his family members knew about them.

Especially the tiger penis matter, even his wife didn't know about it.

This is a national protected animal, and eating this thing will get you in jail.

Thinking of this, his hands couldn't help but tremble slightly.