Chapter 23: In fact, your wife has been taking birth control pills

Seeing that Wang Yue was about to continue, the bachelor hurriedly interrupted him.

"Master, no...

no need to say more!"

You can hear a slight tremor in his voice.

The careful netizens naturally noticed this situation, "Based on my experience of seeing countless people, this is 99% true."

"Only 99%?

This 10,000% is true.

If it's not, let my brother be single for 30 years!"

"Fuck, upstairs, I don't have a brother like you. Get out..."

"Master is awesome~

I haven't pooped for 7 days, and I won't take laxatives, but you will."

"@Diamond King Old Five, uncle told you not to listen, but you didn't believe it.

Now it's good, this will start at least 10 years..."

"Boss, use money to shut my mouth.

If you don't have 1 million, I'm afraid I'll call the police uncle for fear of leaking something."

"Fuck, you're such a big mouth..."

"Boss, don't worry, I will take good care of your sister-in-law for you.

I promise that when you come out, the children will call you daddy."

... The bachelor was very angry at the words of the bitch in the barrage.

He said angrily:

"That ID:

Poor and humble cannot be moved, I will remember you, wait for the lawyer's letter."

"Woo woo woo, big brother, I was wrong, I'm mean, I slapped my mouth, you just treat me like a fart."

Poor and humble cannot be moved and got a lawyer's letter, which made other fans sigh and feel lucky that they didn't make fun of someone's wife.

Then the diamond bachelor no longer paid attention to this kind of small character, but immediately sent a private message to Wang Yue:

"Master, can you say in the live broadcast room that it was all a joke just now, I am willing to pay one million to be your friend."

Although this matter did not leave any evidence, if it is found out, then he will really go in and step on the sewing machine. Maybe he will have to pick up soap...

Thinking of this terrible result, he still likes to solve it with money.

Seeing the content of the private message, Wang Yue smiled, thinking:

Do rich people like to use money so much?

The key is that only 1 million can't knock people unconscious.

Then he said to the live studio:

"Don't worry, do you think the tiger leather you bought is real?"

The bachelor was stunned for a moment:

"Master, what do you mean?


"Of course, this is a national protected animal.

How can there be so many that are really hunted?

This is all artificially fake.

They crush the leather of pigs, horses, cows and sheep, re-synthesize it, and then sell it to you."

"You still think you've got a great bargain!" The bachelor immediately flew into a rage.

With a bang, he slapped the table and cursed:

"Swindlers, unscrupulous profiteers, I was wondering why it was useless and smelled like plastic.

It turns out it's fake."

"I'm going to sue them.

I'm going to make them bankrupt."

The water friends in the live broadcast room wiped away their tears of laughter and posted:

"Hahahaha, I'm laughing to death.

No wonder I have a nosebleed.

So many animals are mixed together.

It's too much!"

"It's all technology and hard work..."

"Fuck, everything can be faked these days. What else is real?"

"The person above, poverty is real..."

"Fuck, I'm speechless..."

... Wang Yue was speechless when he heard it.

You dare to sue them for this?

It's good enough that they don't report you back!

"You should be thankful that it's fake, otherwise it will take at least 20 years, and by the time you come out, your wife's children will have gone to college."

The bachelor woke up instantly.

He secretly wiped off a cold sweat.

He knew that what Wang Yue said was true. After all, money is not everything.

It involves the law, and he has to go to jail. "Master, you are really capable, a master, I surrender!"

"I apologize for not recognizing the great man just now."

After that, the live broadcast room began to rain Huazi again.

The bachelor rewarded Huazi X100.

The fans had to sigh that it was great to have money!

Then he also rewarded a little heart.

In the words of the fans, if you reward, I will reward too.

We can't lose in momentum!

At this time, the bachelor admired Wang Yue very much.

After the reward, he asked with a little sadness:

"Master, why has my wife been unable to get pregnant in the past five years?

What is the reason?"

"Am I really destined to be childless for the rest of my life?"

"Is there no one to inherit these billions of assets?"

Some fans in the live broadcast room shouted after hearing this:"

Dad, I'm late, the child is not smiling!"

"Dad, don't be sad, I'll spend it for you!" "Dad, actually you even have grandchildren, your eldest grandson just graduated from college!"

... The barrage was directly misleading, all of them recognized the father!

At this time, Wang Yue said something shocking:

"In fact, the reason is very simple, your wife has been taking birth control pills for so many years."

The water friends in the live broadcast room were not calm at first:



It's strange that she can give birth after taking birth control pills."

"So it's just the boss who has been working hard for so many years, and his wife took birth control pills afterwards?"

"Actually, it's understandable.

We girls are actually more afraid of giving birth.

One is pain, the other is that it affects the body shape, and after the child is born, there will be less world for two people!"

"Boss, if it really doesn't work, let's change one.

My sister is just 18, with big breasts and big buttocks, she is definitely a good hand at giving birth!

You can have 10 or 8 children!"

... After hearing this, the diamond bachelor's first reaction was that it was impossible.

But seeing the fear of pain and fear of body deformation mentioned in the barrage, he had a little doubt again.

"Master, are you saying that my wife has been taking birth control pills behind my back because she is afraid of pain and body deformation?"

"She is always cooperating with me, is that all fake?

She is also fake about wanting a child?" "But that's not right.

We also went for IVF last year.

She was in so much pain during the process.

If it's fake, then her acting is too good."

The bachelor became more and more sad. He was in his 40s and almost cried.

Wang Yue said lightly:

"She wants a child and wants to give you a complete family.

This is all true."

"But it's also true that she has been taking birth control pills!"

Wang Yue's words confused the bachelor. The water friends in the live broadcast room were also confused.

"What's the situation???"

"Did she regret it afterwards and strangle the tadpoles again?"

"I guess it's a two-faced person.

There is a person with another personality in the body.

After the kind person enjoys it, the other person comes out to strangle the crystal!"

"I think so.

The boss's wife must like to eat chicken!

I saw a news report before.

Some people feed chickens to chickens.

Contraceptive pills, and the boss's wife ate chicken with contraceptive pills, which is equivalent to taking contraceptive pills. " "Fuck!!!

You guys upstairs are all talented, you are the backup for the criminal investigation team."

... Diamond Bachelor was eager to know what was going on.

He asked anxiously:

"Master, what is going on?"