Chapter 28 The Relationship between Wang Yue and Dou Yin

The viewers in the live broadcast room were stunned.

Although the green-haired young man was a little arrogant and deserved a beating at the beginning, it sounded quite true.

At this time, some people began to doubt whether Wang Yue was really just a pawn launched by the official as the green-haired young man said.

After all, the official has the ability to do so!

And the ability shown by Wang Yue is too magical!

"Fuck, I said it's impossible to know a person's past and future with just one look. This is too scary.

It turns out it's all a script."

"Although it's a script, I have to say it's quite innovative and interesting.

It doesn't stop me from enjoying it."

"This master is fake, so he has no ability.

So is Green Hair going to the real master now?

Why am I a little looking forward to it...?" "Master, run away.

Who told you to be so arrogant?

I'm going to hit you along the Internet cable, but now you're really going!"

... Some people also believe in Wang Yue and support him in the barrage:

"Master, just based on your handsomeness, I believe in you unconditionally..."

"I can only say that people nowadays are too young.

Back then, my uncle was alone in the ancestral hall keeping vigil, and my grandfather's soul really appeared.

Can science explain this?

Don't think that others can't do it just because you can't do it yourself!"

"Green Hair, you idiot.

Old Wang sold me a Fighting Buddha last night and saved my life at the critical moment.

If this was fake, I'd be drinking Meng Po soup now."

Liu Beibei just woke up and was browsing Douyin when she suddenly found Wang Yue live streaming, so she came in to take a look.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came in, he saw someone bashing him.

This is too much, he is his lifesaver, he must support him.

In addition to criticizing the green-haired young man in the barrage, he also sent a WeChat message to Wang Yue, saying that he would always believe in him.

At the same time, the boss of Douyin who was far away in Beijing received a call:

"Mr. Zhang, your company is really full of talents, and the newly launched live fortune-telling is interesting."

"I almost thought it was true, and asked the people below to prepare to grab the quota tomorrow."

"I didn't expect to be exposed, hehe..."

Lao Zhang was confused.

What's going on?

What interesting newcomers have been launched recently?

Can it attract the attention of Mr.


It seems that I have to find out later.


Ma, you are too kind.

They are just doing a small trick.

They need to learn more from the penguins!" After the two exchanged polite words, Lao Zhang said:

"Mr. Ma, when are you free?

Let's go fishing together."

"Mr. Zhang is too modest.

I am on vacation abroad recently.

I will go fishing with you when I return." "Okay.

Mr. Ma, I will contact you when I come back."

After hanging up the phone, Lao Zhang immediately asked the people below to understand the situation.

For a while, the people in Douyin's operation department were busy, and they hurried to check what was going on with this live fortune-telling.

... Seeing that most of the comments believed him, the green-haired young man felt that he was a genius.

He looked at Wang Yue with pride and said with a smile:

"Master Wang, do you think you have anything to do with Douyin?"

"Was everything before a hype by the official and you?"

Wang Yue thought for a moment, with a sneer on his face:

"Well, indeed, I have something to do with Douyin."

As soon as he said this, the fans in the live broadcast room went crazy:

"Fuck, the master actually admitted it himself.

Can't he continue to act?

No, I haven't seen enough of such an interesting live broadcast!"

"The truth is out, it's over..."

"I said, where can there be such a god?

If there is, I will eat ten pounds of shit."

"You have bad teeth upstairs, you need to eat soft food."

"Fuck, get out..."

"Hahahaha (ಡωಡ)hiahiahia"

... The green-haired young man was even more excited when he heard Wang Yue admit it, and laughed.

No one on the entire platform could see that Wang Yue was a script, only he, who exposed the other party as soon as he came out.

He could already imagine that he was going to be very famous...

He pointed at Wang Yue and said excitedly: "Just admit that you are hyping it up.

Since you have been acting out a script to deceive the majority of netizens before, I will represent justice and confront you offline."

Wang Yue showed a playful smile and said: "When did I admit that I was hyping it up?"

The green-haired young man was stunned and said loudly:

"Don't quibble, you just admitted that you have a relationship with Douyin officials."

Wang Yue spread his hands and said playfully:

"Yes, I'm a registered user of Douyin, of course there is a relationship!"

The green-haired young man was stunned for a moment:

"The relationship you are talking about is this registration relationship?"

"Otherwise, what other relationship can there be?"

After the netizens reacted, they laughed: "Fuck, fuck, haha, amazing, user relationship is also a relationship."

"So, I also have a relationship with Jay Chou, a fan relationship.


"I also have a relationship with Teacher Cang, a relationship of several hundred million..."

"I'm dying of laughter, a smile makes you ten years younger, I laughed too much today, I feel my age is negative."

"The person upstairs has a negative IQ, right?


... The green-haired young man was so angry that he kicked the table and said angrily:

"Wang Yue, are you fucking kidding me?"

Wang Yue looked innocent:

"You asked me if I had any relationship, and I told you the truth."

"Besides, you didn't ask me what the relationship was, you just laughed there." "Blame me!"

The green-haired young man almost vomited blood, and said viciously:

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, I have other ways to expose your true colors."

"Aren't you a fortune teller?"

"Can't you tell the past and the future with just one look?

Come on, show me my past and future too." Wang Yue frowned:


Seeing Wang Yue's look, the green-haired young man became proud again:

"Why, are you scared?

Are you afraid of being exposed by me?" "Then just honestly admit that what I said just now is right, and then I will go offline to test you and you can be gentler!"

Wang Yue shook his head:

"No, I'm afraid that after I finish the fortune telling, you will have the same exaggerated reaction as others and worship me endlessly.

Then how do you prove that you are not a shill I found?"

The netizens thought it made sense, and said:

"Yes, how do you prove that you are not a shill?

Maybe you are just a more skilled shill?"

"Please provide proof.

If you can't prove it, it will be automatically assumed that you are a shill!"

"Please prove yourself!"

"How do you prove that you are you?"

"We can issue all kinds of certificates, each for only 20 yuan, check it out!"

... Soon the barrage was led astray!

The green-haired young man was so angry that he laughed:

"I am so real to you, how can I be a shill?

Who would be so stupid as to find someone to beat him up?"

"Are you afraid that you can't figure it out, so you deliberately make excuses?"

Wang Yue looked at the green-haired young man and showed an intriguing smile:

"Okay, then I'll calculate it for you."