Chapter 31 The Ninth Life

The viewers in the live broadcast room were all confused:

"What is the nine-life cat fate?"

"It should be the literal meaning.

Isn't it said that cats have nine lives?

I guess it's the same reason.

Goudan also has nine lives."

"Fuck, Goudan is so lucky, he can do whatever he wants, since he won't die anyway."

"No wonder he was able to survive the disaster before, it turns out he has nine lives."

"I thought it was the protection brought by the name Goudan, it seems I don't need to change my name."

... Goudan was also confused after hearing this, and he was relieved when he saw the content of the barrage.

It seemed like it should be a good thing.

He was proud again in an instant. "

Hahaha, so I'm immortal?"

"Sure enough, I'm the chosen one, even the heaven can't take me away."

The younger brothers next to him also flattered him:

"You are worthy of being Brother Shi, others only have one life, but you have nine, awesome (broken voice ~), don't forget me when you become rich in the future."

"I said that Brother Shi's face is not simple, he is blessed!

Hug your thigh for me, I want to get some blessing..."

"Fuck, where the hell are you hugging?

You hit the bullet..."

"Mistake, mistake, try again..."

"Get lost..."


... Goudan was very excited at this time, and he didn't even take the bad omen that Wang Yue had just said seriously.

I have nine lives, I can't die, so why should I be afraid of the bad omen of eggs?

It would be better for him to take off his bra right away.


Seeing Goudan's boastful look, Wang Yue's voice was like a basin of cold water, waking him up:

"The chosen one?"

"Haha, when God opens a door for you, he will definitely close many windows for you."

"People with the Nine Lives Cat Fate seem to have a strong life, but in fact they are accompanied by bad luck.

Ordinary people will never encounter every death crisis of yours.

Only those who are extremely unlucky will encounter it."

"And when you are in danger for the ninth time, you will definitely die, and even the Golden Immortal can't save you."

"Do you know how many times you have been through this now?"

After Wang Yue finished speaking, the netizens in front of the screen took a breath of cold air.

"Fuck, I was envious of Goudan's good life just now, but now I don't envy him at all, damn, scary."

"It's true when you think about it this way.

A pigeon flying by can hit his throat with a piece of shit accurately.

This is really lucky."

"They all ate at a roadside stall, but everyone else was fine, but he got food poisoning.

This seems to be destined."

"The ninth time is definitely going to die? Does anyone know how many times this Goudan has been through this?"

"I want to know too..."

... The young men around Goudan instantly moved away from him.

Damn, it turned out that he was possessed by the God of Misfortune.

I don't know if bad luck is contagious.

It's better to stay away from him.

Otherwise, he will be lucky enough not to die, but we don't have nine lives to die.

A few people hid at the back and muttered: "Fuck, no wonder I lost all my pants when I went to play mahjong with him last time.

I must have been infected with bad luck!" "Your situation is still light.

I'm worse off.

I took him to Yitiaolong last week.

I'm a regular customer of that store and we've always been fine.

The last time I took him there, we encountered a police raid, was detained for five days, and fined 500.

Who can I complain to?"

"No wonder I almost choked to death when I smoked with him last time.

It's terrible.

This is definitely a bad luck leak."

"Stay away from him, you must stay away from him..."

... The voices of a few people were not loud, but everyone in the live broadcast room heard it.

All the netizens burst into laughter.

The barrage was filled with comments: "Run..."

"The bad luck god is waving at you, why don't you leave?"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid.

Let's hold hands and walk together on the road to the underworld!"

"I'm trembling.

I know this guy.

I just received him last week.

His bad luck leaked into my body.

Is there any hope for me?

Waiting online, it's urgent..."

Goudan's face was even more black, and he yelled:

"Fuck, shut up, all of you, you blame me for your poor card skills?

The other party has such an obvious card of single hanging chicken, and you took the initiative to send the chicken up, if not you who will lose?"

"And you, what a crappy place did you take me to, you dare to go next to the police station, and you said that the most dangerous place is the safest place, safety your uncle..."

"Besides, you idiot, you stole your grandfather's dry tobacco and also made a lot of explosives.

I was almost choked to death by you next to you.

Isn't it reasonable for you to be choked?" Goudan pointed at the people around him and scolded them one by one.

It was really infuriating.

These bastards, when they encounter problems, they push them onto me one by one.

Don't they think if there is any problem with themselves?

After scolding the people around him, he turned his head to look at Wang Yue, and smiled in seconds, but this smile was uglier than crying.

"Master, I don't know exactly how many times I've experienced this, I just know it seems like a lot of times."

"I know that Master can provide people with several options to avoid danger, please save me."

Goudan had seen Wang Yue tell fortunes before, so he asked for help immediately.

Anyway, he was still alive, so what was the point of knowing the number of times.

Wang Yue just shook his head gently at Goudan's request for help.

"You have saved eight lives before, and this is the ninth time.

Even if I tell you other options, it's just to let you choose different ways to die!"

"For example, if you go out now, you will encounter a car accident and be hit by a kid's bicycle.

When you fall to the ground, a stone will hit the back of your head and you will die on the spot!"

"Even if you know this and avoid it in advance, you will step on a loose manhole cover and fall into the sewer.

After climbing out, the stone flying by the lawn mower will pierce your brain and you will die on the spot!"

"Even if you hide at home, danger will automatically come to you and you can't avoid it!"

"And the ninth time is today, which means you won't survive today."

Hearing that Wang Yue couldn't save him, Goudan exposed his true nature and cursed angrily:

"What a bullshit master, it's all nonsense. I'm not going anywhere today.

I want to see what danger I can get into."

"Bullshit nine-life cat, my life is in my own hands, and even the sky can't take me.

You think you can scare me with just two or three words?"

"Just wait for me.

If I survive today, I will be the first to kill you." After the scolding, he felt much better and his fear was reduced.

He made up his mind not to go anywhere today, not to order takeout, and not to drink hot water!

Then he turned off the microphone.

Just a second before the disconnection, more than one million viewers in the live broadcast room saw Goudan being shot in the head.

The screen was splashed with blood, and there were screams from several younger brothers in the back.

For a while, the barrage exploded:

"Fuck, what happened just now, is Goudan dead?"

"I only saw that it seemed like his head exploded, and then the microphone was disconnected."

"I have a screen recording, and I just watched it.

It was indeed shot in the head, really dead..." "Fuck, I was just watching a live broadcast, but I was scared to pee..."

"What's the big deal about you peeing?

I was so scared that I shit, and my hands were shaking so much that my mom thought I was watching a porn movie..."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, he can die even if he hides at home?

This can't be a killer sent by a master?"