Chapter 30: Nine-Life Cat Fate

Wang Yue continued:

"Next, I will tell you something that you remember."

"When you were 7 years old, you climbed a tree to take out a bird's nest.

Instead of touching the bird eggs, you were bitten by a snake inside and fell from the tree.

In the end, you were lucky enough to only break a few bones and were rescued."

"When you were 10 years old, you went to a roadside stall with your classmates.

Everyone else was fine, but you got food poisoning.

The merchant was so scared that he knelt down on the spot and begged you not to commit fraud.

Fortunately, you were sent to the doctor in time and rescued.

The boss also decisively changed his career and dared not set up a roadside stall again."

"When you were in junior high school, because your school was in another township, you had to go to school in another town and were often bullied.

Influenced by the Hong Kong Young and Dangerous movies, you decided to get a tattoo, thinking that a tattoo would make you a gangster and others would not dare to bully you.

But you were too young, and the store owner refused to give you a tattoo, so you went to your father.

Your father couldn't bear to see you with a bruised face all day, so he agreed to take you to get a tattoo on your back.

The next day when you went to school, you met the bully again.

You decisively took off your shirt and revealed the tattoo on your back.

Unexpectedly, after seeing this, the other party laughed so hard that he couldn't breathe, because your dad tattooed you:

Big brother, don't hit me in the face.

In the end, the other party was very considerate and really didn't hit you in the face, but accidentally kicked your face and made you foam at the mouth...

But in the end, you saved your life. "

... Hearing this, the viewers in the live broadcast room were already laughing so hard:

"Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter, God damn:

Big brother, don't hit me in the face..."

"Do you think it's lucky or unfortunate to have a father like this...


"Street stall owner:

I'm scared, I just set up a stall, it's not easy for me..."


Since you are so comfortable modeling, I will kiss you..."

"I don't know if you have noticed, does the name Goudan really have a different magic? How many times has he survived?"

"Fuck! ! !

It really is...

I want to change my name, I also want to be called Goudan."

... At this time, the young men behind Goudan couldn't straighten their waists with laughter.

They didn't expect Green Hair to have such an experience.

Goudan's face had changed drastically at this time.

He did remember these things.

He looked at Wang Yue in disbelief and said, "Did you calculate all this?"


Goudan breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right.

How could someone calculate so much by looking at a face?

It seems that he still underestimated the power of the official.

Then he heard Wang Yue say:

"This is from your face.

Time exists on everyone's face."

The fans were amused by Wang Yue's operation:


This kind of thing can be done by just looking at it.

Do you still need to count with your fingers?"

"Sorry, I never count, I just look..."

"If I have to use my fingers for everyone, will my fingers be busy enough?


"Just ask if you are convinced, no?

I can tell you the color of your underwear..."

... Now more fans have believed in Wang Yue's ability.

Of course, there are still some people who are skeptical.

After all, this ability is too fantastic.

Goudan felt that he was fooled.

He was obviously very angry and wanted to beat Wang Yue up, but looking at Wang Yue's half-smile, he was panicking.

He had made up his mind not to provoke Wang Yue again.

He was afraid, but he had already said the harsh words before.

If he admitted his weakness, how would others see him!

How can he get out of this situation?

After thinking for a while, he soon came up with an idea, and then he said harshly: "Hmph, I suddenly remembered that I have to go and find a fake beggar today.

You are lucky to have escaped.

I will deal with you when I have time."

"Okay, I'm leaving now.

I won't waste time with you!"

The yellow-haired man behind him walked over and said in confusion:

"Brother Shi, isn't the fake beggar going tomorrow?"

"We plan to find this fake master today because he is closer and it only takes 40 minutes to get there.

Have you forgotten?"

Goudan's face turned black.

Damn it, I finally thought of a reason, and you exposed it on the spot!

At this time, he wanted to beat the yellow-haired man to death!

But he could only say coldly:

"You remembered it wrong, we agreed to do it today!"

After that, he glared at the yellow-haired man fiercely, hoping that he could understand what he meant!

The yellow-haired man said with certainty:

"I remembered it right.

If not, ask them!"

After that, he pointed at the people behind him, and they all nodded, indicating that it was indeed tomorrow!

Goudan was so angry that he kicked Huangmao and cursed:"

Damn it, I told you not to black out last night, but you refused to listen and even remembered the date wrong.

I said it was today and the fake beggar is quite far away, so let's set off now or it will be too late!"

The yellow-haired guy was stunned and held his stomach, feeling very confused.

Did I really remember it wrong?

Oh, drinking fake wine has ruined things.

I can't drink it anymore!

Wang Yue just watched his performance quietly, which was quite funny!

Goudan was about to disconnect the microphone and leave after he finished cursing.

He had no other choice.

Facing Wang Yue, he felt too much psychological pressure.

It felt like he was standing naked in front of him without any secrets!

If Wang Yue revealed some of the things he had done, it would be the end of him!

Just before Goudan was about to hang up, Wang Yue's voice came:

"If I were you, I would definitely not hang up like this!"

"Because you carry a bad omen!"

People who are familiar with Wang Yue are now excited, "Here it comes, it starts again, do you think the name Goudan can save him?


"I don't know if the name Goudan can save him, but the master can definitely, hahaha!"

"You forgot, he has changed his name, and the Goudan amulet is no longer there, hehehe…"

"This guy wanted to run just now, but it's too late!"

"Hahaha, are you surprised?

Are you still pretending?"

... Goudan was sweating profusely at this time.

He had also watched Wang Yue's live broadcast, so of course he knew what this sentence meant!

He would definitely be in danger soon!

He swallowed and spoke with difficulty:


Master, what did you mean just now?"

Wang Yue smiled faintly and said lightly: "Have you never thought about it for so many years, why have you survived so many situations where you were sure to die?"

"You don't really think that the name Goudan is protecting you?"

Goudan didn't think so much, he only knew that he was not strong in any way, but had a strong life!

Sometimes he even felt that he was the chosen one and could not die no matter what.

If this were put in a novel, he would definitely be the protagonist!

Listening to what Wang Yue said at this time, he was still confused.

Is there any special explanation?

"Master, I only know that I have a strong life since I was a child, and I have survived several disasters, but I don't know what the mystery is.

Please explain it!"

Seeing the change in Goudan's attitude, Wang Yue just smiled faintly:

"You are right to say that you have a strong life!"

"Your situation is very rare.

It belongs to a kind of fate called:

Nine-life cat!"