Chapter 47: Crazy scramble for spots, pissed off Xiao Ma Ge

After figuring out the whole story, Wang Yue smiled and shook his head.

"If there is a level for being rewarded, what level should this be?"

"At the same time, 100,000 people were online rewarding Huazi, earning 300,000,000 per second.

Who else is there in Douyin?"

"Haha, what a group of crazy and loving people."

In order to avoid being upset again, he could only go to the settings page and turn off the reward function.

Then he restarted the live broadcast.

As soon as netizens entered the live broadcast room, they found that they could not give rewards, and they focused their firepower on the barrage:

"No way, why can't I give rewards?

Is there a bug again?

Official, come out and take the beating, @douyinlive."

"Master, are you not telling fortunes?

If you don't turn on the reward function, how can we grab a spot?"

"Master, I just gave a reward to Huazi first, can I get a spot?"

"Master, please turn on the reward function. I want to work with you on a project worth hundreds of millions.

This will allow me to brag for three generations."

"Upstairs, I remember you.

Last time in the live broadcast room of Dancing Da Nai Miao, you said you wanted to reward the airplane, but I didn't see you do it in the end!"

... At this moment, the popularity of the live broadcast room was rising rapidly, and people kept pouring into the room.

Wang Yue looked at the flying comments and said with a smile:

"All of you destined people, you all got up very early!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the content of the comments became unified:

"I didn't sleep at all, just to grab a spot."

"I didn't sleep at all, just to grab a spot +1"... "I didn't sleep at all, just to grab a spot +52013"...

Wang Yue shook his head slightly and said with a smile:

"Staying up late is harmful to your health, everyone should pay more attention to their health."

"As for the Huazi that everyone just rewarded, I will talk to the official and return it to everyone.

We will try another way to draw the destined people in the future."

At this time, a message from an official account appeared in the commentary:

"The official will definitely cooperate with the master to return all the money to everyone." Good guy, the official got out at the first time. Did the official stay up all night like us? Wang Yue naturally saw this message and smiled slightly.

"Then thank the official."

Then he continued:

"In the future, we will decide the destined person every day by grabbing red envelopes, and whoever grabs it will show it to the other party."

After hearing this, the netizens were eager to try it out!

"Hahaha, my hand speed that has been single for 30 years is finally useful.

If you can grab it better than me, I will live broadcast a five-speed fan..."

"Fuck, I just came here to eat melons, but after hearing what you said, I must grab one and watch your live performance!"

"People give me the nickname of e-sports Beethoven, I have to reserve one anyway!"

... Wang Yue smiled slightly:

"Okay, now we are ready to grab red envelopes, and the quota is also three."

As soon as the red envelope came out, it was instantly snapped up.

The person who grabbed it screamed: "Ah~~~~

I grabbed it."

The person who didn't grab it also screamed:


Why, I didn't grab it again..."

The person who grabbed it replied happily: "Because I use a Huawei mobile phone, hahahaha!"

There were wails on the barrage, and someone @ the buddy who wanted to talk about the five-speed fan!

Then the wind direction changed, and the barrage directly turned into a quota bidding: "Who is willing to give up the quota, I will give one million."

"I'll give two million, plus a Mercedes-Benz." "I'll give ten million, plus work at Penguin headquarters, and any position below the manager level."

"Fuck, which mental hospital did the person upstairs run out of?

He forgot to take medicine, and he can choose any position below the manager level.

Who do you think you are, Brother Xiao Ma?"

"That's right, give me ten million, don't just drink, have some cephalexin!"

Brother Xiao Ma looked at the content of the barrage, and was so angry that he slapped the female secretary's butt and the table next to him!

Then I saw someone who got the quota said:

"I just lost my job recently, and I wanted to ask the master where my fortune is.

The friend who offered ten million and a job, are you serious?

If so, I'll give you my quota."

"Send me your mobile phone number in a private message, and the HR and Finance departments will contact you to make a connection."

... Oh my god, this is not a script, right? ? ? Brother Xiao Ma is probably still playing chess with Zhou Gong in bed at this point, how canHow could it be possible to appear here!

Earning 10 million for one quota and having a stable job, it is so enviable...

Others are jealous, blaming themselves for not being able to grab the quota because of their Apple phones, and immediately switching to Huawei!

Wang Yue looked at the content on the barrage and smiled slightly.

"Online quotas do not support transfers for the time being, after all, grabbing them is fate!"

"If anyone gives up voluntarily, we will continue to grab the red envelopes.

" After Wang Yue finished speaking, he suddenly thought with a bit of evil taste in his heart:

I wonder if this Xiao Ma Ge will be mad to death?

The barrage was full of support, fair and just. When Xiao Ma Ge in the hotel heard what Wang Yue said, he smashed his phone on the ground, and said to the secretary 5 seconds later:

"Book me the nearest flight back home.

If you can't transfer online, then spend money offline!"

... Wang Yue continued:

"Okay, now let's welcome the first destined person,

ID: Cupid's Arrow"

The microphone connection was passed.

A handsome face appeared on the screen, with clear facial features, a pair of bright and smart eyes, and a bright smile at the corners of his mouth.

His skin is white and smooth, which makes girls jealous!

As soon as he appeared, he said excitedly: "Master, I am your crazy fan, I have watched all your live broadcasts!"

"I feel like I have used up all my good luck in my life to get this spot!"

"You are simply a god-like existence.

I really admire you.

Can you sign an autograph for me?

Oh, wait a minute, I'll record the screen first!" Cupid's Arrow was so excited that he kept talking!

Friends in the live broadcast room left messages in the barrage:

"Fuck, this guy not only looks like a pretty boy, but also seems to be a chatterbox.

He's like a machine gun and can't be stopped at all!"

"Kid, it looks like you're still in school, right? Listen to my advice, if you have this money, you should buy more study materials, don't waste the master's place!"

"Little brother is so handsome, although not as handsome as the master, but not bad. Do you have a girlfriend?

Sister will take you to experience the feeling of love!"

"Sister upstairs, take me too, I want to experience love too..."

"Get lost, you look like Wu Dalang, and you dare to come out and scare people!"

... At this time, Wang Yue had already used a skill on the arrow of Cupid:

See it clearly!

The fate lines of each life are presented like watching a movie.

Then he looked at the arrow of Cupid with a little more sympathy!

"My destined person, what's your problem?"