Chapter 48 You have these symptoms because...

"My dear, what's your question?"

After hearing Wang Yue's words, Cupid's arrow came back to his senses.

Yes, I was so happy that I almost forgot about the business.

He grinned and was about to ask his question, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly stopped.

There was a hint of hesitation between his eyebrows.

Damn, the master has such a large number of traffic, and if I ask such a private question, wouldn't it be a big social death scene? Alas, it's all because I was too excited just now, and I didn't think I should have read my palm.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were immediately unhappy when they saw that he hadn't said anything for a long time:

"Do you want to count it or not?

If not, change someone else.

There are so many people waiting."

"Did you suddenly remember that you have no money?

If you don't have money, hurry up and move on.

Don't waste time."

"We are not here to see you in a daze.

Hurry up and tell us, or get off."

"You can grab a spot after dragging your feet.

Why can't you grab one?

What's the difference?"

... Wang Yue knew what Cupid's Arrow was worried about, so he didn't rush him. Instead, he said slowly:

"If you are not mentally prepared, you can connect to the microphone later."

"I'll show it to the next destined person first!" Cupid's Arrow quickly made a decision in his heart.

It's no big deal if it means social death.

He put on that bright smile again and said: "No need, Master.

This is not something shameful."

"I just don't know what's wrong with me recently.

At first, my daisy just hurt a little, and then it hurt more and more, and there was a little bleeding.

I went to the hospital for a check-up and they didn't find anything wrong.

There is no hemorrhoids, just a little crack, but I am not constipated, and my bowel movements are normal, once a day, and they are not dry or hard."

"But today even my stomach started to hurt, and I was woken up by the pain this morning!"

"I just want to ask the master, do I have a terminal illness?"

After the arrow of Cupid was finished, the netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

Can they come to consult about such a problem?

Then various diagnoses appeared in the barrage:

"Young man, based on my 40 years of experience as a doctor, This situation is very dangerous.

It may be a rectal polyp.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it is a malignant tumor of the rectum.

You can come to our hospital for a comprehensive examination.

"If it is not a problem with the rectum, it is very likely to be upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

It may be that the esophagus is scratched by a hard object, or it may be a gastric ulcer, or it may be an upper gastrointestinal tumor. " "Is it possible that the paper used to wipe the buttocks is not good, causing bacterial infection?

So, you should choose to use wet toilet paper.

I think the Baogang brand is very good.

It is not easy to break with a lot of water." "Fuck, buddy upstairs, are you sent by the manufacturer to advertise?"

"How can you say so weird?

Don't scare the children, okay?

Isn't this just an ordinary crack that causes bleeding?

Just apply some Gangtai ointment. I have experience with this."

... After seeing the content of the barrage, Cupid's arrow looked paler and paler.

This can't really be a terminal illness, right? Wang Yue shook his head and smiled:

"You are very healthy and don't have any terminal illness!

" Cupid's Arrow heaved a sigh of relief, as long as it's not a terminal illness!

Then he continued to ask:

"Master, what's wrong with me?

Although it's not a terminal illness, it's still very uncomfortable!"

Wang Yue sighed, "The reason why you have these symptoms can be attributed to two words:


Cupid's Arrow was puzzled, artificial?

What artificial?

I don't have it, and it's even more impossible for others.

He looked at Wang Yue in confusion and asked:

"Master, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Wang Yue said slowly:

"This is actually very easy to understand.

To put it simply, your roommate, because you have delicate skin and tender flesh, took you while you were asleep..."

Before Wang Yue finished speaking, Cupid's Arrow interrupted and said: "Impossible!"

"This is absolutely impossible!!!

" Cupid's Arrow felt that Wang Yue was getting more and more outrageous.

If something like this happened, how could I not know about it and not resist?

I had watched his live broadcast before and he seemed pretty awesome!

How could he be so outrageous now!

It was simply outrageous, it was outrageous to the extreme!

Is it really like what others say online, that those were all his shills who colluded to hype the situation?

At this time, the viewers in the live broadcast room were also shocked:

"Fuck, do kids nowadays play so wildly?" "As a person who has experienced it, I can tell you that all these symptoms match, but I don't have a stomachache.

Maybe he has a stomachache!"


You are awesome above," "But this kid is fair and clean, it is easy for people to think of him!"

"So education is very important.

Let's not talk about whether he can become a talent, but at least he has a positive outlook!"

... Wang Yue looked at the arrow of Cupid and said lightly:

"Are you so sure that it is impossible?"

The arrow of Cupid said without thinking: "Yes, Master, I think you are wrong this time. My roommates are very good and take good care of me!"

"For example, when I was not feeling well this time, it was my roommate who accompanied me to the hospital for a check-up.

As soon as he knew I had a stomachache, he immediately went to the pharmacy to buy me medicine and breakfast!"

"Not to mention that he can't do such a thing.

Even if he did, how could I not resist!"

"Even if I can't resist, I can report him afterwards instead of asking you about the cause of the disease!"

Seeing him so sure, the viewers were confused.

Could it be that the master really made a mistake this time?

Indeed, in this kind of situation, even the most soundly sleeping person will be awakened by the pain at the first moment! Could it be that the first person who caused the master to fall over has appeared!

Wang Yue smiled slightly, and did not comment on the words of Cupid's Arrow. "You always fall asleep inexplicably at night recently, and drinking coffee doesn't help!" Cupid's Arrow was stunned and nodded:

"It is true that this happened.

I was lying on the bed and browsing my phone, and I fell asleep while browsing.

But this should be normal.

I believe many people have this experience!" Wang Yue said lightly:

"Then it is normal for you to be on the phone the previous second and fall asleep the next second?"

Cupid's Arrow remembered that he was talking to his family on the phone once before, and he didn't know how he fell asleep.

It was his roommate who helped him explain to his family and hung up the phone. When his roommate told him the next day, he was still wondering why he had so little energy recently.

Cupid's arrow had a bad feeling at this time. "Master, why am I like this?"

"Because someone put sleeping pills in your water!"
