Chapter 49 What does my stomachache have to do with loach? Zhuo, it can't be...

Cupid's eyes widened and his voice broke! He kept telling himself in his mind: "Impossible, this is impossible!"

"Fake, all fake..."

His face turned pale, and his left hand tightly clenched his right hand, and it can be seen that he was trembling slightly.

And the water friends also exclaimed:

"Fuck, I thought they were like-minded and exchanged fencing skills with each other, but I didn't expect that it was just a one-sided victim."

"No, can sleeping pills be bought on the market now?

This is a bit unbelievable!"

"I'm just curious, how many people are in their dormitory?

How is the division of labor?"

"So the stomachache today is because of the one-step to the stomach last night?"

... At this time, Wang Yue continued slowly: "If you don't believe it, you can scratch the bottom of the cup with your finger."

Cupid's arrow, the god of love, scratched the bottom of the cup with his finger as Wang Yue said.

Because the water was drunk last night, after a night, the bottom of the cup was dry at this time.

After finishing, stretch it out and take a look. There is actually a little bit of white powder on the finger.

If you don't scratch it with your finger, you can't see it at all!

Cupid's Arrow suddenly felt cold all over, and his head was buzzing.

He said in a trembling voice:


what is this..."

Wang Yue said indifferently:

"This is a sleeping pill!"

"The scientific name of this medicine is: Estazolam tablets!"

"It is mainly used for anti-anxiety and insomnia, and is also used for tension, fear, and anti-epileptic and anti-convulsant.

Side effects include dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, fatigue, etc., and large doses may cause ataxia, tremor, etc."

"In addition to falling asleep inexplicably before, you also had symptoms of dizziness and fatigue the next day, right?"

Cupid's Arrow trembled all over, partly because of fear, and partly because of anger!

He only now realized that the reason why he always fell asleep inexplicably before and sometimes felt weak the next day was not because his energy decreased and he became weak!

Instead, I was drugged!!!

He thought he was weak at such a young age, so he spent thousands of yuan to buy deer antlers, silver goat weed, wolfberry...

all kinds of tonics!

Thinking back, it really makes people angry! "Master, who is it???"

"Who drugged me, how could he have such a drug?"

There were four people in the dormitory.

At this time, Cupid's Arrow believed that he was drugged, but he couldn't guess who it was!

In response to his question, Wang Yue said lightly:

"Pour out the contents of the trash can, and you will understand."

Cupid's Arrow quickly walked to the trash can and poured out the contents.

After opening it, I found a torn piece of paper inside.

There was also a small plate of used pill shells.

After piecing the shredded paper together, I could tell that it was a hospital diagnosis.

It had the name:

Pan Menqing.

The patient's self-report:

He had sleep disorders, insomnia for a week, dizziness, tinnitus, and fatigue. Clinical diagnosis:

tinnitus, insomnia. Medication:

1mgX30 tablets of Estazolam.

After reading it, Cupid's Arrow collapsed on the ground.

Pan Menqing was his best brother.

They were so close that they wore the same underwear.

I didn't expect that he would drug himself! And he even did it to his...self!

When he thought of this, Cupid's Arrow actually cried.

" Woo woo woo..."


"Why do you do this to me?"

"I treat him as my best brother, but he treats me like this?"

"Where did I offend him?

Tell me and I'll change it!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room finally understood that this was how his roommate got the sleeping pills.

Looking at Cupid's Arrow, the god of love, sitting on the ground and crying, the netizens were furious:

"If my child was treated like this, he would pick up a knife on the spot."

"Boy, don't cry, now that you know the truth, call the police immediately, this kind of person should be sent to prison, don't let him harm others."

"You have to endure the pain that you shouldn't have at such a young age, auntie feels sorry for you."

"A good sunny boy was destroyed like this, alas, I hope he can cheer up again."

... Cupid's Arrow raised his head, his face full of tear marks, which was really distressing.

He choked and said:

"Master, why do you think he treated me like this?"

Seeing his look, Wang Yue sighed and said slowly:

"Actually, you are also to blame here."

After Wang Yue finished speaking, Cupid's Arrow was stunned!

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned!

"Because of our good relationship, when we took a shower together, you saw that he had a lot of capital, so you joked that if you were a I must marry him, it will definitely be very happy!"

"The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional, which has created the current tragedy!"

"At the beginning, he didn't dare to do anything too reckless, so you went to the hospital for a check-up and found nothing abnormal!"

"And after the first time, there will be the Nth time.

If he was not discovered, he would become more and more bold..."

Cupid could no longer hear what Wang Yue said afterwards.

He didn't expect that his joke would bring him such misfortune!

He regretted it very much. If he could do it again, he would definitely not be assigned to this dormitory!

The water friends in the live broadcast room were also speechless.

They didn't expect that it was caused by Cupid's own bad mouth.

What is this called?

Trouble comes from the mouth?

This incident tells us that we should not joke about some things, especially when you are not sure whether the other person can take a joke!

Otherwise, the next moment may be a tragedy!

Wang Yue also shook his head, and then continued:

"By the way, the reason why you have a stomachache today is that you can take a look at the four loaches on your bed and see if one is missing."

??? What does my stomachache have to do with the loaches?

I didn't eat the loaches!

Before Cupid's arrow could react, the viewers in the live broadcast room went crazy:

"Fuck, this dead loser wouldn't do such a heartless thing, would he?"

"Don't let me know his address, or I'll let him know what it means to have a broken chrysanthemum all over the ground..."

"Is this something a human can do?

He's just a newborn calf that's not afraid of a tiger.

Will this cost someone's life?"

"This is the first time in my life that I want to stab someone's heart so strongly."

"Why don't I understand what it means?

Did he put a loach in...

Fuck, when I reacted, my chrysanthemum tightened, it was terrifying."

"I've been constipated for seven days, and I finally felt something.

I was halfway through my poop, and I was so scared that I pinched off half of it on the spot..."

... Cupid's arrow, the god of love, only reacted after seeing the content of the barrage.

He almost fainted.

Is this something a human can do?

It made the originally sunny boy swear: "Fuck..."

"I'm going to kill him..."