Chapter 50 This is a sad story!

Looking at the excited crowd, Wang Yue suddenly said:

"Do you have any misunderstandings?" "His stomachache was indeed caused by the loach running in, but I didn't say it was Pan Menqing who put it in."

Cupid's Arrow and the netizens were dumbfounded.

The barrage in the live broadcast room disappeared for 10 seconds, and then one by one appeared:

"Master, do you mean there is a third person who appears, and this person is quite good at playing, using loach directly?"

"Fuck, then this person is much worse than Pan Menqing.

He is not afraid of intestinal perforation and death."

"What do you know, this is called excitement!"

"The upstairs should also give you excitement."

"convex, thank you, no need!"

"This Cupid's Arrow is too miserable, so many people are thinking about him..."

... Cupid's Arrow also saw the content of the barrage and felt that what the netizens said made sense.

Since the master said it was not Pan Menqing, there must be a third person.

The thought of this person actually using loach on himself, and the loach was still in his stomach.

His teeth were clenched so hard that he wanted to kill him immediately.

"Master, who is that person?"

"No matter who it is, I will not let them go." Wang Yue shook his head:

"Why do you all think that someone put it in there?"

"Couldn't it be that the loach ran in by itself?"

"Last night, Pan Menqing did put some sleeping pills in your water and bullied you, but then he went to sleep."

"And the loach you raised jumped out by itself.

What a coincidence, it jumped to your side while jumping.

As you know, loaches like to burrow holes, so it ran into your stomach."

"When he found out that you had a stomachache in the morning, he was also scared and thought it was his fault, so he quickly went to buy you medicine!"

Damn it!!!

The viewers in the live broadcast room were all upset.

Who would dare to imagine such a plot? "Loach:

Showing me a show in the middle of the night, who can stand this, don't blame me..." "Loach:

Hey, didn't I go there to pursue freedom? Where am I now?

This familiar smell, I burrow..."


Don't wrongly accuse me, I just got lost accidentally."


You misunderstood me.

Actually, I couldn't bear to see my master being bullied, so I came here to seize the territory first.

Next time the enemy attacks, I will bite him directly."

"You are so talented.

I was so scared that I quickly fried the loach I raised.

It's so crispy..."

"It's all because of the charm of Cupid's Arrow, the god of love, which has nowhere to go.

It makes loaches crazy."

"Please ask how much psychological shadow the god of love Cupid's Arrow is feeling at this moment..."

... The loach was directly played by the netizens.

The god of love Cupid's Arrow looked at the content of the barrage with a black line on his face.

"That's enough, do you still have any sympathy?

I'm so miserable, and you still come to tease me."

His words did not gain much comfort, but instead brought some bad tastes from the netizens!

The god of love Cupid's Arrow shook his head helplessly, sighed, and then looked at Wang Yue on the screen.

"Master, is my life in danger now?

It's not really intestinal perforation as netizens said?"

Wang Yue shook his head and said slowly: "Don't worry, you have a face that allows you to live to 80, and the loach is dead now.

We can just go to the hospital to take it out!" Cupid's Arrow breathed a sigh of relief, hesitated for a long time, and asked: "Master, I have another question!"

"Do you want to ask me, why would he do such a thing when he obviously has a girlfriend?"

Cupid's Arrow nodded.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were shocked:

"Fuck, this guy is really not picky, he can attract both men and women?"

"Brother, what's the matter?

Can you be like this without a girlfriend?" "My girlfriend says I am not Sister Li, is it because I don't exploit her enough?"

"Such people have girlfriends, why am I still single when I am so outstanding, what's the loss?"

... Wang Yue was silent for a while, then said: "This is a long story!"

"When I was in junior high school, one night, he was playing at a classmate's house. On the way back, he was dragged home by several drunken aunts and taken care of in turns!"

"But he didn't dare to tell his family.

Since then, he started to "He blames girls, thinking that none of them are good, and that brothers are true love!"

"He also knows that in this society, such things will not be blessed, and he dare not let others know!"

"So he pretends to like girls and has a girlfriend, but now they don't even take any substantive actions, not even kissing!" "Every time a girl wants to develop further, he will break up and change to the next one!" "And your appearance makes him feel that this is the arrangement of fate, plus you said you would marry him, so..."

The arrow of Cupid, the god of love, fell silent!

I didn't expect Pan Menqing to have such an experience.

He is also a poor man!

The water friends in the live broadcast room also let the barrage fly for a while:


My child is the type who doesn't tell us anything.

I was so scared that I quickly dragged him out of his sleep to talk!"

"Is this a moral decline or a distortion of human nature, because drinking ruins a boy's life!"

"So while paying attention to children's studies, we should pay more attention to their mental health, otherwise it will be too late to regret! "

"I immediately called my child who was studying in another city, but her phone was turned off. Could it be that she also..."

"This is a sad story..."