Chapter 51 The one who tied the bell must untie it. Find a few more aunts to take care of him.

Looking at the silent Cupid's Arrow, Wang Yue said, "Do you want me to tell you what happened in the future?"

Cupid's Arrow nodded and said, "Yes, Master, please tell me."

Wang Yue said slowly, "If you hadn't discovered that you were drugged today, every time you had a girlfriend, he would use a small account to tease your girlfriend and make trouble to make you break up.

Then he would take the opportunity to come in and slowly turn you gay."

"Although you are not the first couple, nor will you be the last couple, you are undoubtedly the best couple in the world. There are constant small surprises every day, and your life is full of rituals.

You play games on the computer when you have nothing to do.

You really live up to the saying:

The most romantic thing is to grow old with you!"

Hearing this, the water friends in the live broadcast room were speechless.

The new netizens who only heard the second half showed envy.


So romantic, I also want the same boyfriend, full of ritual sense!"

"Uh, are you serious?

It doesn't matter even if this boyfriend is the same gender as you?"


I'm not a lesbian, what a joke!"

"Hahahaha, actually you have to think like this, both boyfriend and girlfriend, double happiness, isn't it great?"

"Damn, you are such a silver genius..."

... The corners of Cupid's arrow twitched. What sin did I commit in my previous life? Sending such a bastard to mess with me! And according to what Wang Yue said, he has never touched a woman in his life, and he was turned gay...

He asked himself in his heart:

Will I really be turned gay? ? ?

Seeing the expression of Cupid's arrow, Wang Yue smiled and continued, "But now, he will be expelled from school first!"

"Then his parents, relatives and friends all knew about it and cut off all ties with him." "Without a diploma, he even had difficulty finding a job."

"In the end, he had no choice but to degenerate and do some vulgar jobs.

He accidentally contracted AIDS at the age of 25 and died at the age of 29, ending his life."

"As a victim, the school arranged for you to study abroad to reduce the impact of this incident.

You finally returned and became a senior biologist."

When Cupid's Arrow heard that Pan Menqing had such an end, he was not very happy.

He recalled the days when they played together.

When he sprained his foot, he was the first to carry him on his back and rushed to the infirmary.

Although he ran too fast and hit his foot on the corner, causing secondary injury, his nervous look was still very touching.

And when he was sick and had a fever, he always bought medicine for himself first and told him to drink more hot water.

Even when he went to the toilet without paper, he would take off his underwear to wipe his butt.

Thinking of this, Cupid's Arrow felt blocked in his heart!

He didn't know what was wrong with him. Sad?



The water friends in the live broadcast room were more active:

"@Cupid's Arrow, brother, why don't you pretend not to know?

If you are turned gay, then you are turned gay.

If men and women are not for the purpose of passing on the family line, then men and men are true love. "

"Pan Menqing can actually be considered a victim, but his fate is so tragic."

"Can you be more rational?

It's true that he was a victim in the beginning, but that's not a reason for him to hurt others later. Otherwise, if everyone does this, the world will be in chaos."

"Come to think of it, they also gave their true feelings.

Didn't you hear the master say that if Cupid's arrow had not been discovered, they would be the most loving couple in the world, right?"

"Are you seriously ill, the one above?

How can this be confused?

I gave you a bow, and then told you that I really love you, and treat you well for the rest of my life, and then we can be together? "

... The viewers in the live broadcast room had different opinions and were arguing fiercely.

Some even said that if Cupid's Arrow was not with Pan Menqing, he would be a murderer!

Seeing this message, Cupid's Arrow's face instantly turned as black as the bottom of a century-old casserole!

These guys, each of them just wanted to watch the fun and make trouble!

I really want to say:

How about you come?

I'll give you a big red envelope, and wish you a happy marriage and a son soon!

Looking at the fast-rolling barrage, Cupid's Arrow sighed and said:

"Master, what can I do for this guy?"

"Is there any way to help him straighten?" "At least he won't end up with a tragic death!"

I don't know if it's because he was unconscious when he was hurt, and the feeling was not strong, or because of the previous brotherhood, his resentment towards Pan Menqing was not so strong at this time!

Instead, he couldn't bear to see him degenerate and end up with a bad end! Hearing Cupid's Arrow ask this, some of the water friends in the live broadcast room said he was stupid, some said it was all hype, and some gave him a thumbs up.

Mixed praise!

But he doesn't care what others think of him, just follow your heart and don't regret it! Wang Yue raised the corner of his mouth and said slowly:

"If you do this, you have a 60% risk of being turned gay!"

"Have you thought it through?"

Hearing Wang Yue say this, Cupid's Arrow's heartbeat stopped for three seconds!

Damn, is it too late for me to regret now? Then he nodded with a wry smile and said: "Master, I've thought about it, tell me!"

"This matter is actually very simple.

As the saying goes, the person who tied the bell must untie it.

You can find a few more aunts to take care of him!"

After this, Cupid's Arrow was stunned!

The viewers in the live broadcast room were also completely dumbfounded!

"Master, are you sure you are helping him? Not taking revenge on him?"

"Fuck, three aunts have traumatized him, are you sure they won't cause schizophrenia if you find a few more?"

"Master, you have to be the best!

In this regard, I only admire aunts, I have experience in this!

I can definitely do it!"

"Silently mourn for Pan Menqing for three seconds!"

... Cupid's arrow asked uncertainly:

"Master, are you serious?"

Wang Yue replied indifferently:

"Don't worry, those few did hurt his young heart, so we have to find him a few tolerant ones who can tolerate everything about him!"

"After being squeezed by the aunts in turn, he will experience a different feeling, which will arouse his desire to conquer!"

"He will embark on a road of conquest!" "Three years later, when his skills are trained to the maximum level, he will meet true love!"

"Start an unforgettable love between a grandmother and a grandson!"

"As a billionaire, he doesn't have to work hard all of a sudden!"

"Of course, if the person you find can't make him want to conquer you, then he will let you experience the feeling of being sober!"

"Do you still choose to help him straighten it?"