Chapter 53: Wang Yue is going to die? Let him buy a one-stop service package in advance

Changhong provides one-stop funeral services?

Some netizens thought this ID was very familiar, and soon someone reacted.

The comments in the live broadcast room started to scroll wildly:

"Fuck, Master, run away.

I just heard the ID and I felt a little familiar. This is the most evil person in Douyin, no doubt about it!"

"If you say who was the most popular person in Douyin before the Master, it was this guy, but the way he became popular was scary.

It's just that he hasn't followed anyone for a long time, so he slowly withdrew from the public's sight.

I didn't expect him to appear again."

"Who is he?

Why didn't I know there was such a person in Douyin?"

"Let me give you some popular science. This guy is nicknamed:

Funeral Brother.

Whoever he follows will die.

Please note that he will die.

The person who lasted the longest before did not exceed 7 days!

So for a while, all the anchors, big and small, were scared and didn't dare to broadcast live, for fear of being noticed by him.

Now there are 99 people on his follow list.

I just checked and the Master is also followed by him.

It's over!"

"So, the Master will die???

Fuck, Master, run away, don't connect to the microphone!"

"Please let him go, don't let the Master die!" "Master, don't die, I haven't seen enough of your live broadcast."

"Mourning brother, stop following the master and follow my boss.

His ID is [花开富贵]"

"Fuck, @the person behind the boss, Zhu Dachang, don't think I didn't recognize you. Go to the Finance Department right now to get 2N+1 compensation and get out."

"Okay, thank you, boss!"

... Wang Yue glanced at the barrage message on the screen, smiled slightly, ignored it, and continued to open the microphone with

[Changhong Funeral and Funeral Service One-stop].

The microphone was connected, and a thin old man with sagging cheekbones, crooked nose and crooked philtrum appeared on the screen.

From the background, it can be seen that he is in the store at this time.

There are some clothes worn by the dead hanging on the wall of the store, and there are also some paper figures.

The paper figures just smiled at the screen, which made the fans get goose bumps.

"Oh my god~

I was watching the live broadcast while feeding my child, and I was so scared when I saw the background that I let go and the child almost fell off, but luckily he held on tightly and hung on by himself."

"Fuck, I suddenly felt the quilt was wet, I lifted it up and saw that it was nothing, it turned out that my girlfriend peed."

"Damn, are you here to show off your girlfriend upstairs?

Single dog, I wish you three seconds every time!"

"This looks spooky, can you move those paper figures away..."

... The funeral brother grinned at the screen, and his teeth were slightly sunken.


You look young.

I saw your live broadcast was interesting, so I followed you.

Did you expect that I would follow you? Haha..."

"I followed some people before.

They were all people who liked to commit suicide.

I thought that the probability of death for such people must be higher, so I followed them and promoted the service packages in the store to them.

I didn't expect that they died before they bought them!

What a pity..."

"As the saying goes, the more you know, the faster you die.

I see that you know a lot, Master.

Do you want to buy a one-stop service package in advance?

I can give you a 30% discount!"

"I promise to give you a grand funeral, so that you will have more face in the afterlife!" The funeral brother talked to himself as soon as he got on the microphone.

Wang Yue was very upset when he heard this.

Is this guy rabid?

Why did he come out to bite people randomly!

Then he used the skill [See Clearly].

The fate lines of the funeral brother appeared in front of him one by one.

After reading it, Wang Yue showed a playful smile!


At this time, the fans in the live broadcast room also felt the gunpowder in his words. "What's going on?

This feels like he is directed at the master. When did the master offend him?"

"Master, why don't you apologize and ask him to unfollow you.

Don't joke with your life!"

"What the hell, I can't stand this kind of people. Master, don't be scared.

Go after him.

Expose his past and make him die.

If he has a criminal record, I will be the first to call the police!"

"Interesting, is this a metaphysics master PK funeral anchor?

Is it so exciting!!!"

... Some fans kindly advised Wang Yue, while others just wanted to watch the fun and make trouble.

They wanted to see the two fight.

Of course, more people have already prepared melon seeds, cola, and beer, and are quietly eating melons.

The funeral brother also saw the content of the barrage, his face immediately fell, and he said coldly:

"That ID: Say what you want to say, you seem to talk a lot, don't you know that supporting roles all die because of their talkativeness?"

"Haha, I'm following you too.

If you need it, you can buy the one-stop service package in advance.

I'll give you a 50% discount.

Don't miss the opportunity.

Place your order as soon as possible.

If you miss this opportunity, you won't be able to get it anymore."

After saying that, he followed you!

At the same time, a message popped up in the background of [Say what you want to say]:

Changhong Funeral and Funeral One-stop Service has followed you.

He was so scared that he knelt on the ground, slapped himself hard with his shaking hands, and then quickly sent an apology message.

Other netizens didn't dare to say bad things about Sangzang Ge anymore, for fear that they would also be followed.

After all, the people he followed were all gone now, this was no joke!

Sangzang Ge saw the row of apologies on the barrage and smiled smugly.

Wang Yue looked at the funeral brother who was pretending to be cool in his live broadcast room, and said lightly:

"This destined person's sales method is quite unique!"

"You probably won't be able to receive my one-stop service package in this life, hehe..."

"But you can consider burning more paper money for yourself in advance.

No, you won't be able to use it after you burn it!"

"But you are quite right about one thing just now, that is, I do know a lot, such as why you connected with me today!

And the 99 people you followed before, why did they die, how did they die, why except for one who died during the day, the other 98 of me died at night!"

After hearing this, the funeral brother frowned.

He didn't expect Wang Yue to dare to provoke him at this time, and looking at his confident look, he wouldn't really know something, right?

But he quickly rejected this idea, because there would never be a second person in the world who knew the real reason!

Even the country's top crime-solving experts couldn't find out anything before, and all the people seemed to have died accidentally!

Thinking of this, the funeral brother's brows relaxed, his eyes were filled with smiles, and he said:

"Oh, it seems that I can't do this business with you, Master.

I can only hope that you don't die too quickly like those people before!"

"If you change your mind, you can send me a private message, and the 30% discount is still valid!"

"Then I'll log off first, hehe!"

After the funeral brother finished speaking, he was ready to disconnect the microphone, and he didn't even plan to pay the hanging money.

What can you do to me?

At this time, Wang Yue's voice sounded: "Don't worry, aren't you curious about what I have to say?"