Chapter 54 You are so good at making up stories, why don’t you write a novel?

"Hmph, let me see what you can say!" Brother Sangzang's face was gloomy, thinking:

It seems that I haven't been out for a long time, and many people have forgotten how terrifying I am.

Even cats and dogs dare to challenge me.

I originally wanted to let you live a few more days, but now I have decided that you will not live beyond tomorrow.

The water friends in the live broadcast room saw this scene and became excited:

"This melon looks ripe.

According to convention, this funeral brother is likely to be unlucky."

"I was worried that the master would die, but I felt relieved when I saw you were so confident."

"It's hard to say.

After all, this funeral brother was also very famous before.

Although I don't know how he did it, those people are indeed dead!"

"Why think so much, just prepare the melon seeds and benches, and watch it.

" ... Wang Yue smiled slightly:

"The funeral brother, real name:

Hu Yidao, suddenly became popular on Douyin two years ago because all the people you followed were dead."

"After being popular for half a year, he suddenly disappeared.

The reason he announced to the public was that he had been imitated but never surpassed, which was boring."

"And the reason why you followed me today was that you saw an analysis article that believed that I was better than you and became popular faster than you.

If we were to compete, I would definitely be able to reveal your previous secrets.

You felt that this was an insult to you, so you followed me, hoping to scare me and automatically quit the Internet, and at the same time prove to the world that you are still feared."

"Am I right?"

After Wang Yue finished speaking, Brother Sangzang was slightly shocked.

Why did he know that I came to him because I read that article?

Did he also read that article?

So he deliberately came to blast me?

But he would definitely not admit that he came here for this reason, and sneered: "You can find a lot of things you said on the Internet, and other netizens have already said it just now."

"As for the reason why I came to you, I just said it, I just think you may become my client."

Brother Sangzang's denial was naturally within Wang Yue's expectations, so he did not argue with him.

"Haha, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, then let's talk about the people you follow. What are they like?"

"This has to start with the secret book you got when you were ten years old!"

When Brother Funeral heard this, his eyelids jumped, but he quickly calmed down.

"When you were ten years old, you met an old beggar.

He saw that you had a strange skeleton and was a martial arts genius, so he recommended you a few secret books, each for only 20 cents."

"But you had no money, so you went back home and stole the ancestral chamber pot, and wrapped it in your mother's only bellyband and took it to exchange!"

"The old beggar agreed to let you choose one for the bellyband...

for the sake of the antique, and you didn't choose the Tathagata Palm or the Sunflower Manual, but chose one:

The Way to Raise a Little Ghost!"

Hearing this, the water friends in the live broadcast room were so happy that they forgot about the horror of the funeral brother for a while, and the barrage quickly refreshed the screen:

"Fuck, hahahaha, this funeral brother is really a talent.

I'm curious about what his mother wears behind her?"

"It's a miracle that he was not beaten to death by his father!"

"This is a tasteful antique!!!"

"Old beggar:

Boy, you understand me, not bad!"

"Didn't you notice what the master said, he chose a book called The Way to Raise a Little Ghost.

What kind of book is this?

The name is so scary..."

... The funeral brother's face changed slightly, and he didn't understand why Wang Yue knew this.

Could it be that one could really know a person's past and future by just looking at him?

Impossible, impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

Although he kept telling himself that this was impossible, his palms began to sweat!

But on the surface, he still pretended to be calm!

Wang Yue raised the corner of his mouth and continued:

"This is a secret method that teaches people how to raise little ghosts.

It is like this.

How to prevent people from going to hell after death, and how to control them! "

"After getting the secret book, you thought you were cheated because you were too young and didn't gain anything, so you threw it aside. "

"When you grew up, you saw this book again when you were sorting out old books.

You were attracted by the content in it, so you started to study it!"

The more the funeral brother listened, the uglier his face became, because what Wang Yue said was all true.

He couldn't figure out how Wang Yue knew it! Even if there was a hacker team behind him collecting his information, it would be impossible to find out such a secret!

Wang Yue didn't stop, and continued: "Twenty years later, you opened this funeral shop with the purpose of contacting the dead and controlling the ghosts with the methods in it!"

"Unfortunately, you have never succeeded, because this requires the secret method to leave the soul of the person just after death!" "Frequent failures made you crazy, and you finally extended your poisonous hand to the neighbor's child, a five-year-old little blue boy.

You used a lollipop to trick him into your home and brutally killed him, and then used a secret method to leave his soul.

This time you succeeded! "

"The little boy's parents thought their child was abducted and cried all day long.

They spent all their money to find their child and are still looking for him!"

At this time, the viewers in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded when they heard this!

This is simply a shocking melon!

I thought I would just listen to some gossip, but I didn't expect such a thing!


This is simply outrageous, it's outrageous to the extreme!

At this time, the barrage has exploded:

"If this kind of thing is true, then this guy is a beast!"

"Fuck, you can kill a five-year-old child, aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning!"

"Damn, how can such a person still live in the world, God, open your eyes!"

"I am willing to let my brother be single for 30 years in exchange for the life of this funeral brother!"

"I cried when I heard it, poor child, poor family, I want to ask the funeral brother, has your conscience been eaten by a dog? " "Chop this son of a bitch to death, he doesn't look like a good person..."

... Brother Sangzang was terrified at this moment, his back was soaked with sweat! His brain was working frantically, thinking of countermeasures!




The funeral brother suddenly clapped his hands and sneered:

"Great, great!"

"Master, your methods are really clever, even the majority of netizens have been deceived by you!"

"Because I followed you, you were afraid of your own death, so you made up such a story, threw dirty water on me, and framed me! You want to use the power of public opinion to make me unfollow you!"

"I have to say, since you are so good at making up stories, why don't you write novels?

What kind of fortune-telling is this?

It's such a waste of talent!"

"Humph, you want to frame me, I tell you, if you can't produce evidence today, I will sue you for defamation."