Chapter 55: The verbal battle, the fans are almost burning their brains

The fans in the live broadcast room were also confused when they heard what Brother Sangzang said!

Defamation? ? ? "

Fuck, this confuses me.

Who is telling the truth?

Who should I believe?"

"I have watched so many live broadcasts of the master.

I believe what the master said is true.

It's just that if there is no evidence for this kind of thing, it can only be a quibble!"

"Who said that the master must be true? Maybe he has overturned this time.

People make mistakes and horses stumble. It is normal to make mistakes!"

"This is too weird and unbelievable.

There is no such thing in the world to raise a little ghost.

Otherwise, call it out for me to see!"

"I can't believe it even if I have studied in kindergarten, let alone those who have studied in elementary school!"

... Seeing that the direction of the barrage had been reversed by himself, Brother Sangzang was relieved.

Although he confirmed that there was no evidence left at the time, and it had been a few years since the incident, even if he wanted to investigate now, he had no way to start!

But if he was led by the rhythm and attracted the attention of the police, some unnecessary troubles would inevitably arise! At this time, he had decided that even if the price he paid later was a little higher, he must kill Wang Yue!

At this moment, Wang Yue showed a playful smile and said lightly:

"How do you know I have no evidence?" Wang Yue's sudden words made Brother Sangzang's heart stop and he became nervous again!

"At that time, you brought the child home and let him watch TV and eat lollipops in the living room, while you went to prepare the tools for the crime."

"Coincidentally, there happened to be a drone enthusiast who controlled the drone to shoot everywhere, and he filmed this scene of the child in your house."

Wang Yue's words were like a heavy hammer hitting Brother Sangzang's heart, making him a little breathless!

"I just happen to have the contact information of this drone enthusiast, and his video is still intact."

"How about I contact the other party now and ask him to send the video over, and let's see if it's true?"

Brother Sangzang's pupils shrank suddenly.

He was screaming crazily in his heart: Bastards!

Don't these random photographers know how to respect other people's privacy?

Why are they taking so many random photos? ! !

And why does Wang Yue know such a secret thing?

Is he still human?

Is he trying to trick me?

Brother Sangzang's brain was overloaded, and he was so anxious that he was about to smoke!

What should he do?

Don't admit it?

But what if there really was some drone shooting, and there was some video, then... Admit it?

Then he's dead!

Brother Sangzang was a little regretful at this time.

Why did he rush to grab the spot to connect to the microphone and show off?

He shouldn't show his face.

Wouldn't it be better to just follow him!

The water friends in the live broadcast room also stared at Brother Sangzang's reaction on the screen, not missing any details!

They wanted to judge whether there was anything abnormal from his expression! They couldn't tell the other person's life experience at a glance like Wang Yue, but it was still okay to see if he was panicked! "Hmph~"

Brother Sangzang suddenly snorted coldly, "I have to say, your trick is really sinister, you actually misled netizens on purpose!"

Wang Yue spread his hands, curled his lips, looked at Brother Sangzang with a smile and said:

"I didn't mislead."

"And whether what I said is true or not is also easy to verify!"

Looking at Wang Yue's confident look, Brother Sangzang was furious and directly scolded:

"Hmph, you are still quibbling!"

"I admit that the child did come to my house before, but this is just a way of hospitality between neighbors."

"We met outside at that time, and he asked me if he could come to my house to watch cartoons.

I was just enthusiastic, so I agreed to let him come to my house to watch, and I also gave him lollipops and fruits to eat."

"But I definitely didn't hurt him!"

Brother Sangzang said this very firmly, which made the viewers in the live broadcast room believe it a little!

"At that time, he went back by himself after watching the cartoon.

I didn't go to see him off because I had other things to do, but I also told him not to run around and to go home first."

"If what you said is true, I killed people who came to my house, then who would dare to let neighbors come to their house in the future?

What if something happens to them as soon as they go out, or they can't be found, wouldn't they all be framed as murderers?" "You also said that you are not deliberately misleading netizens!"

Brother Sangzang became more and more excited, and even drooled on the camera, and you could see the water droplets on the screen! "

I feel very guilty about the accident of the little blue boy.

Who would have thought that someone would dare to steal a child in broad daylight? Alas, if time could go back to that time, I would definitely choose to put down what I was doing and send him home."

"In this way, such a lovely child will not be lost, and they can have a complete family!" The funeral brother said the last sentence with a sad face, and there were tears in his eyes.

It would be a waste if he didn't become an actor with such acting skills.

At this moment, he was extremely nervous, and his heartbeat was about to explode, but he didn't dare to show a trace of sadness on the surface, but showed a sad, sad, and aggrieved look.

This is the method he just racked his brains to think of.

Admit that the child has been to the house, but never admit that he killed the other party. After all, your drone only took pictures of the child coming, and did not take pictures of me killing people.

In this way, you can get yourself out of it, unless you have direct evidence of my murder.

Then guide netizens to think that the child's disappearance is abducted.

This will not only muddy the water, but also put a hat of malicious mind on Wang Yue, which is simply killing three birds with one stone.

At this time, the water friends in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

The duel between these two was so exciting, it was just a war of words, but it was a bit brain-consuming:

"My brain can't keep up, it's even more brain-consuming than watching Detective Conan."

"It's over, it's over, my IQ was originally 180, but after watching a TV series, it's now 250, is there any way to lower it?"

"I'm so angry, this funeral guy obviously has problems, and he's still pretending to be innocent and aggrieved, what the hell am I pretending to be, why didn't the drone capture the scene of him killing people, so there is evidence"

"Look at Brother Sangzang, he doesn't look like he's pretending, his tears are falling.

If he's not really sad, how can he just cry?" "A woman's sixth sense tells me that there is definitely something wrong with Brother Sangzang, he's so disgusting!"

... Some people on the barrage believed that what Wang Yue said was true, and they were furious, cursing and swearing.

Others thought that what Brother Sangzang said made sense.

You can't accuse me of murder just because I came to my house, right?

Unless you come up with new evidence.

For a while, a stalemate formed!