Chapter 71 Arrogant Manager Luo

"Manager Luo, you're just in time.

Hurry up and turn on the video on your phone.

This person is accusing your company of selling accident cars as new cars."

When Li Long saw Manager Luo, he was so happy as if he had seen evidence that proved Wang Yue's nonsense.

He didn't notice that Manager Luo paused after hearing this, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes, but it was quickly covered up.

Then he changed to an angry expression and said angrily:

"I want to see who is so bold to slander our company behind our backs."

"Are you ready to bear the wrath of our company?"

The onlookers around felt that the matter had become a big deal.

They all persuaded Wang Yue to apologize quickly, admit that he was joking, and ask the other party not to pursue the matter.

After all, it's better to be slapped by the fat man than to be sued.

After hearing what was said around him, the fat man also looked at Wang Yue with a smug look on his face, wanting to see him kneel down and beg for mercy.

Manager Luo stood in front of Wang Yue, looked him up and down, then turned on the video function of his mobile phone, filmed Wang Yue, and slowly said:

"Are you the one who slandered our company behind our back?"

"Do you dare to say what you said before again?"

"Of course you can remain silent or choose to quibble, but we will definitely get to the bottom of it."

The arrogant attitude made Li Long's mouth almost crooked with laughter.

"Yes, yes, we must investigate, and let him know that he can eat whatever he wants, but he can't say whatever he wants!"

The people around him frowned.

It seems that this matter can't be resolved peacefully.

This handsome guy is going to be in trouble! Trouble comes from the mouth, and we must not talk nonsense in the future!

The netizens in Fan Jian's live broadcast room were also very angry.

"Fuck, the more arrogant you are now, the more you will be slapped in the face later.

I hope you can still be tough later."

"Master Wang:

Since someone has stretched out his face for me to slap, it would be a shame not to slap him!"

"Master Wang, you must make them kneel on the ground and sing Conquer.

I believe you can do it!"

... Wang Yue looked at Manager Luo like he was an idiot.

He raised the corner of his mouth and smiled:

"On the 4th, I chatted with you online for 3 hours on Soul."

Friend, you took advantage of your position and secretly drove the car out."

"With the car as a backdrop, it was indeed easy for the other party to be taken down by you, and he turned into your shape in the car."

"Then we went to the hotel, opened two bottles of red wine, and played cards together all night."

Hearing this, the onlookers around showed an expression of "I understand".

After all, many people have played this software.

Even the water friends in Fan Jian's live broadcast room were excited:

"I am also playing this software.

I finally know why those girls say I am a loser.

It turns out that I don't have a car.

Now I'm going to rent one right away.

The best card partner is online."

"Fuck, this is awesome.

Driving the company car to play cards turns out there are such benefits.

I'm going to change jobs right away.

Which 4S store is still hiring?


"What kind of software is this?

Why don't I understand it?

Is there anyone who knows how to help me? "

... At this time, Manager Luo's face had become a little unnatural.

He looked at Wang Yue in disbelief, as if he had been deceived.

Wang Yue ignored him and continued:

"At five o'clock in the morning, in order to return the car as soon as possible, you drove away directly, completely ignoring the dangers of fatigue driving and drunk driving."

"Because the car was too fast, when you drove to the auxiliary road of Shennan Avenue, you hit a programmer who had just got off work, and you woke up instantly.

You quickly got out of the car to check the situation.

At that time, you found that the man was still breathing, but thought that if you called the police, the company would find out that you stole the car and had an accident.

You will definitely be fired, and you will have to compensate this person a large sum of money.

Thinking of this, you looked around and found that there was no surveillance.

You immediately got ruthless and got back in the car, and then repeatedly ran over the man to death. "

"Then you stuffed his body into the trunk and transported it to Dashaha River Park to dispose of the body. "

The air around them suddenly became quiet.

The onlookers looked at Wang Yue and Manager Luo, trying to tell from their faces if this was true.

If it was true, then this man was too cruel!

A living life was ruthlessly wiped out by him. Even the netizens in Fan Jian's live broadcast room stopped discussing the software.

The barrage of comments was silent for 3 seconds and then quickly rolled:

"Fuck, this guy is a demon in human skin. He was still breathing, but he didn't call an ambulance, and he actually crushed him to death repeatedly."

"It's a tragedy for programmers.

Working overtime all night is hard enough, and they encounter this kind of ghost on the road."

"Screen recorded, police called!"

"Screen recorded, police called +1"

"Screen recorded, police called +10086"

... When Wang Yue started talking about the day on the 4th, Manager Luo's face began to become abnormal.

When he talked about him driving under the influence and hitting a programmer, Manager Luo's eyes widened, and his hand holding the mobile phone to take pictures began to tremble, and he quickly put his hand down.

He roared like a groundhog in his heart: "Ah~"

"I asked you to repeat what you said before, not these!"

"And how did you know?

It was still dark, and I looked around to make sure no one saw it.

Why do you know so clearly?"

Cold sweat kept flowing from his forehead. Feeling the strange eyes around him. Manager Luo's brain was working quickly, thinking of countermeasures! "

Pa pa pa pa pa..."

Manager Luo suddenly clapped his hands, suppressed his inner panic, and said loudly: "Are you an online writer?"

"Even screenwriters don't have such a wild imagination as you!"

"I can guarantee that this is definitely a new car.

All the documents are complete, and there is no maintenance record.

All of this can be checked on the Internet!"

"What grudge do I have against you?

You actually made up such a story to frame me?"

The onlookers couldn't tell who was telling the truth and who was lying!

Wang Yue smiled and continued, "Don't worry!"

"After you dealt with the body, you found your friend who ran a repair shop and told him that you had hit a big dog.

You asked him to help you.

There must be no repair record, otherwise if the company finds out, you're done."

"In the end, you gave him 2,000 yuan more, and your friend agreed to help you fix the car."

"You told the company that the customer paid a deposit and took the car for a test drive, and you would contact the customer immediately to return the car.

Although you were criticized, it didn't arouse any suspicion."

"And all this is easy to prove. Although the surveillance of the repair shop was deleted, the surrounding surveillance still captured you.

As long as the police retrieve the surveillance!"

Manager Luo panicked and yelled:

"What the hell are you talking about!"

"Who sent you to frame me?"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Desperate, he kicked Wang Yue directly!