Chapter 72 The car that hit and killed someone


Seeing Manager Luo suddenly jump up, a timid female onlooker screamed and quickly hid back to avoid getting hurt in the fight.

Others looked at this sudden kick and thought that Wang Yue would inevitably suffer a physical beating.

Wang Yue raised his hand and used one ten-thousandth of his strength to slap Manager Luo in the face.

Manager Luo immediately turned into a parabola and flew back, with several teeth flying out, and then fell heavily to the ground. He felt like he was hit by a car and his eyes went black.

This scene made the onlookers drop their jaws."

What happened just now, did you see it clearly?"

"I don't know, I just saw that person rushing over and then flying backwards.

Were they filming a movie?

Didn't they see any wires?"

"How much strength does it take to slap someone away?

Can you let me try?"

"Pa~" "Fuck, why the hell did you hit me?" "Didn't you want to try it?

Facts have proved that I used all my strength and you didn't fly out, so I don't know how much strength it takes."


Is this what I mean?"

... Even the netizens who were watching the live broadcast in Fan Jian's live broadcast room dropped their eyes.

Then the comments started to fly:

"Fuck, is Master Wang so powerful?"

"Is the master really a god who has descended to earth?

He is accurate in fortune-telling, and his skills look extraordinary."

"As the 108th generation descendant of Tai Chi, in my opinion, the master should use a move that can pull out a thousand gold with a little force."

"I almost believed it.

Which eye did you see the master pull it out?

It was clearly a fan, and it's Tai Chi.

I think you are the third-ranked one?"

"Wow, you ate too much sperm, and your mouth opened too wide, and it was dislocated.

It hurts me so much."

"You upstairs, you obviously don't have a boyfriend.

Your mouth is dislocated because you don't move it often.

I can sacrifice myself to help you practice."

... Li Long looked at Manager Luo who flew past him, and he was so scared that he trembled all over, and he almost peed.

He looked at Wang Yue in horror, afraid that the slap would fall on him.


Wang Yue, I...

I'm telling you, you...

you don't mess around!"

"I didn't start it first, you...

you can't hit me."

The girl next to Li Long had already had hearts in her eyes, and her eyes were wet with excitement.

"So handsome!!!"

"With my weight, he lifted me up with one hand, right?

Suspension style..."

Wang Yue didn't expect that his one-tenth of strength would have such an effect.

Fortunately, he didn't use one-thousandth of his strength, otherwise if his head exploded directly, would he have to go to jail?

Putting away his inner thoughts, he looked at Li Long with a smile.

Then he raised his hand...


what are you going to do???"

Li Long wanted to hide, but his legs were not controlled by his brain and he couldn't move, and his fat was shaking with fear.

Wang Yue just patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Don't worry, we are "old classmates", why would I hit you if there is nothing wrong."

At this time, Manager Luo on the ground also stood up staggeringly.

Half of his face was swollen, and his whole face was burning with pain!

He looked at Wang Yue with fear, and then took two steps back, feeling that this would make him feel more secure!

Then he said viciously:

"Okay, Mr. Li, do you regret buying this car, so you found such a person to act out this drama?"

"So that you can return the car without responsibility, right?"

"I tell you, I'm going to the hospital for a physical examination now, this matter is not over! "

Manager Luo was ready to slip away after he finished speaking, as Wang Yue had just revealed that he had killed someone.

If he didn't leave now, he would be stuck when the police arrived.

The confused crowd around him reacted and pointed at Li Long and Wang Yue.

"No way, if you don't want to buy it, just say so directly, why do you have to do this kind of thing?"

After all, what Wang Yue just said has not been confirmed yet, and they are more willing to believe that they are acting together.

Otherwise, if he really killed someone, he would have run away long ago, and how could he still go to work normally.

"Bullshit, this has nothing to do with me.

I have paid the full amount, so how could I not want this car?"

"As long as there is no problem with this car, I will drive away today."

Li Long argued loudly.

"What can be the problem?

I can guarantee that it is definitely a new car, and there must be no problem.

The problem is him.

I don't know which mental hospital he ran from, but he is a first-class storyteller."

Manager Luo pointed at Wang Yue and said resentfully.

At this time, Wang Yue's voice rang out:

"Li Dasha, you'd better give up this car, because the car that hit and killed someone has the ghost of the dead person trapped under the car. "

"This man felt that he was exploited by his boss in various ways and was repeatedly crushed to death.

He had a lot of resentment towards the world. "

"If you drive this car on the road today, you will die!

Because you are also a boss who exploits employees, and you are what he hates the most.

That kind of person!"

Hearing Wang Yue's words, Li Long was stunned at first, and then laughed:

"Hahaha, Wang Yue, have you read too many novels?"

"Where did the ghost come from in broad daylight?"

As he spoke, he saw Wang Yue looking at him with a smile, and Li Long couldn't laugh anymore.

He swallowed hard, his heart pounding, could this be true?

Manager Luo, who was about to run away, also stopped and laughed:


But before he could laugh twice, the wound on his face was moved, and he hissed in pain and couldn't laugh anymore.

The onlookers around him also shook their heads.

This is getting more and more outrageous.It's unimaginable.

If you say there's a problem with some parts, that's acceptable, but if you say there's a ghost under the car, who would believe it?

The spectators all believe that they'd rather believe a man's words than believe there are ghosts in the world.

But they don't believe it, but the fans in Fan Jian's live broadcast room do.

They've all watched Wang Yue's live broadcast and seen the scenes of the revenge of hundreds of ghosts, so there must be a ghost under the car.

The comments never stopped:

"Fuck, I didn't expect this, this development is a bit exciting."

"I remembered what my grandfather said before, that the ghosts of those who drowned would stay where they were, and wait for the next drowned person to appear before they can reincarnate.

The same should be true for this person who was hit and killed."

"This is horrible.

I was driving the car, and suddenly I felt my anus tighten, my back chilled, and goose bumps all over my body.

The bottom of my car is clean, help me!"

"I was holding my girlfriend's ponytail and driving.

When I was accelerating, I was scared to death!"

"Is your car upstairs decent?"

... At this time, Manager Luo sneered at Wang Yue and said, "Are you unable to make up any more stories, so you came up with such a lame excuse."


Has anyone seen it?

Did you see it?"

"But since you said there is a ghost under the car and people will die if you drive it out, then I will prove to you today that there is nothing wrong with the car.

I will drive it out now and then take a walk." "As long as I'm fine, it proves that you were making it up just now!"