Chapter 74 Vehicle failure, rear-end collision and death

When the onlookers saw that Wang Yue was about to leave, someone joked:

"Handsome boy, are you going to run away before they come back?"

"Hahahaha (ಡωಡ)hiahiahia" Wang Yue heard this and smiled faintly:

"Come back?"

"No, they can't come back!"

"I have something else to do, so I won't waste time here.

If you have nothing to do, you can continue to wait and see if they will come back."

After hearing what Wang Yue said, some people began to disperse.

Someone continued to ask:

"Are you guys working together to make a joke?"

"I see someone else is filming the whole process.

Will you post a video on Douyin later?

What is the Douyin account?

I'll go check it out later."

Fan Jian was anxious and quickly explained:

"No, you misunderstood!"

"Master Wang is a really capable person. You should follow his Douyin account:

I can't predict that you will hit me along the Internet cable.

You will know when the master starts broadcasting."

"You can also search for some of the master's recorded videos online.

We just watched a revenge of a hundred ghosts this morning, so what the master said about there being a ghost under the car is also true.

Those two people are probably finished," "But that one is the murderer, and the other one didn't listen to advice and wanted to die. He deserved it."

After listening to Fan Jian's words, someone started searching for Wang Yue's Douyin account on their mobile phones. Enter the homepage and take a look.

Oh my god, nothing has been posted.But the number of fans exceeds 30 million.

Could these fans be bought?

But if they were bought, how much would it cost?

Why not post videos?

Then he started searching for Wang Yue's videos.

The more he watched, the more shocked he became.

This must be a special effect, right?

It's too realistic.

Then he casually followed Wang Yue, thinking that he would grab a spot in the next live broadcast to see if it was really that magical.

Wang Yue didn't expect that there was a fan of his among the crowd, and he seemed to be quite familiar with him.

He couldn't help but look at Fan Jian more.

Fan Jian excitedly trotted up to Wang Yue and said excitedly:

"Master Wang, hello, I'm your number one fan.

I was just broadcasting live, and the netizens in the live broadcast room are also your fans."

"I'm so excited, I...I..."

Wang Yue smiled and replied hello, then smiled at the camera:

"Hello everyone!"

For a moment, the entire barrage area was boiling:

"Hello Master, Master, you are so handsome, I want to give birth to a baby for you."

"Master Wang said:

I'm sorry, I can only help give birth to a person, not a baby.

How about you ask someone else for help?" "Hahaha..."

"Master Wang, when will you broadcast live again, we haven't seen enough!"

"Master, what will be the outcome of those two people just now?"

... Wang Yue glanced at the barrage, then said:

"If nothing unexpected happens, it should be broadcast live tomorrow.

See you tomorrow."

"As for what will happen to those two people, you just need to pay attention to the news headlines."

"I have something to do now, I'll leave first."

Seeing that Wang Yue had left, the netizens in the live broadcast room wailed.

Fan Jian hurriedly chased after him and asked nervously:

"Master Wang, can you sign for me?"

Wang Yue thought for a moment and took the pen from Fan Jian.

Then he used his spiritual power to write a "Shun" on Fan Jian's clothes!

Meeting is fate.

Here are some fan benefits, and also for everyone who is destined to see it in front of the screen!

It doesn't have any functions, it can only exorcise evil spirits, strengthen the body, increase wealth, love luck, 3 centimeters...

Let the faucet touch the water, and you will have good luck every year.

Fan Jian looked at the flamboyant characters on the clothes, and he had an indescribable feeling.

He could feel that his body was much more relaxed, and he was immediately excited!

The water friends in the live broadcast room directly started the auction:

"Anchor, I will offer 10,000, please send this dress to me!"

"I will offer 100,000, don't wash it, I want it!"

"The person upstairs has such a strong taste, I will offer 1 million, just cut out the words written by the master, and you can keep the clothes!"

"I will exchange my original stockings with you, 100 pairs of stockings of various colors, in exchange for the master's autographed clothes!"

"I'll exchange my underwear with yours that I haven't washed for three years..."

... Seeing the increasingly exaggerated comments, Fan Jian hurriedly said:

Sorry, family, my phone is out of battery, and then quickly ended the broadcast!

"Master, are you going to buy a car?"

"I know a lot about cars.

I'll go with you and introduce some to you, okay?"

Then the two of them walked into the BYD 4S store!

... As for Li Long, he was a little nervous when he first drove on the road!

As the journey went smoothly, his mood relaxed!

"That damn Wang Yue, I was almost scared by him!"

"I'm fine, nothing happened, but he cursed me.I'm going to die!"

"When I go back, I must beat him up so that his face is swollen, and I have to record it and send it to the elementary school group!"

Manager Luo has sent a message to his friends at the auto repair shop, but the other party has not replied yet.

Looking at the cursing Li Long, he wondered in his heart, should he kidnap him, get 18 million and then go abroad?

At this time, WeChat sent a new message reminder, and he saw that the friend at the auto repair shop replied that the police did not go to investigate the situation, which made him feel a little relieved.

This also made him temporarily give up the plan to kidnap Li Long, and then he echoed: "Yes, he is a lunatic, talking nonsense, and even said that I am a murderer and beat me up!"

"I will go to check the injuries when I go back.

I must make him lose everything in compensation and put him in jail!

" The more they talked, the happier they became, expressing how miserable they wanted to make Wang Yue suffer!

Without noticing, the car started to accelerate automatically when it drove into a tunnel!

And in front of it was a truck full of steel bars, one bundle of which had already fallen apart! When Li Long found that the car was going too fast and wanted to slow down, he couldn't do anything.

Stepping on the brakes was useless. Instead, the car was getting closer and closer, and the speed suddenly reached 230!

He wanted to change lanes, but the steering wheel seemed to be stuck and wouldn't move!

"Ah~" "What's going on?"

"The car is out of control!"

"Fuck, Manager Luo, didn't you promise that there was no problem with the car?" Manager Luo was also panicked, his face pale.

"I don't know either!"

"Why did it lose control?"

"Could it be...

there really is a ghost?

Is the ghost destroying the car? "

The two said in unison.

Li Long was so frightened that he lost control of his bowels and bladder, and frantically yelled for help!

Manager Luo also kept admitting his mistakes, crying and shouting that he shouldn't have hit him to death, and begged the ghost to spare his life!

However, it was useless for the two to scream their throats out, as the car directly crashed into the truck full of steel bars in front!


The scattered steel bars pierced through the windshield directly, and then penetrated the bodies of the two people, and the two instantly turned into hedgehogs!

There was even one that went straight through Manager Luo's mouth and into the back of his head!Spoon!

Li Long regretted in the last moment of his life, why didn't I listen to Wang Yue, I still had so much money to spend, why did I target him and want to slap him?

Is it because he was better than me in everything since he was a child, taller than me, more handsome than me, more popular than me, I am jealous of him, I...

The truck driver was rear-ended and startled, and quickly stopped the car to check the situation!

He was shocked when he saw the situation of the car behind him!