Chapter 75: This matter still needs to be dealt with by Wang Yue

The truck driver called the police immediately.

Then he looked at the body and muttered: "It's not easy for me to run a long distance. Don't hit me if you want to die."

"What's going on?


Officers Tang and Qin arrived at the scene soon.

They couldn't help but frowned when they saw the situation.

This person is definitely dead.

They just received a call saying that someone had deliberately killed someone and the body was dumped in Dasha River Park.

They didn't believe it at first, but when they heard that it was Wang Yue who said it, they immediately went out to the police.

They were ready to arrest the suspect, but they were still a step too late.

Officer Tang walked to the side of the SUV and was ready to lie down and take a look.

He remembered that the person who had just called the police said that there was a ghost under the car and it would kill the driver.

He wanted to confirm it.

But as soon as he lay down, he felt a hand pressing on his shoulder.

This made his scalp numb, and he shuddered instantly, and goose bumps all over his body.

He thought, no way?

Is it really so weird?

Brother, I don't mean anything else, I just want to see if you are okay?

And I'm here to help you. "

Old Tang, what's wrong?"

"What did you find?

Are there any clues under the car?"

Just when Officer Tang felt his heart was about to jump out, Officer Qin's voice sounded behind him.

Turning around, he found that it was Officer Qin's hand that patted his shoulder again. He was immediately furious. "

Damn, it's you again, you bastard, have you walked without making any sound recently?" "Don't you know that scaring people can kill them?"

Officer Qin was confused.

It was just a pat on your shoulder.

Why is there such a big reaction?

Last time I patted you in the toilet, you also had such a big reaction, and you beat me up for no reason.

What's wrong with you recently?

Too sensitive, right?

Officer Tang didn't care about anything.

He got up and kicked Officer Qin in the ass.

I told you to walk without making any sound, so you can scare me.

Officer Tang didn't notice that the hand-painted Ultraman tablet he bought from Wang Yue last time flashed a white light, and the ghost that was originally hanging under the car and staring at Officer Tang was directly bounced away.

He was also freed from the trap.

No useful clues were obtained at the scene, and Officer Tang and Officer Qin were also in a headache.

This also involves another case of intentional homicide.

It seems that Wang Yue can only be found. Officer Tang called Wang Yue.

"Hello, how are you, Master Wang?"

"It's like this, the fat man you just told fortunes for and the manager of the 4S store are both dead."

Wang Yue's voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Well, I know, speeding and hitting a large truck full of steel bars.

The car was pierced by steel bars and turned into a hedgehog, and died on the spot.

"Officer Tang was stunned.

You knew it without me telling you.

But then he thought, it seems that you knew it a long time ago. "

Yes, Master Wang, you are really a god."

"But you said before that the manager of this 4S store deliberately killed someone and dumped the body."

"There are some things we need to confirm with you."

"How about we go to your store and wait for you?"

Officer Tang put his attitude down.

After all, if you are high and mighty, people will ignore you.

Wang Yue was silent for three seconds on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, let's meet at my store."

"Okay, Master Wang, then we'll see you later."

The phone was hung up.

Officer Qin said on the side:

"I don't know where Master Wang learned this skill, it seems that there is nothing he doesn't know!"

"I searched all kinds of information on the Internet and asked some fortune-tellers. They can only predict good and bad luck, fortune, and can't explain what will happen or what has happened so clearly!"

"It's as if Master Wang saw it with his own eyes.

It's incredible! "

Officer Tang nodded, "Well, as long as this ability is not used to commit crimes, it's fine. Let's go and meet Master Wang!"

Then the traffic police also rushed to the scene.

Officer Tang and his team handed the rest of the matter to the traffic police and drove away!

After checking the relevant surveillance, they knew that the rear car directly overspeeded and hit the truck.

From the picture, it seemed that the two people were deliberately seeking death.

They also took relevant records with the truck driver.

In the end, it was determined that the driver was not responsible and the rear car was fully responsible.

The specific cause of the vehicle's loss of control is still to be checked by professional technicians.

However, from the surveillance, it can be seen that before the accident, a bundle of steel bars on the truck was scattered, and the driver was criticized and fined.

After all, transportation of this kind must be safety first.

If it is scattered and inserted into other vehicles, it will be bad.

All safety hazards must be eliminated!

... After Wang Yue hung up the phone, he shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that I can't go to see the villa rewarded by the system today!"

"I have a villa here, but I live in that broken store every day.

I guess I am the only one among all the time travelers!"

He laughed at himself! "

Mr. Wang, take a look.

This is our Range Rover 2023 4.4 V8 SV Honor Genesis Edition!"

"Its engine uses a 4.4T 530 horsepower V8, body:

5052*2047*1870, and..."

At this time, a sales girl next to Wang Yue saw him hang up the phone, and began to introduce it in a long chatter.

This is the fourth 4S store he and Fan Jian have visited!

Originally wanted to buy a BYD, but after entering, there was no model that I liked!

Originally, I wanted to simply buy a BYD Song, but Fan Jian, a "professional" person, thought that a car is like a wife, and you can't make do with it!

Then they went to the two 4S stores next door, but they didn't like any of them!

So in the end, under the strong recommendation of Fan Jian, a "professional" person, they came to this 4S store!

According to Fan Jian, "A man must drive a Land Rover, and there is no place in life without a confidant.

The key to the Range Rover is in your pocket!"

Wang Yue listened to the sales introduction while looking at the car in front of him.

He was indeed attracted by this car at first sight, and then he went up to experience it.

He can only use one word to describe it: comfortable, and one word to describe it: handsome!

Wang Yue immediately decided to buy this car.

The sales girl next to him was so excited that she almost dragged Wang Yue to test drive, the kind that takes at least 3 hours.

Nowadays, it is really rare to meet such a handsome and rich high-quality man.

In the end, the sales girl offered various discounts, but in the end, it still cost more than 3 million.

Wang Yue was dumbfounded.

This was too embarrassing, and he didn't have enough money in his pocket.

Fortunately, there was no car in stock, so he only needed to pay a deposit and pay the balance when the car arrived.

Wang Yue thought, it would be okay to make a few million during this period of time, right?

If not, he could make some magic weapons to sell!

In the end, Wang Yue paid the deposit, left his contact information, and then left the 4S store with the reluctant eyes of the sales girl.

When he came outside, Wang Yue said to Fan Jian:

"Fan Jian, thank you for taking up so much time today!"

"Master, what are you talking about?

It's my honor to serve you.

Where are you going next?

I'll take you there!"

"No, I have to go back to the store now, you should go back too, and we'll get together again if there's a chance!"

In the end, Fan Jian added Wang Yue's WeChat and watched Wang Yue take a taxi away, while he was excited like a child weighing more than 100 pounds!