Chapter 77 Don’t you think you know too much?

"Frightened face" Officer Tang was frightened by Wang Yue's words.

Master Wang, can we not confront him head-on?

The opponent's skill of twisting his head off casually is useless for physical damage.

Our two guns are just decorations.

And you are a fortune teller, not a ghost catcher.

If you anger the opponent, we will all die here today.

Officer Tang leaned close to Wang Yue's ear and whispered:

"Master Wang, he is a ghost."

"As the saying goes, when a man dies, birds flock to him...

No, death is the greatest thing.

Let's not be rude to ghosts."

"Let's listen to his request first.

It's probably because his family has forgotten him and he has no money to spend.

It's pitiful.

We can burn 10 or 8 billion for him later to send him away.

Don't provoke him again!"

Although Officer Tang spoke in a low voice, the store was unusually quiet at this time.

Even Officer Qin heard it, not to mention Wei Junzhi.

Officer Qin covered his eyes.

It was really unbearable to watch.

It's just a ghost.

Are you so scared?

If it's a female ghost, you're afraid of being sucked dry by her, so why are you afraid of a male ghost?

Are you afraid of losing in fencing?

He kept repeating in his heart:

I don't know him, I don't know him...

Wang Yue smiled and said, "Haha, don't be nervous, Officer Tang.

If he dares to try, let him die."

Wei Junzhi looked at Wang Yue's calm look and had some concerns in his heart.

"Humph, when I was a human, I was bullied by my boss and that drunk driver.

Now that I'm a ghost, I'm bullied by others! How can I not deal with him?

And he is the one who didn't know how to live or die and bullied me!"

Wei Junzhi pointed at Officer Tang and became more and more excited, and his sharp voice was piercing.

Faced with Wei Junzhi's questioning, Officer Tang was dumbfounded and stared at him with wide eyes.

No, when did I bully you?

Heaven and earth's conscience!

Brother ghost, even if you are a ghost, you still have to pay attention to evidence when doing things.

If you can't produce evidence, I will sue you for defamation.

Officer Qin stood beside Officer Tang and asked:"

Old Tang, what did you do to offend him?"

"He looks very resentful towards you."

"Did you poop or pee in front of his grave or did you cheat on him?"

Officer Tang gave Officer Qin a slap.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"How could I, who has received higher education, do such a thing?"

Ignoring Officer Qin who was screaming and covering his head with his hands, Officer Tang looked at Wei Junzhi and said, "This ghost brother, did you recognize the wrong person?

When did I bully you?"

"I will help an old lady when I see her crossing the road, how could I bully someone!"

Wei Junzhi became even more irritable, staring at Officer Tang with a pair of angry eyes, and roared in a low voice:


"You still say no, I was lying under the car, and you kicked me away with an extremely ugly thing.

At that time, I saw the words Wang Yue appear on it."

After Wei Junzhi finished speaking, the two officers looked at Wang Yue at the same time.

It seemed to say that it was you who did it.

Seeing their expressions, Wei Junzhi seemed to understand something.

The look he gave Wang Yue was full of hostility, "It's you!"

"Humph, even if it's you, I'll let you know the consequences of bullying me!"

Officer Tang suddenly took out the abstract version of Ultraman drawn by Wang Yue, and Wei Junzhi was so scared that he appeared outside the door!

Officer Tang explained:

"You should be talking about this, right?" "This is the magic amulet that the master sold to me.

If it was this that kicked you, then I will apologize to you and let this matter be exposed, how about that?"

"You should reincarnate as soon as possible!"

Wei Junzhi laughed:


"No, I won't reincarnate until the people who bullied me have received the punishment they deserve!"

"I will make all those who have offended me and bullied me pay the price and let them die in despair!"

Officers Tang and Qin's eyebrows were about to be knotted.

This matter is not easy to handle!

Wang Yue looked at Wei Junzhi and said slowly:

"You feel innocent?

You feel wronged, right?"

"If it weren't for that kick, would you have a chance to get out of trouble?"

"You can only be scrapped with the car, and then recycled, and finally burned to death by the high temperature!"

Wei Junzhi fell into deep thought, it seems to be the case!

Officers Tang and Qin looked at each other and thought:

This ghost doesn't seem to be very smart! There seems to be a turning point...

At this time Wang Yue continued:

"Besides, you worked overtime every day when you were alive, and you felt that your boss exploited your personal time."

"But have you ever thought that if you hadn't leaked the company's project to your competitors, your boss would ask everyone to work overtime to catch up with the project?"

"If your competitors launch the product first, your company will face bankruptcy.

How many people will be unemployed then?

Have you ever thought about whether they are aggrieved?"

"In the final analysis, you caused this result." Wei Junzhi was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and his fur instantly exploded: "What do you know?

You know nothing!"

"If he hadn't been so stingy and only paid me a few thousand yuan a month, would I have sold the company's secrets?"

"He only pays a few thousand yuan to a top student like me who graduated from a prestigious university, not to mention other people.

Don't you think he is exploiting me?"

"So it's not my fault, the root cause is still his fault."

Officers Tang and Qin were speechless. Just because your boss paid you less, you sold the company's secrets?

If you are not satisfied, you can change jobs, you can ask your boss for a raise, there are so many ways you can use, but you choose to sell out company secrets?

This person is definitely not upright, and has no conscience!

This is only because you are dead.

If you are not dead, you will definitely be arrested and forced to eat public food for a few years.

Hearing Wei Junzhi say that he graduated from a prestigious university, Wang Yue sneered, "Prestigious university?"

"Don't you have any idea whether you have the ability to get into university?"

"Your score barely reached the 3B line that year, and there was another person in your village with the same name and surname as you.

The other party did well in the exam and was admitted to a 985 university."

"When the courier delivered the admission letter, he asked you for directions at the entrance of the village, wanting to find out the address of the other Wei Junzhi's home, and you said you were it!"

"Just like that, the admission letter was intercepted by you, and then you impersonated him to go to university, and he had to go to the factory to screw screws because of family reasons.

Until now, he still doesn't know what happened.

Do you think he is innocent and wronged?" Wei Junzhi's pale face became even paler, and then became hideous. "

I have to say, you are really good at fortune-telling.

You can even know this kind of information so clearly!"

"But don't you think you know too much?"

"Did you know that those who die quickly often do so because they know too much!" "Hehehe..."