Chapter 78: Killing people is illegal, but is killing ghosts illegal?

Wei Junzhi walked back into the store.

With a ferocious expression on his face, he walked towards Wang Yue and the others step by step.

At the same time, he was alert to the amulet in Officer Tang's hand.

He was still scared after being kicked out from under the car last time!

After seeing that he was not attacked, he laughed proudly. "

What other tricks do you have?"


"Don't worry, I will let you die naturally.

It will be a death of old age, and no one will doubt it!"

As he approached, the lights in the room flickered, as if they were about to burn out. Wang Yue did not stop him, and looked at the other party pretending to be cool with a smile.

Gusts of cold wind slapped Officer Tang and Officer Qin, making them feel that their blood was about to coagulate!

They had never seen such a scene before. They rushed up without blinking an eye when they were asked to have a gunfight with the bandits.

But now the enemy is a ghost, how can they fight?

Officers Tang and Qin swallowed their saliva and instinctively gathered towards Wang Yue.

"What should I do?"

"Physical damage seems to have no effect on this thing?"

"Am I really going to die here today?

Does it count as a death in the line of duty?"

As soon as Officer Qin finished speaking, Officer Tang said with difficulty:

"In the past, when I watched movies, it seemed that black dog blood, mahogany bullets and so on should be useful, but where can I find these things now?"

"You watched a zombie movie, right?" ..., isn't this different?"

"It must be different!"

"What about virgin urine? Will it work?" "Damn, where are you looking?

How can I still be a virgin?"

"I am not either!"

... Then the two of them looked at Wang Yue at the same time.

Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, and his first reaction was:

Damn, who are you looking down on?

How can I be a virgin! ! !

Thinking back to the past...

Then he realized that his soul was still on Earth.

In this world, this body seemed to have no in-depth communication with girls except...

So he said with a dark face:

"Boy's urine is useless!"

The two police officers were a little disappointed after hearing this.

At this time, Officer Tang said solemnly:

"It seems that there is only one last way!"

"What way?"

"Call the ancestors!"

Officer Qin was stunned for a moment and cursed at him:

"Fuck, you are still thinking of taking advantage of me at this time, go to shit!!!


Hearing Officer Qin's whispered words, Officer Tang couldn't help but widen his eyes, "What???"

"Didn't you ask me to call your ancestors?

I called you, say it quickly, if it doesn't work, I won't let you go even if I become a ghost." "No, I mean to call the ancestors for help. Only ghosts can deal with ghosts at this time.

What are you thinking about?"

... Officer Qin, who was taken advantage of, directly strangled Officer Tang's neck, and the two of them fought instantly.

One side stabbed his nose, the other side pinched his mouth, he used a milk dragon to grab his hands, and he responded with a monkey stealing peaches...

Perhaps they were using this method to relieve their inner tension.

For a moment, the scene was spectacular. Wang Yue silently turned on the recording function of his mobile phone.

He didn't expect that these two police officers had such a side.

Wei Junzhi originally wanted to appreciate the desperate expressions of the few people, but he didn't expect that the other party would ignore him! ! !

His face immediately turned blue and black, and he kept switching, even his back teeth were grinding.

Seeing that the other party did not intend to stop, Wei Junzhi roared.


Flying towards Wang Yue and the others like an angry bird, Officer Tang was holding Officer Qin's neck with his deadly scissor kick, and was frightened back to his senses by this terrifying cry.

Then he saw an extremely distorted face infinitely enlarged, and the nails of the other party's hands were constantly growing, going straight for Officer Qin's heart.

"It's over..."

Officer Qin only had this thought in his mind at this time.

The next second, a figure blocked in front of him.

It was Officer Tang."

Old Tang~"

Officer Qin's eyes were red, and he shouted anxiously.

Wei Junzhi smiled happily when he saw this scene.

I just like the way you are helpless.

But before he could be happy for 0.01 seconds, a slap landed on his extremely distorted face.


Wei Junzhi was like a deflated balloon.

With a whoosh, he flew back at 10 times the speed when he came, but this time he did not pass through the wall, as if there was a mysterious force on the wall that blocked him, causing him to hit the wall heavily.

For a while, all kinds of birds were flying overhead.

Officer Tang's mouth was so wide that a goose egg could be stuffed in it.

He thought he was dead.

Then he saw Wang Yue slap him.

The palm did not pass through the other person's body as imagined, but slapped the other person away firmly.

This was completely beyond his cognition. So much so that he was stunned by the thunder.

Officer Qin was also shocked and didn't know what to do.

"Old Tang, this...

am I dreaming?"

"I've heard from the elders that if you have bruises all over your body for no apparent reason, it means you were beaten by a ghost the night before, but I've never heard of a ghost being beaten by a human!!!"

"Pa" Officer Tang slapped Officer Qin on the head.

"Ah~, fuck, it hurts so much, why the hell did you slap me?"

"Yeah, it hurts, I'm not dreaming.

"Then the two looked at Wang Yue, and the shock on their faces did not diminish. "Master Wang, this...

how did you do this?"

Wang Yue waved his hand, smiled slightly, and said lightly:

"Haha, basic exercises, don't be stupid..."

In the hearts of the two police officers, Wang Yue's image has been improved again.

I really don't know what the master can't do?

At this time, Wei Junzhi floated up from the ground, and you can see that his left face has sunken in, and you can tell at a glance that it hurts.

He staggered as if he had drunk fake wine. At this time, he was confused, what the hell, what's going on?

I'm a ghost!!!

It's a ghost!!!

You know it?

The kind without a physical body.

Why can he hit me? ? ?

Who can explain this to me?

After digging out the sunken half of his face, Wei Junzhi looked at Wang Yue, his eyes full of hatred, but also a little fear.

Although he believed that he had died once and would not die again, but although he didn't die just now, it hurt!

As a ghost with extremely fragile self-esteem, he still uttered a harsh word: "Although I don't know why you were able to attack me, I will not give you the chance to hit me again."

"I was careless just now.

Next, you'd better be prepared to bear my wrath."


Another angry scream.

Wang Yue looked at Wei Junzhi coldly.

The cold eyes made him feel scared as a ghost.

Then he saw Wang Yue slowly raised his left hand, but at this time his left hand was wrapped in flashing electric light, which looked extremely terrifying.

"Two officers, it is illegal to kill people, but it is not illegal to kill ghosts.?