Chapter 79: Strongest State, a Desperate Fight

Hearing Wang Yue's words, Officer Tang and Officer Qin had several big question marks on their heads.

After going over all the legal positions they had learned in their minds, there was indeed no law that said whether killing ghosts was illegal or not!

This question was a bit beyond the scope! The two looked at each other, and then said in unison:

"Is it illegal?"

"Is it illegal?"

And Wei Junzhi looked at Wang Yue's left hand that was glowing with electricity, and felt a deadly sense of danger coming from it.

He knew that if he was slapped, his soul would probably fly away.

He would definitely die without a dregs left. In an instant, the bladder without a physical body felt like urinating.

At this moment, he really wanted to say, it is illegal, really, believe me, the law enforcers in the underworld will come to you!

Then he wanted to escape through the wall. There is a saying that a good man does not suffer a loss in front of him, and it is not too late to take revenge later.

But the wall behind him was very unrespectful and kept not letting him go through.

There was no way.

In this situation, there was only one way to choose!

His eyes became more and more determined, and his expression became more and more serious.

The store was filled with cold winds.

It seemed to blow out the lightning on Wang Yue's hand.

Officer Tang and Officer Qin's hair also flew up.

Fortunately, there were no girls wearing skirts here, otherwise their skirts would have been blown away, revealing a scene that people didn't want to see!

They knew that the real battle was coming! At this time, the body of Wei Junzhi on the opposite side began to change.

His originally good body seemed to be crushed by a truck, and his bones were cracking.

Slowly, the whole person became twisted, and the blood was all over his body.

His head was broken, and the brain was seen spurting out, but the strange thing was that the blood and brain did not flow to the floor.

Officer Tang and Officer Qin did not dare to say a word, although they did not understand what Wei Junzhi was going to do.

But they guessed that this was the opponent's strongest state.

The opponent was going to fight desperately!

Officer Tang whispered beside Wang Yue: "Master Wang, what can we do?"

"Just say it, even if it costs our lives."

Officer Qin also nodded affirmatively.

Wang Yue looked at the two of them and suddenly smiled.

"No, don't be so nervous, this kind of thing will be solved soon."

Although Wang Yue looked relaxed, Officer Tang and Officer Qin knew that Wang Yue must be under a lot of pressure at this time and was going to fight the ghost desperately.

They had already made up their minds that if there was any danger later, they would use their bodies to block the damage for Wang Yue.

Even if they died, they had to die before Wang Yue.

Just when they made up their minds, Wei Junzhi also completed the last step of transformation.

There was no part of his body intact, and the whole person looked extremely miserable. Yes, although it was also quite scary, it was more miserable!

The next moment, the pair of broken legs seemed unable to support his body.

He knelt down on the ground with a snap. "Master, spare my life!"

"If I say that I just wanted to scare you and didn't really want to take your lives, would you believe it?"

"This is what I looked like after being crushed in front of me.

I was really miserable!

So I hate it and I want revenge.

But now the murderer is dead, and my resentment has disappeared a little.

I originally wanted to find the previous boss and punish him for exploiting his employees, but now that the master has said it, I know that I was wrong."

"Master, please spare my life and give me a chance to change."

Yes, this is the only way he thought of just now when his brain was running wildly.

Only by begging for mercy can there be a glimmer of hope.

It's not that he has never thought about escaping from the gate, but every time he had this idea, the sense of fatal danger became stronger.

So he could only kneel down and beg for mercy.

And he had to play the victim.

There was no worst, only worse.

If he was not afraid of disgusting Wang Yue, he would have wanted to restore the miserable state of soaking in the manure pool and being covered with Oli!

Officers Tang and Qin, who were originally ready to die heroically, opened their mouths wide at this time.

You could even hear the snapping sound of the jaw being dislocated.

"What's going on?"

"Brother Gui, didn't you put on your strongest state to fight for life and death?" "We are all ready to die."

"Why did you suddenly kneel down and beg for mercy?"

"You are not following the plot routine!"

However, seeing his miserable appearance and his crying and telling on the ground, the two police officers felt a little sympathy.

Wang Yue was unmoved by Wei Junzhi's plea for mercy.

He said lightly:


"When you think you can beat them, you have to fight and kill them.

When you know you can't beat them, you play the victim and beg for mercy."

"Do you think I am such a person without temper?"

After saying that, the hand wrapped in lightning was about to fall.

Wei Junzhi's bulging eyeballs jumped in fear.

He hurriedly shouted:

"Wait...wait a minute."

Wang Yue's hand stopped in mid-air, and the power emanating from it made Wei Junzhi's incorporeal Adam's apple jump.

He wiped the cold sweat from his head with his twisted hands, and then continued.


"Master, I am truly repentant.

I have let down the other Junzhi in my life and caused him to have a rough fate."

"If possible, can you let me repay this karma first, and then let me dissipate."

"And Master is right, I sold out the company's secrets, which will cause many people to lose their jobs, and I also want to make up for it."

"After doing these two things, I will come back to be punished."

"Of course, I will make amends for my previous behavior first, and I am willing to offer the heirloom to the master."

After saying this, Wei Junzhi looked at Wang Yue nervously.

When the two police officers beside Wang Yue heard Wei Junzhi say that he was offering the heirloom, they looked at the parts that fell beside his thigh at the same time.

They looked at each other with strange expressions.

You don't want to give this "treasure" that will carry on the family line to the master, do you?

Have you discovered some secret of the master?

Wei Junzhi also saw the strange expressions of the two police officers, and they glanced at his thigh from time to time.

At the moment, he also looked over along their gaze, and was immediately shocked. Just now, he was only concerned with restoring the tragic state of the corpse, and didn't notice that this thing actually fell out.

He quickly put it in his pocket, and then hurriedly explained:

"It's not this, it's not this..."

"Master, don't get me wrong.

Even if I have a hundred thousand guts, I wouldn't dare to joke with you."

"The heirloom I'm talking about is passed down from my ancestors for eighteen generations.

It's a copper key.

I don't know what it does specifically, but the ancestral precepts say that it's related to a secret realm, treasure or something."

Wang Yue knew that Wei Junzhi had not deceived him.

When he used the skill just now, he did see the matching key on the other party.

He also knew that this was indeed something passed down from generation to generation.

Moreover, this thing was related to some secret realm, treasure or something.

Although he didn't know where it was now, with this key in hand, he might be able to find the secret realm in the future.

Wang Yue began to weigh in his mind whether he should kill the other party directly?