Chapter 85: Methods to Remove the Curse

Qiu Ya didn't hear clearly how she came to this world.

Wang Yue's words about heavy bleeding that couldn't be stopped kept ringing in her mind.

When she was in school, other people's relatives came to visit in the 6th grade.

At that time, she thought they were sick and horrible.

She didn't want to be like them.

Later, she knew that this was a process that every girl would go through, but her relatives didn't knock on the door for a long time, and she was a little complacent.

Not only did she have one less trouble every month, but she didn't have to suffer pain. Now it seems that I am the one who is sick! Pain...

My heart hurts...

Why is it like this?

Lin Yi also covered her mouth tightly to prevent herself from screaming.

It directly made a woman lose the joy of being a woman.

Not only could she not get to know her lover deeply, but she had to rely on medicine to get pregnant.

This curse can no longer be described as harming.

This is even more vicious than murder.

She couldn't imagine if she would collapse directly if she was cursed by this.

Even if she could bear it, how could her lover bear it?

Then should she choose to die alone, or use her life in exchange for the completeness of her life?

Thinking of this, she looked at Qiu Ya with sympathy, and at the same time, she made up her mind not to irritate this poor girl again, and covered her mouth with more force.

... Qiu Yushan was also very anxious after the call was hung up.

He wanted to appear in front of Wang Yue immediately, but he was afraid of offending the master.

He was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, walking around the room.

In the end, he could only pin his hopes on his precious daughter, hoping to bring the master back.

If his precious daughter couldn't handle it, he would visit the master again.

No matter how much it cost, he asked the master for help.

Because this was related to his happiness in the second half of his life.

Although this curse would not make him smaller every year, he couldn't touch his wife.

Although his wife asked him to find a vent outside, he didn't want to because he had a strong sense of responsibility.

So he had to practice a set of combination punches every night to vent his excess energy.

Outsiders who don't know him think that he works too hard.

He has talent and works so hard, so he can break through to the master of martial arts in just 30 years.

They all take him as an example and spur themselves on. But only he knows the pain in it...

... Qiuya looked like she had no desire to live.

"Brother Wang Yue, what should I do?"

Lin Yi quickly pricked up her ears, wanting to see if Wang Yue had any solution.

Wang Yue said lightly:

"You have several options to solve this problem."

Qiuya's eyes lit up and rekindled hope.

She thought:

Yes, since Brother Wang Yue knows about our family's curse, he must have a way to solve it.

"Brother Wang Yue, tell me quickly, what should I do?"

"The easiest way is to never get married for a lifetime.

With so much money, just enjoy it and eat, drink and play every day."

"If you get tired of playing in this city, go to another city to continue playing.

If you have played all over the country, go abroad to continue."

After Wang Yue finished speaking, Qiuya shook her head like a rattle.

"No, no, I don't want this.

I want someone I love and who loves me."

"I didn't get married before because I hadn't met someone I liked, not because I didn't want to get married."


Qiu Ya didn't say the last sentence, but said it in her heart.

Now that I've met you, I want to be one with you every day and never be separated.

Lin Yi also agreed with her.

This kind of life seems to be very enjoyable on the surface, but no one can satisfy the emptiness in her heart.

Especially when it's late at night, the feeling of emptiness and loneliness is simply suffocating.

Even when I see someone showing off their affection in the circle of friends, I want to block her.

Wang Yue raised the corner of his mouth and continued, "That's easy.

You can be like your sister, single on the surface, and find a girlfriend secretly."

"This way you can meet the need to find a lover and there will be no life-threatening danger."

"As for children, you can choose to adopt or choose test tubes.

You can choose any excellent genes." Hearing this unexpected news, Qiu Ya's big eyes bulged and stared into two big circles.

Her little mouth opened wide, as if she was under a spell.Stay there.

Lin Yi's two thin eyebrows jumped up in surprise, and her heart was already in turmoil.

Did I hear some explosive information?

The CEOs of five listed companies were actually...

It's over, it's over, do I know too much, will I be silenced?

Woo woo woo woo, am I already on the road to being silenced, going further and further?

How about finding an excuse to slip away first?

But the feeling of eating melons is too intoxicating, and the gossiping heart can no longer be suppressed with one hand, I can't control myself.

While Lin Yi was thinking about it, Qiu Ya had suppressed her shock, looked at Wang Yue and asked:

"Brother Wang Yue, are you saying that my sister is not single?

She has found a girlfriend?"

"But she is also a woman!"

"Then she is... a lesbian???"

Wang Yue nodded and said calmly:

"Yes, to be precise, she is a T in lesbians, so she is not in danger."

Qiu Ya couldn't accept such information for a while.

No wonder my sister always takes me to take a bath every time she comes back, and praises me for my good development, and...

Thinking of the scene of herself being taken advantage of, and thinking of her sister's hobbies, Qiu Ya felt goose bumps all over her body.

In her heart, she has already listed this sister as a dangerous person, and must keep a distance from her.

By the way, I have to tell my mother that this abominable guy has taken a hot spring bath with my mother many times...

Just when she was thinking about it, she suddenly saw Wang Yue looking at her with a smile, as if waiting for her to make a decision.

She shook her head frantically and said, "No, no, no, I don't want to be a lesbian."

"I don't want to be a T, nor a P, I don't want this kind of life."

"I like boys, I...blush."

Looking at Qiu Ya's excitement, she was obviously quite repulsive. Wang Yue didn't say anything.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with being a lesbian, it's just that everyone has different choices and the love they show is different.

Of course, if someone wanted to find him for fencing or martial arts, he would definitely refuse it 100% and help him to go back to school.

Let him open his eyes to brighten his next life.

Why would you pick on me when you can pick on anyone else?

Since Qiu Ya doesn't like this plan, she can't force it, so she continued slowly, "Since you are not satisfied with the first two plans, it doesn't matter, there is a third one."