Chapter 86 Brother Wang Yue, are you okay?

"This method is only a temporary solution, and it is also dangerous."

Qiu Ya suddenly became nervous again.

Even such a powerful brother Wang Yue said it was dangerous, so it must be very dangerous, right?

She swallowed hard and asked weakly: "Brother Wang Yue, what is the method?" "Tell me, I can bear it."

Seeing her like this, Wang Yue smiled and said:

"Don't be nervous, this method is actually quite simple.

With the strength of your family and the current medical level, it is not a big problem. That is to perform a full-body blood transfusion."

"This is a curse hidden in the blood.

A blood transfusion can temporarily avoid the curse."

"But you have to transfuse blood again every 7 days, and endure the sequelae of blood transfusion, which has certain risks."

Qiu Ya didn't know how to operate it specifically, but when she heard that she had to replace all the blood in her body, she couldn't help but feel cold all over.

The look she gave Wang Yue seemed to say: Brother Wang Yue, are you serious?

That's a blood transfusion!

You have to drain all the blood in your body first, and then transfuse someone else's blood.

How terrible, how terrible!

What if the other person has any disease? What if it is transmitted to you in the future? No, no, no, I can't pass it on to you.

Thinking of this, Qiu Ya shook her head again, looking at Wang Yue with big eyes. "Brother Wang Yue, is there no way to completely solve the curse?"

"Can you bear to see a delicate girl like me suffer from this curse?"

"Do you want to see me bleed to death when you play poker with me in the future?"

After Qiu Ya finished speaking, she was almost hanging on Wang Yue, and her chest was deformed due to the squeezing.

Wang Yue shouted in his heart, "Witch, who wants to play poker with you?" Although...but...

I tell you, if you light a fire again, you won't be able to bear the consequences.

At least 2 hours!

Lin Yi looked at Qiu Ya's behavior and accidentally noticed the obvious changes in little Wang Yue.

Although she now knew that the other party was not sent by a competitor, Master Wang would not be poached.

But for some reason, she just felt uncomfortable.

Zuo Xin felt inexplicably blocked, as if she needed a handsome destined person to help her smooth it out.

So she quietly put a tissue under the table again and tore it up fiercely.

This time she did not curse Qiu Ya in her heart, but cursed herself, why it was not herself who hung it up...

(Burning face.) At this moment, the door of the small private room was opened.

"Sorry, brother, your barbecue is ready." "How about I go out first, grill the barbecue again, and come in later?"

The waiter stood at the door in a daze, holding a plate full of barbecue in one hand and a beer in the other.

At the same time, she seriously condemned the two people who showed off their love in front of single dogs.

Don't you know that you will die quickly if you show off your love in front of single dogs?

And you are reluctant to pay for the room? You are not afraid of dirtying my private room, so you don't need to clean it, right?

If Wang Yue's system could collect resentment, it would definitely prompt a crazy resentment of +99999...

Qiu Ya also realized that she was wrong and quickly got off Wang Yue.

At this time, she noticed the change in little Wang Yue, and her face suddenly became hot. She said coquettishly:

"Bad guy..."

Wang Yue:...

Haha, woman!!!

In order to ease his embarrassment, Wang Yue quickly asked the waiter to put in the barbecue and beer.

The waiter also quickly put it down and hurried away, not wanting to stay for a moment.

But soon he brought in two dozen oysters again, and when he walked to Wang Yue's side, he didn't forget to say:

"Brother, this is the trump card of our store: Rushan oysters, each one is big and fat, eating one is equivalent to 10 ordinary ones outside."

"You are picking two...


After saying that, she gave Wang Yue a look that you know.

Then she quickly retreated, for fear of disturbing Wang Yue's good things.

The two girls seemed to think of certain scenes, and their faces began to heat up for a while.

Wang Yue was shocked, there are always people who want this master to break the first level.

Do I look like a determined person?

Stop adding fuel to the fire!

Looking at the expressions of the two girls again, forget it, there is no need to explain. "Ahem..."

"Come on, eat first.

I tell you, barbecue tastes better when it is hot."

As he spoke, he picked up a bottle of beer and flicked the beer cap with his thumb. "Would you like to drink something?"

"If you don't drink while eating barbecue, you're wasting your time!"

Wang Yue thought, since he was interrupted by the waiter, he would eat first and then continue to solve Qiuya's problem.

The two girls looked at the wine Wang Yue handed over, and then looked at his smiling face.

They instantly understood what he wanted to do!

They also thought that it would be better to drink some wine, and a little tipsy should be more...

Lin Yi took the beer handed over by Wang Yue with a blushing heartbeat.

Then Wang Yue followed suit and showed off his thumb flicking bottle cap and handed Qiuya a bottle.

But she looked like she wanted to say something but stopped.

Wang Yue didn't pay attention.

After filling his own glass, he picked up an arm-sized oyster king.

Don't get me wrong, it's not for the nutritious food the waiter said, I just like to eat this thing.

Lin Yi also stood up and reached out to pick up the chicken leg next to Wang Yue.

After all, she was a little hungry.

She didn't eat on the plane, and she rushed here immediately after getting off the plane.

When she smelled the fragrance, she couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

Seeing that Qiu Ya didn't do anything, thinking about the misunderstanding between the two just now, Lin Yi wanted to ease the relationship between the two, so she said:

"That...Qiu Ya..."

"We just had a misunderstanding, don't take it to heart."

"You should eat something first!"

"I believe Master Wang can definitely solve the curse problem on you."

Qiu Ya was also stunned.

She didn't expect that this enemy who was full of hostility just now actually cared about her.

It couldn't be that the weasel was paying New Year's greetings to the chicken, and he had no good intentions.

With a forced smile, he responded:

"You guys eat it."

"I don't have much appetite."

After Wang Yue finished eating an oyster king and a glass of beer, he said it was so refreshing.

Seeing that Qiu Ya didn't do anything, he also said:

"Eat it. It won't taste good when it's cold."

The result was a resentful expression from Qiuya.

Wang Yue could only smile bitterly and said, "Don't worry, there is indeed a way to completely resolve the curse."

"That is to find someone who is more powerful than the one who cast the curse, and break it at the source, so that your entire family will no longer be tortured by this curse."

Qiuya's eyes lit up after hearing this, and her resentful expression instantly turned into great joy, faster than the face-changing in Peking Opera.


"Brother Wang Yue, can you do it?"

This time it was Wang Yue who changed his expression, with a dark face.

Asking a boy if you can do it?

Are you polite?

In order to no longer endure Qiuya's resentful expression, Wang Yue continued, "This curse is not simple, I can try."


Qiuya's heart was instantly tightened again, just like riding a roller coaster.

"No...but what???"