Chapter 95 To be precise, it is the previous owner of your kidney who is going to rebel

Liu Ergou was stunned! Rebellion?

How is it going to rebel?

Is it a spirit?

I really can't imagine it!

Most of the viewers in the live broadcast room were also full of questions???

And a few viewers with unusual imaginations were already frantically outputting in the barrage:


Why, why did you break up my partner and me, and let our two kidneys that were originally in love start a long-distance relationship?

No, I want to run out and find my beloved kidney."

"This kidney has been practicing for many years and finally has a consciousness. Tonight I will first sacrifice the host to the heaven."

"Kidney: The unscrupulous second-generation master only knows how to make me work every day, not paying me, not letting me rest, I want to go on strike, I want kidney rights..."

"Fuck, I have to say, you are all talented, it's a pity not to write novels."

... Wang Yue couldn't help laughing as he watched these funny people's imaginations grow bigger and bigger.

I admire you, this dog author is not as awesome as you.

Then Wang Yue restrained his smile and said slowly:

"To be precise, it was the previous owner of your kidney who wanted to rebel." "Therefore, it affected the kidney in your body."

Liu Ergou didn't react and said in confusion: "Didn't the previous owner of my kidney die?"

"How could he..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly thought of another possibility.

His eyes widened and he said loudly: "Master, could it be that the previous owner of my kidney turned into a ghost and wanted to harm me?"

The netizens were also very excited:

the exciting part was coming...

Wang Yue smiled and continued:

"Actually, there is something you don't know."

"Due to some coincidences, your kidney and its previous owner still have a cause and effect that has not been cut off."

"So every time you pee, or play games or poker with your wife, as long as you use the function of this kidney, you will forcibly pull its previous owner from the underworld, and then forcibly send it back after the end."

"Once he was ready to reincarnate, and was about to drink Meng Po soup, but you pulled him up abruptly, squatting in the urinal to watch you pee, and the key was that he couldn't leave."

"He almost wanted to die, not only because of this ability to force him to come up, but also because he felt that your half-inch penis was not worthy of his golden left kidney."

"Not to mention that he had to be pulled up by you every few days to watch you and your wife play games up close.

Although he is a ghost, he also has needs. He can't get what he wants.

Do you understand his feeling?"

... After Wang Yue finished speaking, the viewers in the live broadcast room were all shocked:

"Fuck, hahahaha, there is such a thing, 666666..."

"Fuck, if it were me, I would also rebel.

I gave you a kidney out of kindness, and this is how you repay me?

I have to smell your urine and watch your show?"

"Hahahaha, I wonder how much trauma the previous owner of the kidney has felt..."

"This is outrageous, and the picture is terrifying, but why do I just want to laugh, hahaha..."

"Hey, do you still have your right kidney?

I have a lot of capital and am quite famous in the circle of rich women.

I am completely worthy of your golden right kidney.

How about giving it to me?

I have a lot of business recently, and my right kidney can't stand it."

... Liu Ergou felt his head buzzing at this time.

Fuck, he really doesn't know!

For more than a year, there has been a ghost squatting next to him, watching his operations.

Fuck, just thinking about this picture makes me feel scared.

I will have a trauma in the future.

Can he still stand up?

He looked at Wang Yue and said in panic: "Master, I really don't know."

"Is that gentleman here now?"

"Is it too late for me to apologize to him?

Can you please not hurt me?"

Wang Yue shook his head and continued: "He didn't really want to hurt you."

"There were a few times before when he couldn't help wanting to kill you, but if he did, he would never be able to reincarnate and would only be a lonely ghost, so he held back."

"Later, he was forced to be pulled up more and more times, and he knew he couldn't resist, so he just lay down.

I can only hope that one day, this forced ability will disappear."

Liu Ergou breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, but he thought it was not right. Since he didn't hurt me, why would my life be in danger?

"Master, didn't you just say that he wanted to rebel?"

"Since he didn't want to hurt me and chose to lie down, why did he rebel?

What rebellion?

What does it have to do with me?"

Liu Ergou asked three questions in a row, saying out all the questions in his heart.

Wang Yue smiled slightly and continued slowly:

"It's a coincidence that one time he was down there and accidentally offended a big shot.

Just when he thought he was dead, you forcibly pulled him up and saved him."

"After discovering this ability and its benefits, he started to get carried away."

"After repeated attempts and recording your usual summoning patterns, he feels that he can walk sideways in the underworld, so he is ready to rebel in the underworld and touch the tiger whiskers of the King of Hell."

Liu Ergou was completely shocked!

Ah~ This...

The water friends in the live broadcast room did not expect it to be like this.

The barrage was quiet for three seconds, and then exploded again:

"Fuck, crap, crap, crap...

Just ask who else?"

"These dishes, after drinking so much, dare to rebel in the underworld.

Do you think the King of Hell is made of mud?"

"I have to say, this is a ghost genius.

A ghost who doesn't want to be the King of Hell is not a good ghost!


"The King of Hell has to give you a thumbs up if he knows.

I have been sitting in this position for too long.

It's a bit boring.

It's not bad to have some fun occasionally!"

"No, he is rebelling in the underworld.

What does it have to do with Brother Niu Huang?

Can the King of Hell implicate Brother Niu Huang?"

... Liu Ergou also saw this barrage information and reacted immediately.

Yes, he is rebelling, not me, what does it have to do with me?

At most, his kidney is with me. Will he not let his kidney go?

Will he be implicated?

"Master, could it be that the King of Hell wants to kill me?"

"I am innocent!!!"

Wang Yue shook his head, "It's not what you think."

"After the previous owner of your kidney failed in the rebellion, he was locked up on the eighth floor and burned by the fire of karma every day!"

"And your kidney can't force him up..." Before Wang Yue finished speaking, Liu Ergou couldn't help but say:

"Master, isn't this better?"

Then he realized that he had said the wrong thing and quickly changed his words:

"This way he doesn't have to be pulled here to smell the urine every time, and he won't suffer next to me and my wife!"

"This should be a good thing for me, right?" Wang Yue pulled the corner of his mouth and showed a smile:

"I can only say that you are too naive!"

"If he gets into trouble, your kidney will also have problems because of that connection." "Then you will find that not only can you not pee when you want to, but you can't even play games!"

"In the end, he was suffocated to death!"

Liu Ergou: d(ŐдŐ๑)