Chapter 104 Your bad omen comes with a happy event

"No, I'm asking you, do you believe that you have a bad omen and a bloody disaster?" Hearing this, Happiness Knocks on the Door didn't react at first, and then his pupils shrank, and his face was full of fear. !!!!

Since Wang Yue said that he was going to be a father, then he couldn't escape the omen? He couldn't help but be afraid! ! !

Seeing his appearance, the water friends in the live broadcast room laughed unkindly.

"Master Wang said you had a bad omen, but you didn't believe it.

Are you confused now?

Is your head buzzing?


"Young man, we have to believe what Master Wang said.

If you don't listen to him, you'll have a feast before your eyes!"

"How arrogant you were just now, how panicked you are now, hahaha..."

"Happiness comes knocking on the door: Haha, I didn't expect that you are not only good at special effects, but also better at providing evidence, but why am I in a bad mood?


"Master Wang:

I still like your rebellious look at the beginning, how about you recover?"

... Happiness comes knocking on the door, looking at the content on the barrage, the whole person is ashamed and angry, and complains to the screen:

"Please be a human being!!!"

"I'm not only happy to be a father, but also have a blood disaster.

It's so miserable, and you are still talking nonsense here!"

"You have no sympathy at all!!!"

The words of happiness coming knocking on the door did not comfort him, but instead brought more rampant laughter from the netizens.

The whole barrage was full of joy, only happiness came knocking on the door itself was frowning.

He shook his head helplessly, then looked at Wang Yue on the screen and said, "Master, to be honest, I'm quite afraid of death, so I have to have a full body check-up four times a year.

I'm currently in good health."

"I never play those dangerous extreme sports such as free climbing, low-altitude skydiving, wing suit flying, crazy racing...

I don't understand why I suddenly have so many bloody disasters?"

"Did I accidentally offend someone and the other party want to kill me?"

Wang Yue shook his head and said, "Your bad omen comes with a happy event."

"According to your original destiny, you will die in the third year after marriage.

God, died at the hands of Li Yan. " Happiness Knocks on the Door's first reaction after hearing it was that it was impossible.

How could such a kind person kill me?

The gossipy hearts of the netizens in the live broadcast room were already stirring, and they speculated one after another.

Was it because the matter of the child was exposed, and the two had a big quarrel, and finally Li Yan accidentally killed him?

Or was it because Li Yan's needs were too great, and Happiness Knocks on the Door could not satisfy him, and he was finally ruthlessly killed?

There are also claims that Li Yan carried some kind of terrifying virus in his body, which was passed to Happiness Knocks on the Door, causing his death?

Some netizens also said that this was not happiness knocking on the door, but clearly the god of death knocking on the door.

The barrage was full of various death speculations from netizens.

Looking at the death speculations of netizens on the barrage, Happiness Knocks on the Door felt speechless.

Can you make me die more miserably? Then he stopped looking at the barrage, waiting to be speechlessly killed before being killed.

He said to Wang Yue on the screen:

"It shouldn't be, right?


"Although I was very angry when I first learned that Xi was a father, I was more angry that she deceived me! "

"And all this happened before she knew me. If I think about it calmly, I can accept it." "Apart from the possibility of a quarrel because of deceiving me, I can't think of any other reason why she wanted to kill me."

"Are you mistaken?"

Wang Yue said slowly:

"This is related to her experience after she left home."

"At that time, because she was afraid of being discovered, she wanted to go to a place far away so that no one would know her."

"She bought a ticket to another province at the station, but when she got off the bus, she found that her money had been stolen."

"Being in an unfamiliar place and having no money on her made her even more panicked and desperate.

She wanted to find a job, but she was too young and others didn't dare to hire her. "

"She had no choice but to sleep on the streets, pick up waste from the trash cans to sell, and wait at the door of a small restaurant for people to finish eating, then run in to pour the leftovers into a bag, and run to another place to eat…"

Happiness Comes Knocking on the Door's eyes were a little red, and I felt sorry for Li Yan.

I didn't expect that she had such an experience before.

It was so pitiful!

Wang Yue continued:

"Later, one time, a landlord came out to throw away the garbage and saw her. Although she was dirty at the time, you could still see that she was good-looking, so the landlord took her in. "

"She thought she had met a good person, but that night the landlord stretched out his claws to her. "

"She wanted to resist, but the landlord told her that if she didn't want to have a baby in her stomachAs soon as her child is born, he lives on the street with her.

So she has to be obedient.

If she is obedient, she can be fed and given a place to stay..."

"After a mental struggle, she finally lay down and let the landlord do whatever he wants..."

Happiness Knocks on the Door was very emotional at this time, his fists clenched, his eyes were red, and he cursed the landlord as a beast.

He hated himself for not meeting Li Yan earlier, so that she would not be bullied!

Seeing his emotional look, Wang Yue sighed and continued:

"And this landlord usually plays mahjong with others, and he shows off this to others." "His mahjong friends also had bad intentions, including the pork seller downstairs."

"When Li Yan went to buy pork, he pulled her behind the curtain and threatened her with the child in her belly, saying that he would kill her if she dared to scream. "

"Because of her cowardice, more people joined in, and became more unscrupulous..."

"After the child was born, she had a high fever and went to the clinic.

The doctor in that small clinic just left the child aside and prescribed some medicine after the operation was over..."

... Happiness Comes Knocking on the Door was already in tears, his teeth were clattering, he felt like his chest was going to explode with anger, and his whole face became a little distorted.

He gritted his teeth and roared:

"I want these people to die a miserable death..."

"I want to kill them..."


The barrage on the screen was also drowned by the anger of the netizens: "Zhao, these scumbags, we must call the police, and they must be punished as they deserve."

"Compared to these scumbags, I am more angry with this stupid woman.

Are you stupid?

Don't you know how to resist?

Ah~ I am so angry! ! ! "

"Damn it, for these social scums, their tools of crime should be cut off so that they can no longer do evil!

"Weakness will only make the bad guys more aggressive.

How can there be such a stupid person?

If you can't resist, just run away!"

... Just when everyone in the barrage was furious and wanted to chop these bastards into pieces.

Wang Yue continued:

"And this continued until the child was three years old!"