Chapter 105: Folk remedies, what you eat will replenish what you gain

"When her child was three years old, he couldn't walk or talk.

He had two snotty noses and a silly smile with drool every day.

He needed help from others for eating, drinking, and defecating."

"Li Yan took him to the hospital to see a doctor.

After the doctor examined him, he told her that the child was born with congenital cerebral hypoplasia, which is what people usually call a fool."

"This news was like a bolt from the blue. Li Yan was stunned.

She stayed where she was, her mind blank." "She felt that her world had collapsed.

She didn't know what to do in the future, and what would happen to her child."

Happiness Knocks on the Door looked distressed, and murmured while crying: "She must have collapsed in her heart, right?"

"She suffered all kinds of humiliation just for the child.

Now tell her that the child is a fool."

"No one can bear this."

"Why did God let her suffer so much?" "What did she do wrong as a little girl?" "Why do you treat her like this??"

Happiness Knocks on the Door almost roared at the end.

At this time, the atmosphere of the barrage in the live broadcast room also changed.

It became a little sad.

"The hemp rope breaks at the thinnest part, and misfortune finds the unfortunate, alas..." "I should have been carefree and lived happily every day, but I had to endure things that I shouldn't have at this age, alas..."

"I cried all the time after listening to this.

My mother asked me nervously what happened, and I said that sand got into my eyes."

"My girlfriend insisted on taking me to get a diagnosis, fearing that we were siblings who had been separated for many years and that the child was born with congenital brain dysplasia..."

"All the suffering started with this child.

If I had known this would happen, I should have taken him to the hospital to have him removed."

"@上楼, you are wrong.

All the suffering started with that DVD.

It's all because of those evil pornographic resources.

Hurry up and give me all the resources stored in your computer, and I will destroy them for you..."

... I don't know when the atmosphere of the barrage was led astray, and a large number of righteous netizens stood up one after another, even if they would die, they would help destroy the resources.

Finally, a netizen asked, what happened later?

Wang Yue glanced at the comments and continued, "She didn't know how she walked out of the hospital, holding her child and walking on the road like a zombie."

"At this time, a young couple passed by, and the girl asked the boy to eat more kidneys, saying that eating what you eat will replenish what you have."

"Hearing this, a glimmer of light appeared in Li Yan's eyes!

Then she rushed home quickly with the child in her arms..."

Happiness Knocks on the Door Forgot to cry for a moment, What to eat to replenish what, is there anything wrong with this sentence? What is this for? ? ?

The water friends in the live broadcast room felt their feet getting colder, and a chill rushed to their heads.

No way? ? ?

It's not what I thought, right? ? ? "

After she returned home, she bought two rabbits, killed the rabbits, and fed the rabbit brains to the children."

"After that, she kept buying brains of various animals to feed the children."

The water friends in the live broadcast room were relieved instantly.


Fortunately! ! !

The baby was scared to death, and thought it was...

Happiness Knocks on the Door also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Master, although I don't understand it either, this should be useless, right?"

Wang Yue nodded and continued:

"Yes, it really has no effect!"

"So she became more and more anxious, and her behavior became more and more crazy.

She wondered if the cooked ones were ineffective, and whether she should feed them raw to the children..."

Hiss~ Everyone in the live broadcast room took a breath of cold air.

"But she didn't do it in the end."

Everyone in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief.

Before they could completely let go, they heard Wang Yue continue to say:

"One night, the landlord came again."

"She cooperated numbly, and the child was drooling and laughing beside her.

The landlord scolded:

"Fool, why do you want to come too?

Haha, idiot."

"This sentence made her completely crazy, and a crazy idea grew in her mind..."

"She killed the landlord, then chopped the landlord's head open with a knife, and dug out the landlord's brain.

Since the animal brain didn't work, she used the human brain.

The human brain should have an effect, right?"

"Then she fed the landlord's brain to the child..."

The water friends in the live broadcast room were silent!

3 seconds later, the barrage lined up and frantically floated "Fuck!!!

Sure enough...

It's terrible!"

"Wait for me, let's talk together, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..."

"It's cruel enough.

Although it's refreshing, it's a bit perverted in the end..."

"A mother can really do anything for her child."

"My scalp went numb, and I shrank an inch..."

"My mom asked why there was a sudden stench, and when I looked, I found out that I was incontinent!"

"I will never again dare to say that my girlfriend has big breasts and no brains, because I'm afraid she will dig out my brains and eat them!"

... Happiness Knocks on the Door was also shocked with eyes wide open and mouth wide open.

The scene of the knife slashing at the landlord's head appeared in my mind, and I couldn't help but tremble. ""

"Wouldn't she have been caught long ago for doing this?"

Wang Yue showed a mysterious smile and said slowly:

"Isn't it too small?"

"In addition to taking care of the baby every day, she likes to read novels, and she especially likes to read those murder suspense novels."

"She has already read them by heart about scene handling, destroying the body, and proving alibis."

"Although it was her first time and she had no experience in killing people, she handled it in a very good way."

"After that, all the people who bullied her, such as the pork seller, the clinic doctor, the owner of the daily necessities store, the owner of the mahjong hall...

their brains were fed to the child."

Happiness comes knocking on the door suddenly felt a little dry in the mouth, weak all over, and her legs were shaking! It was really hard to imagine that the beautiful, kind, angel-like girl was actually a perverted murderer.

For a moment, all the sadness and sorrow in my heart were pushed into the corner, and the rest was filled with the fear of my aunt! ! ! "Master...


then all these years...she..."

Happiness comes knocking on the door couldn't speak complete words, and her tongue was always tied!

Wang Yue directly said the question he wanted to ask for him:

"You mean, how come she was not discovered for so many years, and what happened later?"

Happiness came to knock on the door and nodded frantically.

Wang Yue said slowly:

"Because the bodies could not be found, all the bodies were dismembered by her and buried in batches in various places.

The police could only treat it as a missing case."

"Later, she left that place with her children and moved to another place to live.

Anyone who was attracted by her beauty ended up having their brains fed to her children."

"In this way, after living in one place for a while, she moved to another place and started her drifting journey."

"Until she met you three months ago.

She didn't want to target you, but you insisted on getting close to her."