Chapter 116 Xiao Ma Ge’s Sudden Visit

Just when Wang Yue was enjoying his meal, several uninvited guests suddenly came to the store entrance.

The leader was a middle-aged man wearing a suit and glasses, with a thin figure and looked to be in his early fifties.

Next to him stood a tall mixed-race beauty with fair skin, beautiful face, long legs, and a set of professional clothes that showed her hot figure to the fullest.

Behind them stood two tall and strong men, both wearing sunglasses and suits, but people could tell at a glance that they were bodyguards. "

Excuse me, is this Master Wang?"

The mixed-race beauty said to the store. Wang Yue had his back to the store entrance at this time.

He turned his head after hearing the voice. "Oh my!"

"I don't know them, who are they?"

"They look quite stylish, and the man in the lead looks a little familiar."

Wang Yue used the skill [See Clearly] to look at the mixed-race beauty.

After seeing the other person clearly, Wang Yue was a little surprised. "

Oh~ one of Xiao Ma Ge's secretaries?" "Then the person next to him is Xiao Ma Ge?"

"Fuck, this is a big boss, he's so thin that I can hardly recognize him."

He stuffed the fried dough sticks in his hand into his mouth and drank the soy milk in one gulp.

Wang Yue then stood up and walked towards the few people.

Lin Yi also recognized the person in front of her, and was immediately shocked!

Why is Xiao Ma Ge here? And he came to find Master Wang. Is he here to poach people?

The video account they set up is indeed a competitor.

If Master Wang is pulled over there to live broadcast, the loss to the platform will be too great!

No, if the situation is not right later, I have to report it quickly.

If I am poached, I will not be able to continue to be the master's personal customer service...

No, no!

Thinking of this, she also hurriedly stood up and followed behind Wang Yue.

Looking at Wang Yue who was walking over, a bodyguard behind Xiao Ma Ge immediately moved sideways to the front of Xiao Ma Ge and looked at Wang Yue vigilantly to prevent any accidents.

If he finds that Wang Yue has any illegal intentions, he will attack with thundering force, and then be knocked down by Wang Yue with one punch.After Wang Yue came to Xiao Ma Ge, he smiled and said, "Hello, I'm Wang Yue."

"If you're looking for the Master Wang who tells fortunes online, then that should be me, hehe."

Xiao Ma Ge had been looking at Wang Yue since he stood up.

His first impression was:

young and handsome.

When I saw him online before, I thought he was wearing makeup and turning on the beauty filter, but I didn't expect that he was even more handsome in person than on the Internet!

But he doesn't look like a master! Can he really know the past, predict the future, and be omnipotent as he appears on the Internet?

Before coming, he had received a report from his secretary.

Wang Yue suddenly became popular a few days ago.

Before he became popular, he couldn't even pay the rent.

What exactly caused a person to change so much suddenly?

He finally decided to come and see it in person.

After seeing Wang Yue's appearance and where he lived, he couldn't help but wonder, isn't it really just because he is handsome that he was pushed to the front?

In fact, the previous online images were all special effects?

It was just that they were done too well and deceived everyone?

So all the money earned was taken away by the company.

Otherwise, he has made a lot of money these days, and he can move to a better community to live.

There is no need to live in such a shabby place!

Brother Xiao Ma kept thinking in his heart. The mixed-race beauty next to him was also observing Wang Yue.

It must be said that after the breakthrough, Wang Yue's appearance is really attractive to young girls and young women!

Even this level of mixed-race beauty felt bright and was amazed!Xiao Ma Ge put away his inner thoughts.

Since he was here, he would see if Wang Yue was really capable.

If he was not really capable, it would be a wasted trip!

Xiao Ma Ge smiled and said, "Master Wang, hello, I have heard of your name for a long time!"

"It is really hard to grab your online quota. Finally someone wants to resell it, but you won't let me."

"I have no choice but to fly back from abroad and meet the master offline."

"You won't refuse me again today, will you?" He said as he stretched out his hand, trying to shake hands with Wang Yue politely. Wang Yue also stretched out his hand that had just grabbed the fried dough sticks, held it tightly, and said, "Hello, hello."

"Haha, if we are destined to meet, we will meet thousands of miles apart.

If we are not destined to meet, we will not meet.

Since we are destined, we will definitely not refuse!"

Looking at the oil on Wang Yue's hands, for a moment, all the people present were stunned.

Xiao Ma Ge didn't expect that Wang Yue would shake hands with oil on his hands. Feeling the greasy touch on his hands, he said to himself:

I was careless and shouldn't have stretched out my hand.

But he still kept smiling, and then silently withdrew his hand slowly.

Secretary Sophie beside him also widened her eyes, looking incredulous.

She was about to yell at him.

But was stopped by Xiao Ma Ge's eyes.

She immediately took out a tissue from her bag and wiped Xiao Ma Ge clean.

At this time, her impression of Wang Yue became worse.

Humph, no aristocratic etiquette at all.

The bodyguards behind him also looked at Wang Yue unkindly, as if to say:

Boy, do you know whose hand you are shaking?

If I want to shake it, I have to wash it with detergent a hundred or eighty times.

You dare to shake it with a greasy hand. Don't you want to stay in Pengcheng?

Lin Yi beside Wang Yue was holding back her laughter.

She really wanted to take a picture of this scene.

Unexpectedly, she could see the boss's embarrassed look!

If I take a picture and send it to the boss, there will be a bonus, right?

Wang Yue looked at the oil on his hands and was a little embarrassed.

He quickly said:

"I'm really sorry.

I was just having breakfast and didn't have time to wash my hands."

Xiao Ma Ge also said it was okay.

They came early.

At this time, Wang Yue said:

"Everyone, don't stand outside.

Come on, come on, sit inside."

Then several people entered the store. Seeing the leftover breakfast on the table, Wang Yue said:

"Have you eaten?"

"Would you like to eat more?"

"You're welcome!"

Xiao Ma Ge waved his hand and said:

"No, Master Wang, you eat. We are all full." Wang Yue did not continue to eat, but asked Lin Yi to remove the food and washed his hands.

Then he sat down with Xiao Ma Ge. Secretary Sophie did not sit down, but stood next to Xiao Ma Ge. Lin Yi also stood next to Wang Yue, and two bodyguards stood at the door of the store to ensure that not a mosquito would fly in!

Wang Yue smiled and said nothing.

As soon as they sat down, Wang Yue asked enthusiastically:

"Would you like tea or water?"

"Sorry, our store is rather simple and we are not able to entertain you well!"

Xiao Ma smiled and said:

"Master Wang, please don't bother me!"

"I didn't expect that a master like Master Wang would be so casual and live in a place like this.

Is this what they call a great hermit living in the city?"

Wang Yue spread his hands and said calmly: "No, I didn't have money before, so I could only live in this place.

I have no choice!

I'm sorry to make you laugh!"

Xiao Ma:

... Congratulations on successfully killing the conversation! "

It's like this, Master Wang, I came here today mainly to ask you to tell my fortune!"