Chapter 117 Brother Xiao Ma: I don’t have any dark history, so what am I afraid of?

"It's like this, Master Wang, I came here today mainly to ask you to tell my fortune!" While Xiao Ma Ge was talking, Wang Yue had already used the skill [See Clearly] to understand the fate of his life clearly. Suddenly, Wang Yue looked at Xiao Ma Ge strangely.

Then he smiled and said, "Okay, but you should know my rules.

3,000 yuan for one fortune."

Xiao Ma Ge also smiled and said to Wang Yue, "Master Wang, I think you have recognized who I am."

"So money is not a problem at all!"

"As long as the calculation is accurate and you get what I want, don't say 3,000, I will give you 30 million directly."

"Of course, if the calculation is not accurate, then I will turn around and leave, and I won't really beat you up like you said, haha."

Lin Yi, who was next to him, secretly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

It turned out that he just came to Master Wang to tell his fortune, not to poach people, which was good.

Then he thought again, I don't know what Xiao Ma Ge wants to tell?

Can I eat the melon of this big guy?

Should I avoid it?

If I accidentally know some little secret of the boss, I will be silenced, right?

But I am really curious, I can't control my curiosity, who can help me suppress it?

Oh, let me die, I want to eat melons! ! !

Lin Yi's gossip fire is already burning.

Wang Yue also looked at Xiao Ma Ge with a smile.

This boss is a boss, and he asked for 30 million directly.

Since someone gave money, he didn't refuse.

He said lightly:

"No problem!"

"You can tell me your problem."

Xiao Ma Ge didn't say anything, thinking, isn't your process a little wrong?

Don't you always build trust first and then help people solve problems?

Are those really hype, and you won't do it now that it's real?

Xiao Ma Ge couldn't help but doubt in his heart!

The secretary Sophie next to him seemed to see the boss's mind, and stood up and said to Wang Yue: "

Master Wang, don't you always calculate other people's past first and build trust?Trust, and then solve the problem?"

"Why did you skip the first step this time?" "Can't you calculate it?"

Secretary Sophie looked at Wang Yue and sneered in her heart:

Do you think 30 million is so easy to fool?

If I tell you the problem directly, and you make up stories, how can we know whether it is true or false?

Lin Yi was so angry at Secretary Sophie's attitude.

She wanted to speak for Wang Yue, but she didn't know what to say.

She could only hope that Wang Yue would reveal more black material and explosive news to them, so that they would die on the spot, and then she could post a Weibo with her small account to have fun!

Wang Yue looked at Xiao Ma Ge and said with a smile:

"Are you sure you want me to say it?"

Xiao Ma Ge was suddenly a little nervous when Wang Yue looked at him.

He wanted to sayThat's fine.

But suddenly I realized, no, I don't have any dark history, what should I be afraid of!

Then he said:

"Haha, then Master, please help me recall it!"

"I'm old now, and I can't remember some things from the past.

It's a good time to recall them again."

Wang Yue smiled after listening and said slowly: "

Okay, then I'll tell you!"

"When you were three years old, you were playing outside with your friends, and suddenly one of your friends found a good thing."

"You said loudly:

Wow, chocolate!"

"After everyone gathered around, you licked it and frowned instantly, but you still said: Yes, it's chocolate, eat it quickly!"

"Seeing that other friends also wanted to lick it, the child quickly put it in his mouth and chewed it!"

"The next moment he was about to spit it out, he said:

Why is chocolate smelly?"

"You also told him that chocolate tastes like this and he can't spit it out, otherwise it will be wasted!"

"After listening, he swallowed it forcefully, but he still felt very uncomfortable, so he went home!"

"After returning home, he happily threw himself into his mother's arms.

As soon as he opened his mouth, his mother smelled a bad smell."

"His mother thought, did he eat shit?

Why is it so smelly?"

"After finding out, I slapped him hard on the butt a few times, and he cried loudly."

"Can you eat things you picked up from the ground?"

"Then I dragged him to your house to complain to your parents, and your butt was also broken."

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help laughing out loud. "


"Sorry, sorry, I really couldn't help it!"

"You guys continue...

don't worry about me..."

Then he quickly covered his mouth, his face flushed.

I didn't expect it, it turns out that the boss has been a black and ruthless person since he was a child.

He always digs shit into people.

No wonder he is so successful!

But I seem to have missed some important information?

Secretary Sophie also looked like she wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. Seeing that Xiao Ma was in a bad mood. She shouted directly at Wang Yuejiao:

"What nonsense are you talking about?" "How can Mr.

Ma can he do such a thing!"

"If you can't produce evidence, I'll sue you for defamation!"

Lin Yi finally reacted, yes, yes, eat... chocolate, hahahahaha...

The two bodyguards at the door were also trembling slightly.

They were obviously professionally trained and would not laugh under normal circumstances! Xiao Ma Ge's face was dark. He had no impression of what Wang Yue said.

He was extremely disappointed.

It seemed that the Internet was indeed hyped before, and now he is also making it up.

How could someone like me who has been a three-good student since childhood do such a thing?

Sighing, Xiao Ma Ge said:

"I don't have any impression of what Master Wang said, but I shouldn't do such a thing!" "It's getting late today, and I suddenly remembered that I still have some things to deal with.

How about we continue another day!"

Xiao Ma Ge has already determined that Wang Yue has no real ability and doesn't want to waste time.

Wang Yue said calmly:

"If you don't have an impression, then tell me something you remember!"

"Xiao Ma Ge doesn't want to make a wasted trip, right?"

Xiao Ma Ge was about to get up, but sat back down. "

Then please help me recall some memorable things, haha!"

Wang Yue nodded and continued, "When your company's software was first launched, Xiao Ma Ge pretended to be a woman and chatted with people about horse fork worms in order to retain users.

Do you remember this?"

Xiao Ma Ge smiled faintly."

It was not easy to start a business back then, and I was desperate to try any possible means.

This is true, and I believe many netizens know about it."

Wang Yue said slowly:

"But they certainly don't know that you were a hundred women at the time.

Once, you even chatted with a hacker." "Although you only sent photos and didn't meet in person, she still found out your address and came directly to your door." "After the door was opened, the other party found out that you were a man and asked who you were.

He thought he was cheated!"

"He was so angry that he wanted to hit you." "You quickly explained that the QQ number was yours, which made him even more angry and vomited blood."

"He recalled the corny words he said to you, and how he had sex with you online, and your various responses to you..."

"He punched you directly..."