Chapter 118 Master, please help me calculate whether it is a trap set by the other party

Xiao Ma Ge's eyelids were twitching and the corners of his mouth were twitching.

He was really shocked by Wang Yue. Although some people on the Internet were saying that he pretended to be a girl and chatted with people.

But they really didn't know there was such an episode.

He remembered that the two of them had a fight and their faces were swollen.

In the end, both of them were embarrassed to tell others, after all, it was a bit embarrassing, so only the two of them knew about this.

But it can be said that there is no acquaintance without fighting. In the end, this hacker was recruited by him to join the company and was responsible for the company's network security. But he didn't expect such a private matter to be told by Wang Yue.

This is much more shocking than watching him talk about other people's past!

Suddenly he thought, if this is true, then when he was three years old...

Uh (ー_ー)!!,

thinking of this, Xiao Ma Ge was not feeling well.

Lin Yi was even more exaggerated, covering her mouth and staring at Xiao Ma Ge with wide eyes, as if saying:

I didn't expect you to be such a Xiao Ma Ge! In her mind, she had already imagined Xiao Ma Ge wearing a skirt and pretending to be a woman to chat. Puff puff puff~ I almost laughed out loud again.

I don't know if he was wearing stockings at that time...

white or black?

And how do they do it online?

Why doesn't the master explain it in detail... Curious!

Finally, he was caught in the act.

Hahaha, it was so miserable...

Secretary Sophie wanted to scold Wang Yue for talking nonsense again, but when she saw Xiao Ma's expression, she held back the words on her lips.

It was actually true? ? ?

Fuck! ! !

The sexy girl cursed directly.

She looked at Wang Yue with shock, disbelief, and a little worship...

At this time, an evil plan was born in her mind.

I didn't expect the boss to have this hobby. Let him try my high-end ice lace tonight... Hehehe...

Sophie fantasized with a bit of evil taste.

Lin Yi saw Sophie's expression and immediately cast a provocative look at her with pride.

It seemed to say:

What do you think, are you dumbfounded? The master skipped the first step because he didn't want your boss to die.

You still:

Can't you figure it out?

You are the only secretary who can cheat the boss like this!


Happy, cool, Master Wang, I love you...

The two bodyguards at the door felt a chill in their hearts.

They thought of the female netizens they had never met. I got goosebumps all over my body instantly!

The other party never video chatted with me, only sent photos, although the photos were very cool and made people very impulsive, and kept sending red envelopes!

But they just didn't meet, and even asked me to buy tea. Could it be that some old man was pretending to be me?

If I caught this, I would break all three of your legs!!!

The bodyguards were thinking viciously in their hearts...

Seeing that Wang Yue was about to continue speaking, Xiao Ma Ge quickly interrupted and said:

"Master Wang is worthy of being Master Wang, so amazing!"

"But Master, you don't need to help me recall anymore."

"I am completely convinced that you can even calculate such a thing."

Wang Yue smiled at Xiao Ma Ge and said: "Is there really no need to increase the sense of trust?"

"I have something more exciting...

ahem, I haven't told you yet that will leave you a deeper impression!"

Xiao Ma Ge's mouth twitched, thinking, are you trying to make me more socially dead? Then he smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "No need, Master Wang, I already have a deep understanding of it, hehe..." "The master's ability is indeed magical.

I have also come into contact with some other masters of metaphysics, but it can be said that none of them can do it like the master."

"Now I am more assured about what I am going to ask next."

Wang Yue did not reveal the truth anymore, and looked at Xiao Ma Ge and said lightly: "Hehe, can you tell me your question now?" Xiao Ma Ge was a little embarrassed, but he quickly put it behind his mind and slowly said: "

Master Wang, it's like this.

You also know that my business is doing well, and I also have some business overseas."

"The company is preparing to enter a new field recently."

"This project is from a company of a partner of mine who has been abroad for many years.

After a field investigation, it was found that it is indeed very promising.

If it succeeds, it can bring our company to a new height."

"But because the amount involved is too large, the company's risk assessment experts are also divided into two factions, arguing fiercely, and can't make up their minds for a while!"

"I didn't reply to that partner."

"But recently the other party seems very anxious, and even lowered the funding requirements.

It was originally worth 150 billion, but now it only requires 100 billion."

"This makes our company very excited, but we are also worried about whether there will be any problems."

"So I would like to ask the master to help calculate what is going on.

Is it a trap set by the other party to trick us?" After Xiao Ma finished speaking, he looked at Wang Yue quietly, waiting for his answer. Lin Yi was a little excited when she heard it next to her.

This is a business secret!

Can I hear this?

Will I be considered a corporate spy? However, since Xiao Ma is making such a big move, their stock price will usher in another surge.

It should be okay for me to follow suit and drink some soup, right?

If the master says it's okay, then I will mortgage the house at home, add my own dowry, apply for dozens of credit cards, and use them all to buy their company's stocks... I am really smart...

Lin Yi's little head turned quickly, and she was very happy to imagine it!

Wang Yue smiled slightly and said lightly: "Haha, Xiao Ma Ge is talking about the artificial intelligence project, right?"

"That is indeed a very large market. Xiao Ma Ge has been eyeing the other party's project for a long time.

Why did he suddenly become unconfident?" "In order to get in touch with this project, you spent a lot of time and effort!"

"And the other party's price reduction this time is not a deliberate trap to dig a hole for you, but the other party's company encountered problems with another project, and the company's capital chain also had problems, requiring a lot of funds."

"Your company should have checked all these!"

"The other party also wants to find a bank loan, but the cycle is too long, and the company can't hold on for that long."

"And at this time, there is external capital blocking their company, so he has to lower the price to quickly obtain funds to ensure the normal operation of the company."

"It just so happens that your company is very interested in their project and can come up with such a large amount of funds at one time, so he is anxious to contact you."

"As for the capital that blocks their company, I think Xiao Ma Ge should know which one it is better than me, right?"


Wang Yue looked at Xiao Ma Ge meaningfully.

Xiao Ma Ge frowned, then smiled bitterly: "Haha, it seems that nothing can be hidden from Master Wang!"