Chapter 142 Qiu Dahai was played badly

Not only Qiu Dahai and Yuan Hua were dumbfounded.

Even the others were stunned and did not react for a while.

Wang Yue smiled and looked like he was watching a show.

It's a pity that there was no handful of melon seeds!

At this time, the person who said this was also confused.

He said stupidly:

"How could I say what I think?"

"Brother Dahai said that it can't be said that he said it, and this time the ancestor's tomb was stolen, Qiu Yushan will definitely be stripped of the position of the head of the family.

When Brother Dahai becomes the head of the family, let me become a core member and take over the family business."

"No, no, you can't say this either."

Qiu Dahai was so scared that he rushed forward and yelled:

"Shut up, Qiu Xiaohei, what the hell are you talking about?"

"When did I say such a thing?"

Qiu Dahai's back was covered with cold sweat at this time, and he was yelling in his heart, Is this idiot crazy?

How can you say such a thing?

Are you trying to kill me?

Damn it, after this happens, I'll see how I kill you.

Qiu Xiaohei also reacted at this time, quickly covered his mouth, and widened his eyes, not knowing why he would even say this secret.

Yuan Hua also came back to his senses from his dazed state, the smile on his mouth disappeared, his face was extremely ugly, and he kept cursing in his heart:

Idiot, waste, who are you looking for?

You were betrayed in front of someone, you are a complete waste.

Everyone else was in an uproar.

Everyone was discussing with each other, and they didn't expect there would be such a reversal.

Even Qiu Yushan on the stage looked at Qiu Dahai indifferently at this time, and said coldly:

"Dahai, what's the situation?"

"Shouldn't you give everyone an explanation?"

"Is the robbing of the ancestor's tomb also related to you?"

Qiu Dahai felt like a mountain pressing on him, and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

He swallowed hard and said:

"Master, don't listen to his nonsense, I have never said such a thing."

"Someone must have conspired with him to frame me!"

"My loyalty to the family is known to the sun and the moon!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Qiu Xiaohei and shouted:

"Tell me, who conspired with you, and why did you frame me?"

At this time, he could only pray in his heart that his shouting could wake this idiot up and stop talking nonsense.

Qiu Xiaohei also released his hand covering his mouth, wanting to say that he was talking nonsense.

But what he said turned into:

"Brother Dahai, you have to believe me, I only conspired with you, not with anyone else."

Then he quickly covered his mouth again, not understanding why his brain thought like this, but said that.

He was about to cry.

And Qiu Dahai was about to vomit blood. You idiot, I've made it so obvious.

You're still showing me your loyalty?


Qiu Dahai was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, Wang Yue added another powerful thing to him.

He used his spiritual power and cast a truth spell on the other two people who had just taken the lead.

The two men were already panicked and anxious when they saw their companions going crazy.

I wanted to stand up and speak to defend Qiu Dahai.

Then the two said in unison:

"Yes, we can testify."

Qiu Dahai's eyes lit up when he saw the two people standing up.

Yes, as long as you testify that Qiu Xiaohei and outsiders conspired to frame me, then I can take him down and put the blame on Wang Yue.

He saw hope again.

Then he heard the two people below say: "We testify, Brother Dahai, you have to believe Qiu Xiaohei, after you confessed to us, he has been with us and has not conspired with others."

"We are loyal to you and have no second thoughts.

We have been pointing the spearhead at Wang Yue, don't worry!"

Qiu Dahai spurted out another mouthful of old blood three meters away.

Thank you so much!!!

You even came out to stab me again!!!

The two people who were talking at this time also stared at each other.

They were horrified to find that what they said was not controlled by their brains.

Why is this happening? ? ?

They quickly followed Qiu Xiaohei and covered their mouths.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What did I just do?

They were confused, panicked, and scared...

Qiu Xiaohei suddenly felt like crying.

Finally, someone could understand his feelings.

The others also understood what was going on.

They pointed at Qiu Dahai and cursed him! Originally, Qiu Xiaohei was the only one who said this, so they still had some doubts.

Now two more people have come forward to testify, so it must be Qiu Dahai who ordered it.

Although I don't know why Qiu Xiaohei and the others suddenly came forward to testify, maybe they have a change of heart.

But it doesn't matter anymore!

The important thing is that Qiu Dahai, this bastard, actually wants to use them as a gun!

Even Qiu Ya couldn't help but curse, "Qiu Dahai, you despicable and shameless villain!"

"How can you do such a disgusting thing?

I am ashamed to be of the same race as you!"

Qiu Dahai didn't expect that one day, he would be pitted so badly by his pig teammates.

His brain was working quickly, thinking about countermeasures.

And the other core members on the stage also surrounded him to prevent him from escaping!

And angrily questioned:

"Qiu Dahai, tell me, did you also steal the ancestral tomb?"

"No wonder you tried to stop us from digging the grave in the meeting room during the day, it turns out you had planned it in advance!"

"You traitor, is the position of the head of the family so good?

In order to covet the position of the head of the family, you actually did such a thing.

As long as the family curse is not broken, how many years can you live even if you sit on the position of the head of the family? What's the point of living?

You are confused!"

They talked back and forth, and everyone was very angry.

At this time, Qiu Yushan said:

"Everyone be quiet!"

"Qiu Dahai, are you going to hand over the ancestor's coffin yourself, or do you want us to torture you!"

Qiu Dahai felt like he had fallen into an ice cave, and all the blood in his body was frozen!

He suddenly knelt down, crying and said:

"Master, I am wronged!"

"Maybe I drank too much tonight.

When I was chatting with them just now, I complained that something bad would happen to us whenever this outsider came!" "But I really didn't steal the coffin of our ancestors.

I also want to break the curse so that I don't have to suffer the pain of getting shorter every year!"

"I also want to be a normal man!"

He cried very sadly, but Qiu Yushan obviously didn't believe it and said coldly:

"It seems that you won't cry until you see the coffin!"

"You have to force me to do it to you!"

Yuan Hua was so angry that he jumped up and down, cursing in his heart:

"Waste, waste, waste, waste, all waste..." "The situation was originally very good, but it turned out like this because of the few wastes you found?"

"You are a thing that can't do anything but ruin things!"

Although he was angry, he had not lost his mind yet.

He knew that he could not stay at this time and had to run away quickly.

Run quickly while no one noticed him.

As long as he controlled the coffin of their ancestors in his hands, he was not afraid that these people would not obey!

But before he took two steps, he was stopped by Wang Yue:

"What ape over there?"

"Where are you going?"