Chapter 143 Did I sleep with your wife or dig up your family’s ancestral grave?

Everyone followed Wang Yue's gaze.

At this time, Qiu Yushan also said:

"Xiao Yuan, come together!"

"No one is allowed to leave until the matter is resolved!"

Yuan Hua froze in place.

He was furious, like ten thousand groundhogs roaring, wishing to cut Wang Yue into pieces.

No one had noticed him, but you were so talkative and attracted everyone's attention to me. . .

He quickly adjusted his mood, then showed his signature smile again, turned to Qiu Yushan and said:

"Uncle Qiu, I just felt a little uncomfortable in my stomach and wanted to go to the bathroom."

"Since uncle said so, I'll hold it for a while."

In his opinion, given the current situation, as long as Qiu Dahai is not an idiot and stupid enough to admit it himself, it has nothing to do with him.

Now it can only prove that Qiu Dahai instructed others to frame Wang Yue.

What does it have to do with tomb robbing? So he walked towards the stage with confidence, and at the same time, the crazy murderous intent in the depths of his eyes was jumping wildly.

Wang Yue looked at Yuan Hua's appearance, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Prepare to give him a big gift.

Circulate the spiritual energy and cast a truth spell on Qiu Dahai.

Qiu Dahai, who was begging for mercy and quibbling, suddenly said:

"It was me and Yuan Hua who conspired to rob the grave, but do you idiots have any evidence?"

"As long as I don't admit it, you can't do anything to me?"

"And the coffin of that old bastard is in Yuan Hua's hands, what can you do to me?"

The smile on Yuan Hua's face, who had just stepped onto the stage, collapsed, and the whole person was petrified...

He wanted to greet Qiu Dahai's family, do you know what you are talking about? People haven't tortured you yet, but you confessed?

And you exposed me? ? ?

Did I sleep with your wife or dig up your ancestral grave?

Why do you want to trick me like this?

Qiu Xiaohei and the other two also looked at Qiu Dahai with tears in their eyes.

At this moment, they had a familiar feeling. Brother Dahai, are you also speaking without the control of your brain?

You finally understand our feelings, right? The others were also dumbfounded, and the scene fell into silence, obviously no one reacted.

You did it, why are you so arrogant? Although they didn't know why Qiu Dahai suddenly changed his attitude.

Maybe he was confident?

But it didn't matter, what mattered was that he admitted it!

The next moment, the crowd exploded.

"Qiu Dahai, you traitor, why did you do this?" "Are you a fucking idiot?

What good will it do to rob our ancestors' tombs?

Aren't you still affected by the curse?"

"Beat these two bastards to death, and cut off that damn Yuan Hua, the bastard, he actually dared to cut off our hope."

"I didn't expect that the family would produce an ungrateful person like you.

If your dad knew, he would be so mad at you that he still doesn't repent!"

... Yuan Hua also reacted, and shouted at Qiu Dahai anxiously:

"What the hell are you talking about?

Do you want to die?"

"When did we rob tombs?"

"This never happened, don't talk nonsense!" Then he said to Qiu Yushan:

"Uncle Qiu, believe me, I really haven't done such a thing."

Qiu Dahai stood up in horror, and kept saying in his mind, no no no no, it's not like that.

But what came out of his mouth became: "Hahaha, Yuan Hua, don't be afraid, they dare not do anything to us!"

And then he said to the others:

"You bunch of idiots don't know yet, why are we doing this?"

"Hahaha, of course it is to control the Qiu family together with Yuan Hua!"

"As for your curse, what does it have to do with me?"

"I am not affected by the curse, so whether you break the curse or not has anything to do with me?"

"Only you poor bugs are getting shorter every year, but I have always been normal and enjoy every day!"

"What do the looks in your eyes mean? Don't you believe it?"

"Open your eyes wide and see clearly, everything is fine!"

After saying this, Qiu Dahai took off his pants and laid out the evidence to prove that what he said was true.

Qiu Dahai felt like he was about to collapse, and kept asking himself in his mind, why is this happening?

Yuan Hua also vomited blood...

What the hell is wrong with you?

Why do you want to trick me like this? ? ? The others looked at Qiu Dahai's evidence and were in an uproar.

The scene was in chaos. "

What's going on?

Why doesn't he look like he's getting shorter?"

"Has he found a way to break the curse?" "How did he do that?"

... Everyone looked in disbelief.

The girls turned around and cursed Qiu Dahai for being a pervert!

Qiu Dahai looked at their shocked expressions with disdain on his face, and began to say:

"How to break the curse?"

"Haha, you think too much!

I don't have it!"

"As for why I am not affected by the curse, it's because I am not cursed at all.

I am a member of the Yuan family, not your Qiu family!"

"So of course I am not affected by the curse!"

"Haha, can't you figure it out?"

"Because my wicked father didn't get my mother's first blood at all.

My mother is from the Yuan family.

She had already arranged to do it in front of him with others, hahaha..."

At this time, even Qiu Dahai's mother vomited blood and fainted. I have seen people who cheat their fathers, but I have never seen people who cheat their mothers! ! !

Everyone was furious.

They were about to rush up and beat Qiu Dahai to death. No one has ever dared to insult their Qiu family like this, and then be so arrogant.

Qiu Yushan also burst into anger, and said angrily:

"Okay, okay, what a great Yuan family!"

"My Qiu family will fight you to the death!!!" Qiu Dahai's legs kept shaking under Qiu Yushan's momentum, and he said tremblingly:

"Of course our Yuan family is good.

Even if I say it, do you dare to do anything to me?"

"Don't forget, the coffin of the ancestor of the Qiu family is still in our hands.

If you want to be a nobody for the rest of your life, then try to touch me?"

Yuan Hua couldn't bear it anymore, rushed up, and slapped him directlyon Qiu Dahai's face.

He was knocked to the ground, and two of his teeth were broken!

Yuan Hua shouted:

"Shut up! You idiot!!!"

"How much fake wine did you drink to get so crazy?"


Yuan Hua was numb!

He couldn't understand why Qiu Dahai suddenly became like this?

The family's plan for many years was destroyed by a mouth.

Although he wanted to chop Qiu Dahai into pieces and whip his corpse repeatedly!

But looking at the murderous eyes around him, he knew that the most important thing at the moment was how to survive... ...