Chapter 145 It’s true that you are worshipping the ancestor of the Qiu family, but you are also worshipping a dog!

"But are you sure that the coffin in your hand contains the ancestor of the Qiu family?" After Wang Yue finished speaking, Yuan Hua was stunned for a moment, and then he burst into laughter:

"Hahahaha, I thought you were so awesome."

"It seems that you are nothing special!"

"Are you trying to say that I robbed the wrong tomb?"

"Idiot, if I didn't rob the ancestor of the Qiu family, do you think they would be so nervous?"

"If you are scared, kneel down and beg me. Maybe I will be in a good mood and let you watch me kill that bitch, and then dig out your eyes!"


Seeing his arrogant look, Qiu Ya didn't tolerate him at all.

She went over and hit him twice, and then kicked his little brother again!



Yuan Hua was sweating all over in pain and screamed.

He heard the sound of his balls breaking with this kick!

It is estimated that this can only be used as a decoration in the future and will not be used! "I wanted me to get naked and climb into your bed, but I didn't expect you to be ugly, but you have such beautiful thoughts!"

"How dare you have such vicious thoughts towards Brother Wang Yue?

I'll kill you first!"

Qiu Ya wanted to continue, but was stopped by Qiu Yushan! Qiu Yushan frowned at this time.

He believed that Wang Yue would not attack without reason, but it was also a fact that the ancestral tomb was dug up and the coffin was stolen.

He came to Wang Yue and said:

"Master Wang, according to the news brought back by the clan members, the ancestor's tomb was indeed dug up."

"The coffin inside is also missing.

You said that the coffin is not the ancestor of the Qiu family?"

"What's going on?"

"Could it be that for so many years, we have recognized the wrong ancestors and worshipped the wrong tombs?"

Qiu Yushan could only think of this reason. Yuan Hua's heart also skipped a beat, and he forgot the pain for a while!

No way?

Don't play with me like this!

No, no, this is the tomb dug by Qiu Dahai himself, there must be no mistake.

They must have colluded to deceive me and wanted me to think it was fakeso that we can get the coffin back.

Although he comforted himself in this way, he still became nervous.

Others were also discussing.

"What's the situation?

After so many years of worship, you tell me that we worshipped the wrong person?" "Then where is our ancestor?

Can we still find it?"

"If we can't find it, won't our descendants be cursed and tortured for generations?"

"What should I do?

I'm only three centimeters tall.

If I can't find it, won't I continue to get shorter?"

... The scene began to become chaotic for a while, and finally everyone turned their eyes to Wang Yue and asked:

"Master, tell us quickly, what's going on?" "Can we still find the ancestor's coffin?

Can we break the curse?"

Wang Yue smiled slightly, shook his head, and said:

"This grave is not completely wrong!"

"Half right!"

As soon as these words came out, the others became even more confused!

What does it mean?

Half right?

Then the other half is wrong?

Wrong is wrong, right is right, who can worship a grave and be half right and half wrong?

At this time, they wanted to put a knife on Wang Yue's neck and let him finish speaking at once.

This was not clear at all, and it made them feel itchy!

At this time, Wang Yue continued:

"The person who cursed the ancestor of the Qiu family came to break the curse in order to prevent people in the future from knowing that the curse was on the ancestor of the Qiu family."

"So she tampered with his coffin."

"She buried the coffin of the ancestor of the Qiu family a layer deeper, and then put another coffin on it."

"This is the coffin on top of the coffin in Feng Shui."

Upon hearing this, everyone's jaws dropped to the ground!

Can it be done like this?

Were the ancients so good at playing? ? ? Ignoring their reactions, Wang Yue continued:

"And in the coffin on the upper layer, she put a living vicious dog in it.

The purpose was to make the ancestor of the Qiu family be pressed under the dog after his death."

"And the vicious dog defecated and urinated before suffocating to death, that's it..."

It was pooping and pissing on the head of the Qiu family's ancestor."

"In addition, the evil dog was tampered with, and turned into an evil spirit after death, and it was a top-level evil spirit."

"If someone opens the museum, then everyone present will be killed by the evil spirit."

"That's why I say that you are worshipping the Qiu family's ancestor, but you are also worshipping a dog! "

After Wang Yue finished speaking, everyone was collectively dumbfounded.

We have worshiped for so many years, and we worshipped a dog?

That's not right.

We worshipped the dog first, and there are ancestors under the dog.

Does that mean that the dog has to eat the offerings first, and only give the remaining offerings to the ancestors?

They all started to imagine.

Imagining the scene of the ancestor being pressed under the vicious dog, and the scene of snatching food from the vicious dog...

For a moment, a trace of sympathy arose. Yuan Hua suffered the pain of broken eggs, and heard that the coffin he stole contained a top-level evil spirit.

As long as the coffin is opened, everyone will be killed by the evil spirit.

He thought that the coffin might have been transported to the Yuan family by now. Would his father open the coffin to check it out?

If it was opened, wouldn't I be cheating my father?

Under the double blow, he shouted frantically:

"Impossible, impossible!"

"Don't think I don't know, you are just acting with them, trying to cheat me of the coffin of the ancestor of the Qiu family."

"I tell you, I won't be fooled! "

"As long as you don't do what I say, you will never see the coffin of the Qiu family ancestor."

"And if I don't call them after dawn,If you say so, they will destroy the coffin, and you will bear the pain of the curse forever!"

Because of the broken eggs, Yuan Hua's voice became sharp and piercing, with a sissy flavor.

It was funny.

But everyone was still immersed in Wang Yue's explosive statement, and no one laughed!

Qiu Dahai was excited when he heard it, and said subconsciously:

"You are lying, when we dug it out, we didn't find another coffin underneath. "

"You just want to trick the coffin back..."

He suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing and quickly shut up.

But he found that everyone looked at him with murderous intent in their eyes.

Gigi was so scared that he shrank an inch... It was all because the sequelae of the evil magic were too severe, and he accidentally said what was in his heart! Qiu Yushan came back to his senses and looked at Wang Yue in disbelief.

What Wang Yue said was really too explosive!

Originally thought that the ancestor's coffin was stolen, if you want to get it back, you have to spend a lot of effort and pay a high price, or you can't get it back at all, and you will be tortured by the curse in the future! Unexpectedly, it will turn out like this in the end!

He asked:

"Master Wang, is what you said true?"

"Is the ancestor's coffin still in the grave?" Hearing Qiu Yushan's question, Yuan Hua kept shouting beside him:

"Fake, all fake!"

"Don't try to trick me! "Because he was too noisy, the people who were holding him stuffed their socks, which they hadn't washed for a week, into his mouth!

Wang Yue looked at Qiu Yushan, who was shocked, and said calmly with a slight smile: "Haha, whether it's true or not, we'll know if we go over and dig it again now, right?"