Chapter 146: Digging the Ancestral Grave, the Horrifying Coffin

"Haha, whether it's true or not, we can go over and dig it again, won't we know?" Looking at Wang Yue's confident and calm look, Qiu Yushan was already convinced that it was true.

In this case, there is no need for all the people to go out together, as long as some people go to dig the grave!

Then Qiu Yushan asked everyone else to go back first.

He was going to take the core members to escort Yuan Hua and Qiu Dahai to the ancestral tomb with Wang Yue.

The core members said that some things were in the room and they had to go back and take them.

Wang Yue also returned to the room, exchanged some things from the mall, then found a bag to put them in, and went out. When they arrived at the ancestral tomb, the sky had begun to dawn.

Although Qiu Yushan believed that what Wang Yue said was true, he looked at the ancestral tomb that had been dug into a big pit.

He always felt a little unsure in his heart, and said a little nervously:

"Master Wang, where should we start digging now?"

"How to dig, how deep to dig?"

"Next, you need to give me some instructions."

Yuan Hua, who was brought here together, was also nervous.

There won't really be coffins stacked on top of coffins, right? No, no, no, it must be a lie to me.

Otherwise, who the hell would have nothing to do after eating and bury a dead person with two coffins?

Do you think you are Wu Zetian and are afraid of being robbed?

He comforted himself in his heart.

Then he sneered at everyone:

"You don't have to act!"

"I've seen through you a long time ago!"

"If you don't want the coffin of the Qiu family ancestor to be destroyed, let me go and kill these bastards..."

Before he finished speaking, the people who were holding him gave him a big fight.


"You are the only one who talks too much, I have tolerated you for a long time!"

"You are also so foul-mouthed, it makes me almost vomit!"

Others also came over and punched and kicked him.

Qiu Yushan did not stop this time.

If he hadn't had to maintain the image of the patriarch, he would have wanted to do it himself!

He didn't beat him just now because he was afraid that the ancestor's coffin would not be found.

Now Wang Yue said that what was stolen was fake, so they don't have to endure it anymore.

Yuan Hua was beaten and screamed.

After the beating got too intense, even Qiu Dahai was not spared, and a group of people were sent to beat Qiu Dahai up.

Qiu Dahai said, "I didn't say anything, you can't do this!"

Soon the two were beaten black and blue, and their mothers probably wouldn't recognize them.

Because they were fighting too hard and too excited, a bag of things fell from the arms of a person in the crowd, and the bag fell to the ground and was torn.

A dead body-like stench instantly filled the air.

Everyone dispersed immediately.

"Fuck, Qiu Laoliu, you're carrying a bag of shit with you, aren't you disgusted?"

"You can't poop such smelly shit without being constipated for ten years!"

Qiu Laoliu, who was questioned, scratched his head and said awkwardly:

"My grandma hasn't pooped for more than half a month.

When I just went back, she just had one, so I helped her take it out and throw it away. Don't get me wrong, I definitely don't want to stuff shit into the mouth of the old bastard...


At this time, another person's trouser leg dropped a pair of scissors.

Facing the eyes of the crowd, he said naturally:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just worried about the old Dong...

ancestor who hasn't cut his nails for thousands of years. I brought a pair of scissors to help him cut his nails.

I definitely don't want to cut off his life, don't think too much."

Then the others also took out the things they had just brought home from their bodies. There were axes, hammers, saws, whips, hammers...

all kinds of tools.

And they had all kinds of reasons.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm afraid that the coffin will be difficult to open later, so I brought an axe to chop the coffin, not to chop the ancestor."

"I'm just worried that the coffin won't be able to be lifted later, so I brought a whip to tie the coffin, definitely not to whip the corpse."

"I just couldn't find scissors at home, so I brought a saw, don't get me wrong..."

"I brought a hammer just to protect myself, not to grind the old...

ancestor into ashes, don't think too much..."

... Then they all laughed.

Qiuya stared at these familiar yet unfamiliar tribesmen with wide eyes.

She regretted it so much in her heart!

I obviously had something prepared, why did I forget to bring it just now?

Sulking alone beside Wang Yue, Mimi was so angry that she needed someone to help massage her!

Yuan Hua and Qiu Dahai, who were lying on the ground, trembled, afraid that they would use these tools on them.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yue also laughed! You are really a group of laughing grandsons!

Aren't you afraid that your ancestors will really get up and run away with the coffin after knowing it?

Then he shook his head and smiled at Qiu Yushan:

"You continue to dig down 50 centimeters in the place that has been dug."

After receiving Wang Yue's instructions. Each core member of the Qiu family was full of energy, picked up a shovel and jumped into the pit and started digging.

Because there were many people and the pit was small, there was no place to stand, so the others dug beside it to expand the pit! Yuan Hua lay on the ground, praying in his heart, but he couldn't dig anything out.

At the same time, he thought viciously. When nothing can be dug out later, I must return to you a hundred times, a thousand times what you have done to me.

After a while, someone in the pit shouted: "We dug it up, we dug it up!"

"There's really something underneath!"

"It's a coffin!"

After hearing this, Qiu Yushan finally let go of his worries.

He looked at Wang Yue with admiration. Master Wang was really amazing!

At the same time, he had more confidence in breaking the curse.

Yuan Hua was just imagining how to torture the Qiu family members when he heard someone say that they had dug it up.

His face turned pale.

He stared at the direction of the deep pit and kept saying:

"Impossible, impossible..."

"You must be lying to me, I don't believe it..." Then he thought, if the coffin here is the real one, then the coffin he brought back to the family is...

He didn't dare to think about it any further. Qiu Dahai also had dull eyes.

He knew what would happen next.

At the same time, he regretted very much why he betrayed the Qiu family...

Soon, the coffin underneath appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at the coffin in front of them and took a breath of cold air.

I was so angry that goose bumps appeared all over my body! "

Chief, come and see!"

Some timid people even screamed, threw away the shovel, and quickly climbed out of the pit.

After coming out, their faces were pale and their bodies were trembling slightly!

Qiu Yushan and Wang Yue walked closer to see.

A huge blood-red coffin was lying in the deep pit.

The surface of the coffin was also engraved with various strange symbols, which looked like human blood flowing!

The whole coffin looked extremely terrifying!!!