Chapter 158 Even if I had ten brains, I couldn’t think of such a way of revenge!

Liu Ting was still quibbling, but at this time, not only Guo Degang no longer believed her, but also the water friends in the live broadcast room.

Guo Degang looked at her coldly and said: "Haha, do you think I will still believe you?" "What?

Suddenly you feel guilty, feel guilty about others, and then make up for it in your dream?"

"I really don't know if there is anything you say that is true?"

Liu Ting just kept crying, trying to gain sympathy.

But Guo Degang had seen through her and didn't fall for it!

At this time, Wang Yue continued:

"After she left, the boy had to face various debt collection calls every day!"

"Those debt collection calls were directly called to his family, friends, company, colleagues..."

"Then he was fired by the company and blocked by relatives and friends!"

"The old father at home was also angry with him and fell down, but the money in the family had been taken away by him before, and there was no money to send him to the hospital, so he eventually died!"

"After learning the news, he was very painful, felt sorry for his father, and finally chose to jump into the river to end his life!" The water friends in the live broadcast room exploded directly.

"Fuck, she's dead!

What does this have to do with me?" "@upper, I can tell you're new here, this must be a ghost coming back for revenge, is there any need to think?

I saw a ghost coming back for revenge when I watched Master Wang's live broadcast before."

"She was killed so badly, I guess she won't let her go even if she becomes a ghost." "What kind of revenge is this?

She's obviously dead but she still can't let go, and she's still in love with her.

If it's revenge, she should just kill her and play poker with her in her dreams every day?"

"Who wanted to learn this and play games in someone's dreams just now?

Now you know the method, learn it quickly." "Fuck, upstairs, you're really a dog, this method is deadly, can you learn it???"

... The barrage of comments was flying.

Liu Ting was also stunned at this time.

Her ex-boyfriend was dead?

After they broke up, she deleted all the contact information of the other party, so she didn't know that he was dead.

Suddenly, she felt a little sad when she heard that he was dead!

Guo Degang was also surprised when he heard it.

He thought that the other party was taking revenge through some evil magic. Unexpectedly, the other party was gone. Suddenly, he looked at Wang Yue and asked nervously:

"Master, then...

So, it was the other party's ghost who came back to take revenge?"

Wang Yue nodded and said slowly:

"The other party had a lot of resentment before he died."

"So after death, he didn't reincarnate normally, but became a resentful spirit and wanted to seek revenge on your girlfriend." "When he found your girlfriend, he saw that she was living so well, and his resentment value went through the charts, but the other party thought that it would be too easy for her to let her die like this."

"So he thought of another way to take revenge.

He also wanted to spend all her money, make her bankrupt, and experience his feelings before."

The netizens were all puzzled when they heard it? ? ?

How can he spend her money and make her bankrupt after she died?


Control her to go shopping? ? ?

But it doesn't look like you are possessed either! ! !

On the contrary, your way of making people go bankrupt is a bit special!!!

You give away hundreds of millions every night, and this person hasn't gone bankrupt yet, so why don't you squeeze yourself dry first?

Guo Degang didn't understand it either.

He looked at Wang Yue in confusion and asked:

"Master, I don't understand how a dead person could spend her money and make her go bankrupt?"

"My family hasn't had any large expenses recently, and she hasn't bought anything randomly recently!"

"And even if you want to make her go bankrupt, you should hit my business and make me go bankrupt, so that she will naturally have no source of income."

"Why do you go to her dream every night and do that to her..."

Hearing Guo Degang's question, Wang Yue shook his head.

He also admired the man's imagination and actually came up with that method.

Then Wang Yue said lightly:

"Because the other party thought of another way, to return to life through a belly."

"In fact, your girlfriend is not dreaming every night, but the other party controls her own corpse and does something with her..."

"And he jumped into the river and died, so every day when he wakes up, your girlfriend feels like she is sweating all over."

"He wants to use your girlfriend's belly to skip reincarnation and be your son with memories, and then squander your family property, which is what others call a prodigal son."

"As for you feeling dizzy every day when you wake up, it's not because you have become weak after the epidemic, but because you are dizzy by the other party."

Wang Yue's words were like dropping an atomic bomb into the live broadcast room. Everyone was stunned.

The barrage was quiet for 3 seconds...

and then rolled wildly. "

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...

Please forgive me for being uneducated, I can only say fuck."

"Give me ten brains, I can't imagine it is like this???"

"It's not a ghost, it's a corpse???

This is so outrageous!!!"

"In other words, every night next to Guo Degang, there is a corpse playing games with his girlfriend, but he has no idea?

This is too scary!!!"

"It's already a corpse, can it still do bad things?

Can it get pregnant?

Who studied medicine can come out and explain it."

"Is this something that science can explain? Even metaphysics can't explain it!"

... Guo Degang also felt his head buzzing, his scalp tingling, goose bumps all over his body, and his blood was almost frozen. Every night there is a corpse next to him, playing games with his girlfriend?

This novel doesn't dare to write like this!!!

No wonder there is some water on his body when he wakes up every day.

I thought it was my girlfriend's sweat before, but now it seems to be corpse water??? When he thought of that scene, he suddenly felt a little nauseous and started to dry heave...

His girlfriend was also pale and trembling all over.

That was not a dream? ? ?

No wonder it felt so real...

No, no, that's not the point, the point is that it was a corpse...

I was actually killed by a corpse...

How is it possible?

Impossible, impossible, fake, this is all fake...

She was so scared that she peed, and kept saying impossible, fake, all fake.

Guo Degang vomited for a while, and finally recovered.

He looked at Wang Yue and said with a trembling voice:

"Master Wang, is everything you said true?" Wang Yue nodded and said lightly:

"It's true!"

"Besides, she is already pregnant at this time!"