Chapter 159 The way to change your destiny

"And, she's pregnant now!"

This made the already crazy scrolling comments even crazier.


Whose child is this?"

"Do I need to think about it?

It must be her ex-boyfriend's!"

"Not necessarily, after all, Guo Degang has also communicated with her, so it could be Guo Degang's."

"It's so scary, do you think it's possible that it's like that Indian brother last time, with twins, one for each of them?"

"Ah, this, she has come back to life with memories, so she must have killed the other one in her belly and collected some interest first?"

... Liu Ting opened her mouth wide and subconsciously touched her belly.

I'm pregnant?

It should have been a happy thing, but why couldn't she be happy at this moment. Instead, she was very uneasy.

The first thing she thought of was, whose child is this?

Is the ex-boyfriend already inside?

She felt like she was going to pee again! ! ! Guo Degang was also very nervous.

If it wasn't his own child, it would be fine.

He could just divide it and let the other person do whatever he wanted.

If it was his own child, he couldn't keep it! He licked his lips, swallowed his saliva, and said nervously:

"Master Wang, that...

that child..."

Wang Yue said calmly: "

Don't worry, it hasn't taken shape yet!"

"It's just an egg at the moment, and the vengeful spirit hasn't attached itself to it yet." Guo Degang was dumbfounded, and a flock of crows flew over his head...

He suddenly had a feeling of, who am I, where am I, what am I going to ask...

God damn it, it hasn't taken shape yet!!!

She just got pregnant, everyone knows that it hasn't taken shape yet, if it takes shape, it would be terrifying!

No, no, are you concerned about whether it will take shape or not now?

He shook his head and said quickly:

"No, no, Master Wang, I want to ask who this child belongs to?"

Wang Yue smiled slightly, looked at him and said: "

Does it matter who it is?"

"Anyway, no matter who it is, you don't plan to keep it, right?"

Guo Degang was stunned by what Wang Yue said, and it seemed to be right.

This is the problem when people encounter problems, their brains don't work well!

Liu Ting, who was standing next to him, hurriedly grabbed his hand and cried pitifully:

"Husband, don't leave me!"

"I admit that what I did before was a little wrong, but am I wrong to pursue a better life?"

"After being with you, can't you feel my feelings for you?"

"I don't want to mention my ex-boyfriend because I'm afraid you will think I still have feelings for him.

I don't want to lie to you, but I'm more afraid of losing you."

"I really love you and I'm devoted to you. Don't leave me, wuwuwuwu..."

He wanted to shake her hand off, but after hearing her words, Guo Degang suddenly softened.


After being with him, she really didn't seem to be faking her feelings for him, except for her love of shopping.

When the viewers in the live room saw his expression, they all joked in the comments: "Brother, what's the matter?

Do you still want to continue dating her? Aren't you afraid that your ex-boyfriend's fate will be yours?"

"Guo Degang:

I'm not afraid. I have money at home, so I'm not worried.

If you can make me bankrupt, I lose!"

"What the girl said is not wrong.

She is just pursuing a better life.

If you want to blame someone, blame your ex-boyfriend for not being capable.

Besides, after she got together with Guo Degang, she was devoted to the relationship and didn't cheat on him."

"@上楼, it's right to pursue a better life, but you fucking overdraw someone's money before pursuing them.

Isn't that unethical?"

...The comments suddenly split into two groups, arguing fiercely.

Guo Degang sighed.

No matter whether they would be together in the future or not, he would help her solve this problem first.

Then he looked at Wang Yue and said, "Master Wang, if we abort the baby in your belly now, will everything be fine?"

Wang Yue shook his head. "

Even if you abort this one, he will still make another one!"

Guo Degang's girlfriend's face turned pale. Make another one?

I didn't know before and thought it was a dream, but now that I know how the other party made it, how dare I let him make it! "No, no!"

Guo Degang's face was also solemn, and he said:

"Master Wang, what should we do now?" Wang Yue said slowly:

"If you don't know about this today, you will get married after you find out that she is pregnant."

"And the vengeful spirit will attach itself to the fetus when the time is right, and absorb the wealth and fortune of the mother and even the mother's relatives from the womb." "Your wealth will naturally be affected.

When he is 3 years old, your family will go bankrupt and in debt, and finally commit suicide collectively."

"But now you know, there is naturally a chance to change your fate."

Guo Degang and his girlfriend looked at Wang Yue nervously, wanting to know how to change their fate.

Wang Yue did not beat around the bush and continued:

"Now you have several options."

"The first method is to give birth to the child, and after the child is born, take him 100,000 miles away and abandon him."

"Although your fortune will be affected a little, you won't go bankrupt."

"But you will also be charged with abandonment.

You will be sent to prison for five years of study and reform.

After you come out, you can continue to enjoy life."

After Wang Yuegang finished speaking, the viewers in the live broadcast room started to make noises in the barrage.

"Hahaha, I think this method is a criminal punishment.

Otherwise, you can just kill the baby right after it's born.

That's even more criminal!"

"It's a criminal punishment.

Or you can just give the baby to your mortal enemy right after it's born.

Kill two birds with one stone!"

"My mortal enemy is watching the live broadcast and trembling..."

"I just want to know, if someone else picks up the baby, will the fortune of the person who picks it up be affected?"

"I was so scared that I immediately threw away the child I just picked up.

Is this not considered abandonment?

Who can tell me?

Waiting online, very urgent!"

... Guo Degang's girlfriend kept shaking her head after hearing this. "

No, no, no, I don't want to be sentenced!" Guo Degang didn't want to use this method either. "

Master Wang, are there any other ways?" Wang Yue nodded and continued:

"The second way is to go to the hospital to abort the child and do a sterilization operation at the same time."

"In this way, she will lose her fertility, and the other party will not be able to use her to revive!"

"The price is that she will be childless for the rest of her life, and the other party will have that dream with her every night!"

Hearing this, the water friends in the live broadcast room were all happy.

"Hahaha, actually this is also possible, as long as you don't think about it, just treat it as a dream.

This kind of dream is something that most people want to have but can't have!"


Why do I work so hard but there is no result???"

"It's good, I have been greatly satisfied mentally and physically, and I don't have to worry about the problem of being like a wolf in my thirties and a tiger in my forties!" "Didn't Master Wang suggest to that person last time to do a sex reassignment operation, is that okay?"



Did you recognize the wrong person?

How come he is older than me?" . . . . . .