Chapter 168 Okay, now let’s welcome the last destined person of today

Many viewers in the live broadcast room were a little confused.

They originally thought that after Wang Defa chose to remove the red rope that was tied by force, the two of them would have no relationship.

Unexpectedly, he still worried about this.

For a while, the bullet comments on the screen scrolled quickly.

"Why register for VIP membership?

My grandfather is single.

Why don't we make a connection and let them meet."

"My uncle is a virgin for 70 years and has never had a girlfriend.

If you think it's suitable, I will introduce her." "I think the older girl is very good.

Why don't you send her a WeChat message and let me heal her trauma."

"My grandma is also very good.

Why don't you organize a single party for the elderly and let them get to know each other."

... The bullet comment area directly turned into a matchmaking site for the elderly. Wang Defa's parents were also stunned for a moment, and then nodded.

After all, their son didn't suffer any loss, and Chen Feng sounded like a miserable person.

It would be best if there was no backlash. Wang Yue glanced at Wang Defa, then said calmly:

"There is no way to avoid backlash."

"But I have a healing pill here.

If you want it, I can express it to you."

Wang Defa was delighted when he heard this, and said quickly:

"Yes, Master, thank you."

"Then how much is it and how can I give it to you?"

Before Wang Yue could speak, Chen Feng suddenly said:

"Xiaofa, you don't have to worry about me!" "I've also figured it out.

It's true that I was too selfish.

I only considered myself and didn't consider that you are only in your 20s and still have a great life."

"So no matter what the outcome is, I deserve it."

"Thank you, I've been very happy this year. It's you who made me feel loved again, and I'm already very satisfied!"

"I hope you can find someone who loves you in the future, and you two can live happily together."

After she finished speaking, she smiled at Wang Defa.

Wang Defa opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

He felt a blockage in his heart, and an inexplicable emotion surrounded his heart. He didn't know if it was affected by the red rope.

Chen Feng had already cast a spell to break the red rope between her and Wang Defa. The moment the red rope was broken, she spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Then she collapsed to the ground and fainted.

Wang Defa felt his body shake, and he felt as if he had lost something.

Then he saw Chen Feng's appearance, ran over quickly, helped her up, and said anxiously:

"Are you okay?"

He probed the other's nose and found that she was still breathing.

He began to pinch her Ren Zhong and give her first aid.

After finding that she still had no reaction, he anxiously asked Wang Yue:

"Master Wang, she fainted, what should we do now?"

Wang Defa's parents also surrounded him anxiously.

What's the situation?

Was he hit by a fake?

They didn't know that Chen Feng had already untied the red rope, and they thought Chen Feng was going to blackmail his son.

He kept praying in his heart, I hope nothing will happen.

If something happens, will it have anything to do with his son?

With so many people watching, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

At this time, many viewers in the live broadcast room exclaimed.

"What's going on?

Why is there a sudden spurt of blood?

Did the red rope that was tied up forcibly get removed?"

"It's probably a backlash.

It looks serious.

She won't die just like that?"

"I don't know why, but I suddenly feel that this old lady is quite pitiful."

"Grandma, hold on.

I haven't introduced grandpa to you yet." "Master Wang should have a way, right? Save the old lady quickly..."

... Wang Yue knew that Chen Feng was suffering from the backlash of removing the red rope that was tied up forcibly, and that she was determined to die, which caused her physical and mental injuries and led to a coma.

Then he said to Wang Defa calmly:

"Send her to the hospital first!"

"As for the follow-up healing pills, I'll tell you on WeChat."

Wang Defa heard this and quickly said: "Okay, thank you, Master."

Then he picked up Chen Feng and rushed out directly.

His parents also hurriedly chased after him. The water friends in the live broadcast room only saw their anxious backs.

Wang Yue had already hung up the microphone.

The water friends who didn't know what happened later hurriedly asked on the barrage.

"Master, what happened later?"

"I also want to know, did the old lady die like this?"

Wang Yue shook his head and said slowly: "She is fine for the time being.

She broke the red rope that was tied by force and suffered backlash.

She is not in danger of life at present."

"After taking the healing pills, the backlash of the body can be restored."

"But the heart disease needs to be treated with heart medicine.

Whether she can come out later depends on herself."

After Wang Yue finished speaking, the water friends continued to ask.

At this time, the carnival gift special effect suddenly rose in the live broadcast room. [Deep Love Reward Carnival X1]

[Deep Love Reward Carnival X2] ...

[Deep Love Reward Carnival X10]

[A Love of Love Reward Carnival X30]

When the fans saw that this was a reward from Guo Degang, who was the first to connect to the microphone, they immediately shifted their attention and posted comments on the barrage:

"Fuck, I thought it was some rich guy, but it turned out to be Brother Guo Degang who is back?"

"Is the negotiation over?"

"What did you guys talk about?

Master Wang said you still have some privacy, tell everyone quickly."

After Guo Degang finished giving the reward, he ignored the other fans and posted on the barrage:

"Thank you, Master Wang, we have already reached an agreement."

Wang Yue also saw this barrage, then smiled and said:

"It's good that it's reached!"

Guo Degang continued to post on the barrage:

"Yeah, then I won't bother you, Master, I still have to go buy some things."


The fans in the live broadcast room were itching to know what they were talking about.

They all gave rewards, just asking Master Wang to tell them what the privacy was. [One day is one day, reward private plane x1] [Wandering on God, reward lollipop x1]

[Too handsome to go to the toilet, reward fantasy castle x1] ...

[Bald people will eventually shine, reward hot air balloon x10]

[I came to this world without the intention of returning alive, reward fairy wand x100] ... The screen was full of gift effects, and the barrage was also rolling crazily.

The fans were asking Wang Yue to tell them what the privacy was.

Wang Yue shook his head helplessly, thinking that the gossiping hearts of this generation of fans were a bit serious!

Then he smiled lightly and said slowly: "Haha, there are some things that really can't be said.

After all, I have to respect the privacy of my customers!"

"Okay, now let's welcome the last destined person of today."