Chapter 169 His ID is: Men have to be tough!

"Okay, now let's welcome the last destined person today."

"His ID is:

Men should be fierce!"

After Wang Yue finished speaking, no one applied for a live broadcast.

Netizens were still asking Guo Degang what his privacy was. Seeing this, their attention shifted.

"Hey, what's going on?

Not connecting to the microphone, are you going to give up your spot?"

"Oh no, Master Wang has been on the air for so long, is this the first time he's been stood up?"

"I guess there's some secret that can't be seen by others, and he's scared after seeing how accurate the master is."

"Master Wang, since he doesn't want to connect to the microphone, let's change someone quickly!"

"Yes, yes, I just changed my phone again, I'm sure I can get it this time."

... Netizens were all saying to change someone quickly on the live broadcast. Wang Yue glanced at the live broadcast, and then said to the camera:

"ID: Men should be fierce, this destined person, if you're not here, I'll change someone."

After Wang Yue finished speaking, he was about to say to change to the next one.

The user with ID: Men should be fierce had already applied for a live broadcast.

Seeing the live broadcast application, Wang Yue was too lazy to change someone.

He directly agreed to the application.

After the microphone connection was established, a muscular man appeared on the screen.

The man looked to be about 30 years old, 180 cm tall, and wore a sleeveless T-shirt, a loose sweatshirt with a vest and a waistcoat. His upper body was very big, with full chest muscles, broad shoulders, perfect muscle lines and a bronze complexion, which caused the female viewers in the live broadcast room to scream.

"Wow, drooling.

macho man, want to date?"

"This is really strong, can you see his abdominal muscles?

If possible, I would like to touch them.

"Love it, love it, it's over, I can't stand it anymore, taking a screenshot and looking for tools..."

"I can't stand you horny girls, you have no determination at all, I only love Master Wang, Master Wang, I love you."

"That's right, it's just that the muscles are bigger and more powerful, I don't envy you at all, Master Wang, I love you."

"Fuck, @上楼, aren't you a man?

Master Wang: You win for me."

... This person who appeared, this figure is really admired by women and envied by men.

The other party glanced at the barrage, smiled, and said:

"Hello, Master Wang."

"Hello, netizens in the live broadcast room." "I am a fitness coach, and now I work in the integrated gym in Pengcheng High-tech Park.

If you have friends who like fitness, you can come and communicate with me."

His words attracted a large number of female netizens to cry, and they all expressed that they would go over to apply for a card, ask him to be a personal trainer, and have a good in-depth communication. The male netizens were unhappy, no, are you here to tell fortunes, or to promote and advertise?

Not to mention, Master Wang's live broadcast room has such a large traffic, you spend thousands of yuan to advertise, you will definitely make a lot of money.

Wang Yue didn't care, he smiled back and said calmly:

"Hello, my destined person."

"What do you want to be told?"

The man just had to listen to it and smiled, and said calmly:

"Master Wang, there's no rush." ​​

"To be honest, I've seen all the videos of Master Wang telling people's fortunes, including the two just now.

I can only describe it as magical."

"But it's often too incredible, which makes people suspect it's fake."

"I came here this time because I really felt a little unwell, but I didn't want to go to the hospital, because every time I go to the hospital, they just prescribe a bunch of tests for you, and then a bunch of medicine. Anyway, you won't get hurt by the food, and in the end you spend a lot of money."

"So I don't trust doctors that much now," "I accidentally saw the master's video before, so I came here with the mentality of giving it a try.

I didn't expect to really grab a spot."

"But I just watched the live broadcast of the two people before, it was very shocking and unreal, so I didn't connect the microphone at the first time just now, I was just hesitating."

"I've watched Master Wang's videos before and know that we can increase trust by doing some things first.

I wonder if Master Wang can let me increase trust first?"

After he finished talking, the male viewers in the live broadcast room became even more dissatisfied.

No, you have been hesitating from the beginning and doubting Master Wang's ability.

You don't know how to write the word "social death", do you?

"Oh, I thought Lu Bu was invincible, but I didn't expect that there was someone more brave than him.

Whose general is this?"

"Master Wang, you are doing it.

Break the news.

I am ready to eat melons."

"Guess, everyone, will this person be socially dead?"

"Social death doesn't matter.

I'm just afraid that he has a criminal record. That would be fun."

... The barrage on the screen was filled with comments from viewers.

When Wang Yue was talking to the guy [Men Must Be Fierce], he had already grasped the trajectory of his fate.

He didn't care about his suggestion of increasing trust.

He glanced at him with a half-smile, then said lightly:

"No problem, since you have a request, I will definitely meet it."

"Your name is Zhen Xialiu, you are 29 this year, and you have been in the fitness industry for 8 years.

The coach qualification certificate is basically the kind that you can get by paying for training."

Hearing Wang Yue say this, Zhen Xialiu's face was unhappy.

Although it is indeed what you said, how can I recruit students in the future if you say it in front of so many people?

And who in the industry doesn't know about this operation?

He said directly and unhappily:

"Master, some things can't be said casually. What do you mean you can get a certificate by training?"

"This is a question of my ability.

I got the certificate through long-term study, training, and then exams."

Wang Yue smiled slightly and said slowly: "Haha!"

"Okay, let's not talk about this.

Let's talk about why you got involved in fitness!"

"You used to have a nickname, called Bamboo Pole, because before fitness, you were thin and like a bamboo pole, so you were called:

Bamboo Pole."

"One day eight years ago, you and your girlfriend were walking through the woods in the park. Suddenly, a few drunks heard some noise and came in to investigate." "The scene they saw instantly made them excited, and they wanted to have a good and in-depth conversation with your girlfriend." "Of course you disagreed and tried to stop them by standing in front of them, but they were all strong and slapped you to the ground."

"Later, they took turns talking to your girlfriend right in front of you."

"Although those guys were arrested afterwards, your girlfriend broke up with you. What's the point of having someone who can't protect her?"

"After this incident, you hated yourself for being thin and useless, and even wanted to end your life."

"You were walking on the street in a daze, and suddenly you were fooled by someone handing out flyers at the gym.

You rekindled your hope and decided to become a macho man."

"Am I right?"