Chapter 170 Who is he? Who is he?

"Am I right?"

Wang Yue said, and then he looked at Zhen Xialiu with a smile.

Zhen Xialiu's face had changed drastically at this time.

This incident was an eternal pain in his heart, and he later moved to another city to live.

He never mentioned this incident to anyone. In addition, his figure has changed a lot now, even if his girlfriend at that time showed up, she probably wouldn't recognize him.

And now Wang Yue actually said it lightly. His heart was already in turmoil.

He stared at Wang Yue on the screen with wide eyes and exclaimed:

"Did you calculate all this?"

When the viewers in the live broadcast room saw his expression, they knew that this was all true.

The comments started to roll like crazy: "Fuck, if any man encounters this kind of thing, he would probably go crazy, right?" "This makes me want to work out, too.

If this happens to me, I'd really want to die." "After listening to this, I became even more eager to make money.

If I have money, I don't have to go to the grove, I can go directly to the hotel, and even if I go to the grove, I can hire bodyguards to guard me."

"@Upstairs, this is the right way to do it.

Do you have any way to make money? Please show me..."

... Looking at Zhen Xialiu's reaction, Wang Yue raised the corner of his mouth and continued:

"Haha, this is not calculated, this is from your face."

"And I can see that the real reason you don't go to the hospital is not because you don't trust the doctor."

"But you don't dare to go!"

"There's a saying in the fitness industry:

If you don't train your legs, you'll get impotence sooner or later..."

"Over the years, you've been overly pursuing the effects of the upper body and neglected leg training."

"Of course, it's also related to the fact that leg training is too painful, so you basically don't train, and you train your chest, shoulders, back, hands, and abdomen." "Plus, there are usually more members, and I communicate with them more frequently." "That's why you..."

Zhen Xialiu interrupted hurriedly:

"Stop, stop, stop...

Master, that's enough!"

"Stop talking."

He wiped the cold sweat from his head. He had to interrupt.

What if Wang Yue told them which students they were and their husbands saw it?

No matter how strong he was, he couldn't stand it!

As the saying goes:

Two fists can't beat four hands, let alone hundreds of hands.

No matter how strong he was, he would still be beaten to a pulp.

Wang Yue smiled at him and said, "Don't you need to increase your trust?"

"I still have a lot of deeds that can increase your trust."

Zhen Xia shook her head like a rattle and said quickly, "No, no, I completely trust you, Master Wang."

"I didn't recognize the real man just now. Please forgive me, Master Wang."

Seeing him admit his defeat, the viewers in the live broadcast room were all happy.

"It turns out to be a silver-plated gun head - it looks good but is useless, wasting my YY brain cells..."

"Don't, it's so boring to give up so quickly!

I haven't heard enough, Master Wang, please continue, keep live streaming, and keep exposing the news..."

"I'm just curious, what will happen if I don't train my legs when I work out?

Master, please continue to popularize science..."

"It turns out that there are benefits to being a fitness coach, and I can communicate with so many students.

I've decided to apply for a 10-year card right away."

"It's really a knife cutting my butt - I've opened my eyes.

If my wife goes to the gym again, I will...

I will become a coach!"

... Wang Yue glanced at the barrage on the screen and ignored it.

Instead, he looked at Zhen Xialiu and said lightly:

"Haha, can you tell me your problem now?" Zhen Xialiu was speechless, thinking, didn't you just tell me my problem?

Now you want me to say it again?

This is going to kill people and whip the corpse!

But he had just experienced Wang Yue's ability, so he didn't dare to hide anything. Then he stammered, "It's just...

except for the question the master just asked."

As soon as he finished speaking, the netizens started teasing him on the bullet screen, lining up to ask him what the question was.

Zhen Xialiu saw the content of the bullet screen and immediately frowned, cursing in his heart.

Finally, he didn't look at them and continued to say to Wang Yue:

"Master Wang, I just feel a little weak in my heart recently.

Whether I'm working out or doing anything else, I feel powerless."

"If it's a little more intense, I can't breathe." "Logically speaking, this shouldn't happen with my strong body."

"I even have chest tightness and chest pain in the past two days."

"So I came to the master to see what's going on."

"Is it caused by overwork?"

After saying that, he waited nervously for Wang Yue's answer. Wang Yue glanced at him, and then said lightly:

"Your condition is not caused by overwork, but poisoning!!!"

Zhen Xialiu was stunned after hearing the whole thing.

Poisoned? ? ?

Why am I poisoned?

Who wants to harm me?

There are all kinds of question marks in his mind.

The water friends in the live broadcast room also became excited, and the barrage on the screen was swiped by them.

"Fuck, this is a bit exciting."

"Crayon Shin-chan is online.

This must be a communication with a certain student.

Her husband found out, so she was retaliated.

If I hadn't cut Xiao Jiji on the spot."

"Sherlock Holmes is online.

It's definitely not.

It must be jealousy among female students. If I can't get it, I will destroy it."

"Bao Qingtian is possessed. Could it be a workplace conspiracy?

There are too many students who are jealous of other coaches.

Give him a drug and let him finish!"

"Why are there so many conspiracies in your heads?

Can't it just be simple food poisoning?"

... The netizens turned into various detectives and guessed why Zhen Xialiu was poisoned.

After coming to his senses, Zhen Xialiu was a little unconvinced for a while, and asked hurriedly:

"Master Wang, are you saying I was poisoned?"

Wang Yue nodded and said:

"Yes, it's a chronic poison.

It will slowly poison your heart until you die." "And on the surface, it looks like sudden death, which will not arouse other people's suspicion.

"Zhen Xialiu's face instantly lost color and he said excitedly:

"How could it be, how could I be poisoned?" "Master Wang, is someone trying to harm me?"

"Who? Who is he?" . . . . .