Chapter 238 The Man with Light on Top of His Head

In front of her, Xia Yutong let out a high-pitched scream.


This scream startled everyone in the hall.

Then, Xia Yutong excitedly said:

"You're Master Wang, right?"

"I just felt like I knew you, just couldn't place it for a moment."

"I can't believe I ran into you here, you look even more handsome in person than in the videos!!!"

"Can you sign an autograph for me?"

"Sign it right here on my body, where I want to get a tattoo to keep it forever."

"And could we take a photo together?"

Xia Yutong was visibly thrilled...

In the next moment, other salespeople also excitedly gathered around, all wanting Master Wang's autograph and a photo together.

Xia Yutong was pushed to the side, pouting and feeling annoyed.

He's clearly my Master Wang, you bunch of hooligans...

Ah~ Coco, where are you putting your hands...

And Dandan, why are you unbuttoning, hugging Master Wang's arm, let go and let me...

And Meimei, why are you pretending to fall, striking such an exaggerated pose, and you're not even wearing...

Seeing this, Xia Yutong lost her composure and charged forward again.

For a moment, the entire hall was in chaos...

The scene was too wild, already beyond control...

Fortunately, there were no other customers at this time, otherwise, they would surely have been scared away.

Inside an office, the boss, Gao Yaguo, happened to come over today to take a look around and was now listening wearily to the manager's report.

Over the past year, every industry had suffered huge setbacks, especially the real estate industry was becoming increasingly difficult, with many companies going bankrupt.

Originally, with its own strength, it shouldn't have been so passive like it was now.

But for some reason, they kept hitting a wall everywhere, and business had shrunk by half.

Listening to the manager's report at this moment, he couldn't help but sigh heavily, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples, truly giving him a headache.

Suddenly, a scream sounded outside, followed by a clamor that reached his ears.

His previously troubled expression instantly turned to anger.

Looking displeased at the manager across the table, he said:

"Manager Pang, what's going on?"

"If you didn't know this was a sales center, you'd think it was a farmer's market."

"Is this the team you brought?"

Cold sweat dripped down the forehead of Manager Pang opposite, and he hurriedly said:

"Chairman, I'll go out immediately to see what's happening."

"They are not usually like this, something must have happened."

After saying this, Manager Pang was about to leave.

Gao Yaguo stood up from his chair and said:

"Let's go out together and see what big deal is causing your employees to act like this."

Then the two of them walked out of the office, and when they saw the scene in the hall outside.

Manager Pang was almost livid.

His employees were surrounding a handsome guy, teasing, taking photos, asking for autographs, as if they were going to put the guy on trial right then and there...

Seeing this scene, he almost spat out blood.

Good heavens, ladies, have you never seen a handsome guy before or what?

Alright, I admit, he's a little more handsome than a celebrity, but can't you guys be a bit reserved?

Usually it's fine, but don't you know the chairman is here today?

Caught red-handed by the chairman.

You guys are going to get me killed...

Gao Yaguo's face also didn't look good.

With a team like this, no wonder the company is getting worse and worse.

Manager Pang stood up with a dark face and shouted, "What are you all doing?

Don't feel like working anymore?

Or do you all want to pack up and leave?"

Startled by Manager Pang's shout, everyone was taken aback.

Upon seeing Manager Pang and the chairman, they quickly straightened their attire and cautiously stood aside, each looking like a child who had done something wrong.

Wang Yue finally escaped their clutches. They were downright scary in their enthusiasm...

No wonder in a past life I heard that some car salespeople could take cars out for test drives, and real estate agents could research the quality of the kitchen inside a house...

After Manager Pang found out what was going on, she looked at Wang Yue with some surprise.

Is he really that good?

The boss has been so unlucky lately, if he's really that good, maybe he could help the boss see if he's stirred up something dirty.

Then Manager Pang quickly went over to the chairman and explained Wang Yue's situation.

Yu Wangyue wanted to have the chairman's fortune told by master Wang Yue to see where the problem lay.

Gao Yaguo was initially a bit intrigued, but upon gazing at Wang Yue's handsome and youthful appearance, he shook his head.

They had tried all kinds of fortune tellers and feng shui masters, bought various items for wealth, luck, and blessings, but to no avail!

What could a young man like Wang Yue possibly do?

Claiming to see one's past and future with just a glance?


Is there really such a miraculous master in this world, almost like a heavenly immortal?

Probably just creating an online persona, acting out a script to deceive naive young girls...

Seeing Gao Yaguo shake his head, Manager Pang tentatively suggested:

"Chairman, they speak of this young master as extraordinary.

Why not give it a try since he doesn't charge if he's wrong?"

"If he truly possesses abilities, he might be able to help you solve your problems."

Gao Yaguo was persuaded, having experienced a string of bad luck recently.

So, he decided to give it a shot.

Together, they walked towards Wang Yue.

Wang Yue had already noticed Gao Yaguo in the distance, with a purple light hovering above his head, a sign of great fortune and wealth.

But now, the purple light was shrouded in dark energy, indicating financial losses at best and potential calamity at worst, a stark contrast.

Establishing karma with such a person should bring substantial merit, right?

At a time when merit was lacking, one couldn't overlook such an opportunity.

With this in mind, Wang Yue used his skill, "Seeing Clearly," to examine Gao Yaguo.

In an instant, he grasped the trajectory of Gao Yaguo's destiny.

Understanding the situation, Wang Yue was left speechless.

By this point, Gao Yaguo and Manager Pang had reached Wang Yue and greeted him:

"Esteemed master, hello!"

"I've heard of your precise fortune-telling abilities, and I would like you to tell my fortune. Would that be possible?"

Gao Ya Country, although being a big boss, didn't have that commanding tone of superiority.

Instead, he spoke in an inquiring tone.

Wang Yue smiled slightly and said slowly, "Hehe, of course!"


The girls familiar with Wang Yue around couldn't help but stifle their laughter upon hearing this sentence.

They knew what Wang Yue was going to say next.

Deliberately teasing people, this Master Wang is so naughty!

But I really like it!!!

Master Wang, after finishing calculations for the boss, I'll take you to see the house later.

I bought a portable swimsuit to show you...

The girls were all fantasizing in their hearts.

But Gao Ya Country didn't know what Wang Yue was up to.

He frowned slightly, thinking, Could it be that he knows my identity and wants to make some unreasonable demands?

He decided that if the request was outrageous, he would definitely turn around and leave.

Then he heard Wang Yue continue, "However, my divination fee is 3000, I have to tell you in advance."