Chapter 239: Can Wang Yue be persuaded to retreat in the face of difficulties?

"However, my divination fee is 3000 gold coins, I need to tell you that first."

Gao Yaguo was stunned, he even doubted if he had misheard.

Only 3000?

The previous masters I consulted all charged no less than 30,000!

I thought he was going to ask for a sky-high price, turns out I was mistaken.

But with your fee so low, I suppose your abilities are just average!

Which truly capable master starts below 3,000,000?

And even then, there's no guarantee they can be hired!

He didn't have high expectations for Wang Yue to begin with, just trying his luck, but now he was completely disillusioned.

He was starting to regret how he rashly agreed to consult this young man for fortune-telling.

But since he had already invited Wang Yue himself, it wouldn't be right to change his mind now.

So he spoke up:

"No problem, as long as the reading is accurate, money is not an issue!"

"If you can solve my problem, there will be extra gratitude!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Yue smiled faintly and replied slowly:

"Hehe, rest assured, my rule is if the reading is inaccurate, there's no charge."

"As for the gratitude, that's a discussion for later."

"For now, let's focus on your issue!"

Gao Yaguo nodded, recalling what Manager Pang had mentioned earlier, that Wang Yue could glean a person's past and future with just one glance...

A thought struck him, and he spoke up:

"Esteemed master, I heard from Manager Pang that you can see a person's past and future with just one glance."

"How about you start by telling me about my past?"

"I haven't encountered such a skill before, so I'd like to experience it, if that's possible?"

Gao Yaguo suddenly realized that since he was the one who initially invited him for a reading, he couldn't back out now.

As such, he decided to let Wang Yue realize the situation for himself and withdraw gracefully.

No need to waste each other's time.

The female employees watching around heard Gao Yaguo's words.

With wide eyes, they stared in disbelief at Gao Ya Guo.

They thought to themselves, "Boss, you're really brave!"

To actually dare to have Master Wang talk about your past?

Didn't you know that everyone who made that request before ended up in social death?

But the thought of one day being able to spill the beans on your boss was exhilarating.

They were all so excited, silently agreeing not to warn Gao Ya Guo.

They were all looking forward to what kind of big secret their boss had.

The gossipy heart inside them was completely uncontrollable, burning fiercely.

If they had their boss's big secret, wouldn't it be up to them whether or not to go to work in the future?

Naturally, Wang Yue saw Gao Ya Guo's thoughts and his lips curled slightly upwards.

How does that saying go again?

Originally planned to be direct and point out your problem, then solve it.

But instead, it resulted in mistrust.

Since you insist on me talking about your past.

Fine, no more pretense, let's get real, I'm going to start showing off!

And then Wang Yue slowly began:

"No problem!"

"Then I'll just mention a few things casually!"

Gao Ya Guo listened with a puzzled look, thinking, if it's just casually mentioned, then I can do that too!

Indeed, not much talent.

Wang Yue continued:

"From your face, it seems that you are one of those blessed individuals."

"In the first half of your life, you experienced several dangers, but each time turned danger into opportunity."

"When you were 9 years old, in your hometown, someone drained a fish pond to catch fish."

"Next to the fish pond was a banyan tree, everyone was catching fish in the pond, while you climbed the tree and watched the people below fumbling in the water for fish."

"Unexpectedly, you fell asleep in the tree and fell off when you rolled over."

Underneath the fish pond at that time were all kinds of rocks, and many sharp tree branches.

Those who saw you fall thought you were surely done for.

In the end, there was someone crouched by the pond under the tree digging for catfish.

You landed directly on top of that person, but to everyone's surprise, you were unscathed, while the other person ended up with a concussion.

The surrounding girls couldn't help but gasp in astonishment, marveling at your incredible luck.

How could you come out of that unscathed?!

And the other person ended up with a concussion, what a stroke of bad luck.

That's what you get for being the boss; they say when you narrowly escape a disaster, good fortune is sure to follow, right?

Should I tempt fate as well?

If I come out unscathed, maybe I'll be the boss's wife...

Gao Yaogui was also a little surprised.

Apart from a few people in the hometown, only those close to him knew about this incident.

How did Wang Yue know about it?

Could he really read all that from a person's face?

That's impossible, absolutely impossible!!!

There's only one explanation then - he was sent by someone else, who had thoroughly investigated my background long before today and intentionally staged this drama!

And someone on my side must have betrayed me, just now Manager Pang kept insisting I get a fortune told, tried to test it out.

Could Manager Pang be the one betraying me?

Thinking of this, he gave a meaningful glance at Manager Pang.

If it's really you who betrayed me, then I will make sure you pay a heavy price!

Manager Pang suddenly noticed Mr. Gao looking at him with a strange expression on his face.

He couldn't help but wonder what was going on with the boss?

Then quickly realized, ah, the master must have been right just now.

So the boss's expression was one of shock and disbelief.

And as the one who recommended the boss to consult the master for fortune-telling, the boss looking at me must have thought I did a great job this time.

Haha, the next step will be my shining moment of promotion and raise.

Manager Pang had already imagined the scene of himself becoming the general manager in a grand manner...

Thinking of this, an exaggerated smile suddenly appeared on his face.

And this scene, falling into Mr. Gao's eyes, made him even more convinced that Manager Pang was indeed suspicious, laughing so creepily, clearly not a good person at first sight.

Such a person in a TV drama must surely be a traitor...

He secretly decided not to startle the snake from the grass, but wait until he found concrete evidence, then it's off to jail for him.

Then he looked back at Wang Yue and said:

"Master, you can't read all these details from his face, can you?"

"You must have put in a lot of effort to investigate these things, right?"

Mr. Gao's words left the onlookers stunned, so you were just acting all skeptical earlier, weren't you?

And then the onlookers couldn't help but smile, not believing it.

"Can't believe it's true.

We can just sit back and enjoy the show!"

"Quick, pass me the popcorn and soda, let's keep watching."

Wang Yue smiled faintly upon hearing Gao Ya's words, then continued speaking.