Chapter 240: Is this really considered luck or misfortune in the end?

Wang Yue heard Gaoyaguo's words, smirked slightly, and then continued, "Hehe, don't be in a rush!

The same year, just three months after falling from a tree, you were playing outside and saw other kids playing with balloons while you had none.

You felt envious and sad."

"So you rummaged through the house and eventually found a box of safety condoms in your parents' closet.

You didn't know what they were and decided to open them."

"Once you saw what was inside, you felt overjoyed."

"You shouted, 'I have balloons to play with too!'

and then excitedly blew up all the remaining balloons in your dad's closet, tied them up with strings, and happily went out to play."

The bystander girls listening to this were trying hard to suppress their laughter.

Two of them were shaking slightly from holding back.

They thought, "Boss, don't worry, we're professionally trained.

We usually don't laugh unless we can't help it."

But two couldn't help themselves and snickered discreetly, sounding like they had let out a fart, then quickly lowered their heads, afraid of being caught.

Who would have thought that their boss had actually played with safety condoms as balloons when he was a kid?

They really wanted to ask how he blew them up back then.

How big did they blow them up?

Can they really be blown up to a meter in size as rumored online?

Next time, I'll have my boyfriend blow one up, just out of curiosity, no other motive...

And one of the junior employees sneakily turned on her phone and started recording a video of her boss and Wang Yue.

She thought, if her other colleagues wanted to watch later, she could charge them 100 each.

Oh, she had hit the jackpot, about to become a rich woman...

When Manager Pang, standing in the front, heard the snickering behind him, he turned around with a fierce glare at the girls.

Can't you show a little bit more discipline, why are you all daring to laugh, even the boss?

Don't want to work here anymore, huh?

When the boss got angry earlier, he fired even me.

I'm going to be unemployed.

I'll take turns living at your house...

But because we usually play around so much, the threatening look in his eyes was dismissed by the girls, collectively sticking out their tongues at him.

Gao Yaguo's normally calm face changed slightly, as he indeed mistook it for a balloon at the time, blew it all up, and took it out to play.

But how did he know that I was found in my parents' bedroom closet?

Was he just guessing?

Wang Yue didn't pay attention to his changing expression and continued speaking:

"When your dad came back, he found torn bags all over the floor, and his face turned green instantly."

"His first reaction was, in broad daylight, your mom was actually cheating on him at home with someone else, and using so much at once too!!!"

"Instantly, his anger flared up, and at that moment, your mom happened to come back from outside."

"Your dad saw your mom's rosy cheeks (actually because it was too hot outside, her face was flushed and warm), and she looked so happy, the expression of someone post-exercise..."

"This nearly drove him to madness, and they started a big argument."

Onlookers looked at each other in disbelief, how could things get misunderstood to this extent?

I feel sorry for the boss's mom, to marry someone like that.

To sleep with him, have his children, and in the end, still be suspected by him!

Then they switched perspectives.

If their future boyfriends misunderstood and accused them of cheating, what would they do?

Well then, to satisfy his desire, see which handsome reader is willing to help. Right in front of him, show him the suspicious act!

Wang Yue was unaware that the bystanders were actually thinking this way at the moment, and he didn't stop, continuing:

"At this point, you just happened to come back from outside, frightened by the sight of them arguing, you burst into tears.

They finally stopped."

"And then they saw the balloon in your hand, because it was inflated, they didn't recognize it right away.

Only after a closer look did they realize, how much it resembled that box of safety tao from the closet..."

So I asked you where it came from, and you said you took it from their wardrobe."

The two who learned the truth were instantly furious, switching into a tag-team mode in an instant.

You were left bewildered, with no idea what was happening, questioning what you did wrong.

Was it just because you got scared and cried during their argument that you had to be hit?

But instinct drove you to flee in haste, only to slip, fall, and hit the back of your head on the steps, blood flowing instantly, body convulsing.

This terrified your parents, leaving them shaken and weak.

Your dad hurriedly scooped you up and sprinted three kilometers to the hospital, where after resuscitation, you finally made it through.

Even the doctors marveled at your luck - a head injury, being bounced around in your dad's arms while running, yet somehow you didn't perish halfway there!

Surrounding spectators were dumbfounded...

Holy cow!!!

Is this a stroke of luck or just plain misfortune?

Call it luck - to run away only to stumble and inflict a head injury so severe it almost cost you your life. That's just sheer bad luck!

But if it's misfortune, taking such a tumble, then enduring such a tumultuous three-kilometer dash in your dad's arms, and still surviving, that's got to be considered incredibly lucky.

So what does this tale teach us?

Next time you discipline a child, better lock the door, don't let them escape!

Escapes can lead to danger.

Locking them up or tying them down, no danger, and you can discipline as you please.

At this moment, Gao Yaguo (Pressure Cooker) finally paled, eyes widened, staring in disbelief at Wang Yue.

This outsider knew he had hit his head, been rushed to the hospital, and almost died.

But little did he know the detailed course of events.

He was at a loss for words to express his feelings at that moment.

This is simply fantastical!

It turns out there really are people who can see a person's past just by looking at their face.

I've encountered a master of the highest caliber!

His expression instantly became excited. With such remarkable abilities, surely he could solve his own issues, right?

The mere thought filled him with excitement as he exclaimed, "Esteemed master, can you truly discern my past just by looking at my face?"

Wang Yue smiled faintly, then continued slowly, "In the following years, you lived peacefully, as the saying goes, 'Surviving a great disaster brings great fortune'.

Later on, you successfully entered the best high school in the city."

"Because it was quite far from home, you decided to board at the school.

One time, when you caught a cold, you bought cold medicine and took it by yourself."

"After consuming it, you felt dizzy, and during mealtime, your dorm mates noticed something was wrong with you."

"They quickly informed a teacher upon realizing this and together, they rushed you to the hospital."

"When you arrived at the hospital entrance, you had completely passed out, unresponsive."