Chapter 241: That's because someone is stealing your blessings and luck!

When you arrived at the hospital entrance, you completely passed out with no response.

Upon waking up again, you had been lying in the hospital for two days, and your mother was sitting by your bedside looking haggard.

You once again experienced what it means to have a narrow escape!

Later, you found out that you were allergic to the yellow amine in the medicine.

If you had arrived at the hospital any later, you would have been done for.

After that, you learned what it means to "go through a near-death experience".

Your skin started peeling off, except for your face, everywhere else peeled off, even that area also became...

Gao Ya Guo hurriedly stopped Wang Yue from continuing and said:

"Stop, stop, Master, no need to say anymore, it shouldn't be said..."

"I am completely convinced by your abilities."

"How on earth do you do it, it's just too amazing!"

"If I hadn't experienced it myself, I wouldn't believe it if someone told me that you can deduce all this information just by reading faces."

"Compared to you, I guess those I met before were all fake masters!

They couldn't do what you can..."

The more Gao Ya Guo said, the more excited he became.

He was now full of expectations for Wang Yue.

A person this amazing must be able to figure out what has been going on with me recently and why things aren't going smoothly.

Have I really encountered something unclean?

As Wang Yue was interrupted, he didn't continue.

The bystanders were a bit disappointed.

Why did they stop him from continuing?

What is that thing after all?

And what happened in the end?

Can Master Wang explain in detail?

This feeling of being left hanging halfway through is really uncomfortable, it's like playing a game with your boyfriend, all prepared for the main event, but he suddenly says it's over, game over, that kind of feeling...

Too torturous...

They looked at Wang Yue and Gao Ya Guo ahead, opened their mouths several times, wanting to ask Master Wang what happened next?

But didn't dare to speak out.

Because the thing they wanted to ask was about the boss's matter, and the boss was right there, they didn't dare ask!

Wang Yue looked at the excited Gao Ya Guo in front of him, with a slight smile on his lips, and said lightly:

"Heh, do you believe me now?"

"No need to say anything more?"

Gao Yaguó quickly shook his head and said, "No need, no need.

I did start by doubting you because you are too young, Master."

"But now I completely believe in you!"

While Gao Yaguó said this aloud, in his heart, he thought, "If you continue, you might reveal all my other secrets..."

He glanced at the employees around him, with their eager eyes.

He knew they were all hoping that Wang Yue would say more.

He wouldn't give them that chance...

The gossiping girls around him, sensing his gaze, quickly averted their eyes, afraid of their thoughts being discovered.

Wang Yùe smiled faintly and said, "Alright, let's talk about your issues now!"

Upon hearing this, Gao Yaguó hurriedly said, "Okay, Master!"

"I believe, Master, you must have noticed that my luck has been bad this past year, and my career has been in a downward spiral, everything seems to be going wrong."

"Especially in the last month, it has become even more serious.

At this rate, the company may go bankrupt in less than a month."

"So, I want to ask Master to help me figure out what's going on."

"Have I offended something unclean? Like ghosts or something, is that why this is happening?"

Gao Yaguó's words made the employees around him turn pale.

They knew the overall situation was not good.

But they hadn't realized the company had reached such a severe state.

If the company collapsed, wouldn't they lose their jobs?

Thinking of this, they all wore expressions of worry on their faces, then looked towards Wang Yue, placing their hopes in him.

They hoped that Master Wang could help the boss solve the problem so that they wouldn't lose their jobs.

After listening to Gao's words, Wang Yue nodded slowly and said, "You were originally someone with great luck and fortune."

"Even if the current domestic situation is not good, you can still turn bad luck into good luck and lead the company forward."

"The reason why things are going wrong now is not because you've attracted anything unclean."

Gao hurriedly asked, "Master, what's going on then?"

He now deeply believed in Wang Yue's words, and since Wang Yue could see the problem, he must have a way to solve it.

Wang Yue continued, "That's because someone is stealing your fortune and luck!"

"They are transferring your fortune and luck to themselves."

"The fortune and luck on you are rapidly being drained.

What's showing now is just bad luck and business setbacks."

"If this continues to drain away, gradually, your physical health will also be affected.

When your fortune and luck completely disappear, it will be the time of your death."

After Wang Yue finished speaking, the surrounding spectators were all stunned.

What's this all about?

Stealing fortune and luck?

You can steal that?

How do you steal it?

Someone thought, if I steal Dad's fortune and luck, does that mean I can become the richest man in the world???

Of course, many more thought about giving a beating to the person who stole their boss's fortune and luck.

Because this was a disguised way of ruining their livelihoods, destroying someone's livelihood was like killing their parents, and he must beat him up to avenge his parents... No, to avenge his employer.

Gao Yaguo never expected it to be like this. It turns out that his recent streak of bad luck over the past year was actually orchestrated!

His face darkened as he asked in a deep voice, "Master, who is it?"

Gao Yaguo had already made up his mind that whoever it was, they must pay a painful price.

He was willing to pay any price, no matter how great!

Wang Yue looked at him and slowly said, "Since the other party can steal your luck and fortune, it must be someone you are familiar with."

"And as your luck and fortune diminish, the other party's luck and fortune must increase."

"Think about it, in this past year, among the people around you, whose luck has been getting stronger, everything going smoothly as if they were invincible?"

Upon hearing Wang Yue's words, Gao Yaguo fell into deep thought.

Quickly sifting through his mind, he thought about the people around him who had been having a streak of good luck in the past year.

Soon, he thought of someone.

Someone he couldn't believe, but among the people around him, besides him, no one else fit the bill.

He had initially thought that person was just having good luck, but it turned out they were stealing his fortune.

His expression instantly darkened, his fists clenched tightly, knuckles turning white.

Seeing his expression, Wang Yue knew he had figured it out, so he calmly said, "It seems like you've already figured it out!"

"Yes, that's right, he is your nephew-in-law!"