Chapter 242: It's precisely because of your lack of recklessness.

"Yes, that's right, he is your brother-in-law!" Wang Yue's words left the onlookers stunned.

Unable to contain themselves any longer, they began to whisper quietly:

"Damn, is the brother-in-law making a move on his own sister's husband?

What's his intention?"

"I've met that brother-in-law before, a real scumbag who's into all sorts of vices like eating, drinking, gambling, and womanizing.

If it weren't for a good brother-in-law, he'd probably have no one to even guard the door for him. He even tried to invite me to visit his bedroom last time, but I refused!"

"He tried to make plans with me before, claiming he's a rising star in business and his ventures will only grow bigger.

I didn't take him seriously back then.

But now, I hear things have really gotten out of control.

I never expected he was actually stealing the boss's luck..."

"This guy who eats inside and scraps outside, next time I see him, I'm gonna bundle him up in a sack and kick him into oblivion!"

"I initially thought there was a mole in the company, especially after Wang Master mentioned it was someone close to the boss.

I even suspected... Pang.

I never thought it would turn out to be the boss's brother-in-law!"


Manager Pang suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

As he turned around, he saw the person who suspected there was a mole in the company staring at him.

He broke out in a cold sweat, thinking, "Damn, girl, what have I done to deserve your distrust?

You really suspect me??

Am I the kind of person who would do such a thing?

Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't know how to go about it!

And what Wang Master said about someone close to the boss... Well, I guess I am standing right next to the boss...

But is that reason enough for you to suspect me?"

It seems like we can't keep you around, little sister.

I'll have you sent elsewhere soon.

It's too dangerous to keep you by my side!

The murmurs around were audible to Gao YaGuo, making his face even uglier.

The veins on his forehead were pulsing...

He restrained the anger that was about to erupt and said to Wang Yue in a low voice:

"Master, I think I have been generous to him.

I provided the money for his house and car purchases, helped him get married, and even his sister gives him 1 million pocket money secretly every month, and I didn't say anything about it."

"It can be said that he has everything he wants and just needs to enjoy it every day, why does he still have to do this?"

"I haven't wronged his sister either.

There are many temptations outside, but I can control myself.

I've never messed around outside."

"So I really can't understand, what is the purpose of him doing this?"

Gao YaGuo's words made the surrounding onlookers sigh one after another.

Why isn't this kind of person, who can earn money and control himself, their own?

Indeed, good men are always from other families.

Wang Yue smiled slightly at the words, then slowly said:

"Because of your restraint, you have brought this disaster upon yourself."

Gao YaGuo was even more puzzled now. What kind of logic is this, is it wrong to keep oneself in check?

So, I have to apologize to your sister. Entering a nightclub with a young model is the right thing to do, right?

Gao YaGuo asked the doubt in his heart:

"Master, why?"

The onlooking girls around were also speechless.

It's one thing if you indulge in vices, but why drag your sister's husband into it too?

Wang Yue continued slowly:

"Do you remember, a year ago, at an upscale cocktail party, meeting a rich heiress from Hong Kong?"

"She took the initiative to chat with you, you exchanged WeChat contacts out of courtesy, and then she started hinting at you, using cooperation as a reason to invite you out for a meal."

"But as you said, even though the temptation was great, you could control yourself and didn't get involved in any indecent activities with her."

"But she didn't give up, and during one dinner, she drugged you, hoping to make things irreversible, luckily your bodyguard discovered it, so she didn't succeed."

"After that, you never met her again."

Gao Yaguo also recalled this incident, it was indeed true.

The girl was very beautiful, with a powerful family background, but her behavior was too open, too crazy, which made him a bit unable to handle it...

She even suggested, no need for marriage, just to have a child with him, and could use the family's influence to help him expand his business.

It was simply a stroke of luck.

But he didn't act impulsively, partly because he didn't want to betray his wife, and partly because he believed there was no such good thing in the world.

Even though he was successful in his career, the other party came from a good family, what did they want?

Was it because of his good looks?

Or because of his talents?

If it were those handsome and talented guys, maybe the rich heiress would go to such lengths.

He knew himself well, there must be some hidden secrets behind her actions.

So he firmly refused at the time.

But what does this have to do with my younger brother stealing my luck and fortune?

Gao Yaguo asked Wang Yue:

"Master, indeed this happened, after being drugged at that time, I deleted the other party's contact information and never met her again."

"If you hadn't mentioned it, I would have almost forgotten about it."

"But what does this have to do with my younger brother harming me?"

"Did they get together?"

"Since the woman couldn't get to me, she held a grudge against me, turned to my younger brother, and conspired against me together?"

Gao Yaguo quickly figured out the connection between them.

Wang Yue nodded slowly and said, "That woman approached you with a purpose from the beginning, because she discovered that you are a person with great fortune and luck."

"She originally planned to have a child with you through the simplest way, to take away your fortune and luck, and help the family business reach new heights."

"But you never gave her the chance, so she had to find another way."

"She sought out a master from Hong Kong, asking for a way to obtain your fortune and luck. The master proposed a compromise."

"So she set her sights on your younger uncle, as her investigation showed that he is much easier to manipulate than you."

Upon hearing this, those who knew Wang Yue's younger uncle shook their heads.

They could already imagine that the younger uncle would be tempted by beauty, and then conspire with that woman to harm Wang Yue.

Wang Yue continued without stopping:

"Although your younger uncle is married, he often dallies outside, a true slave to his desires.

With such a man, she only needs to reveal a hint of temptation, and he would pounce on her like a hungry wolf."

"And so she intentionally approached your younger uncle, using various methods to make him infatuated with her, while mocking and provoking him that he was nothing without you but a joke."

"A man must have his own career to be truly attractive."

"She also said, if he achieved even a tenth of what you have achieved, she would willingly devote herself to him without hesitation."

"And she subtly hinted that you were just lucky, and if your younger uncle had your luck, he wouldn't be any less successful than you."

"As a result, your younger uncle fell for the trap, believing that if he had your luck, he could also make it big and strong."

The onlookers were speechless,

feeling that everything was exactly as they had expected.

It seemed the boss's younger uncle was easily manipulated after all.

And he couldn't even see his own worth, thinking he could match up?

Hmm... seems like he's really doing it now.

Looks like the boss's luck is truly exceptional!

People who know nothing but indulgence suddenly becoming successful after gaining luck.

If only they had such luck, they could become wealthy too.

Ignoring the thoughts of the onlookers, Wang Yue continued,

"Then that woman told him she had a way for him to obtain your luck."