Chapter 255: Do you know why I just calculated a divination for you?

It was at that moment, just as the previous owner of the villa had finished fishing and was about to head back, that he saw you jump into the lake, seemingly "committing suicide."

Without hesitation, he followed suit and jumped in to save you.

After pulling you out of the water, he finally got a clear look at your face, and he was completely stunned! He had never seen such beauty, such charm in a woman before.

And with you being all wet, your enticing figure, curvaceous and alluring, became even more irresistible.

In that instant, all he could see in his eyes was your drenched silhouette, unable to move his gaze away!!!

Meanwhile, you emitted a hint of murderous intent, sending shivers down his spine.

It snapped him out of his daze, initially thinking it was just a trick of the wind, but then realizing his own folly.

Quickly, he began to persuade you, emphasizing your youth, your beauty, and the wonderful life awaiting you, urging you not to give up...

His words left you bewildered, questioning when you had ever considered suicide to the point where you even momentarily forgot about harming him...

Concerned about you catching a cold, he hurriedly invited you to his home to change clothes.

Upon hearing this, the onlookers and a few other ghosts nearby all instinctively turned to look at the male ghost blocking the exit of the wine cellar.

Manager Pang and Xia Yutong thought to themselves:

Is he really suggesting she go back with him to change clothes?

Could it be that he wants to have a deep conversation with her?

We've been wondering how you died before.

Turns out it was from being incredibly foolish!!!

Inviting the death god... no, the fairy back home... that will definitely end in being drained dry for sure!

As for the other ghosts:

No fear of god-like opponents, only fear of having a pig-like teammate!

You're such a big troublemaker!!!

While others mess with parents, you go ahead and mess with wives, children, and even the nanny...

Nanny: I'm so innocent!!!

The male ghost was now feeling rather awkward, never expecting to end up in this situation.

This gossip suddenly turned sour...

He was truly bewitched at the time.

Imagining a little story unfolding between the two of you, never expecting it to end in tragedy, resulting in loss of life...

It's just that this loss of life wasn't like any other...

The male ghost felt bitter in his heart too!

I thought I had stumbled upon a beautiful woman of national calamity, only to realize she was a man-eating monster.

He said weakly, "Don't look at me, I don't want to die either!"

"At that time, I just wanted to help and take someone in, never thought that good deeds go unpunished..."

Wang Yue glanced at him indifferently, a slight smirk playing on his lips. Good person? Heh...

Who was it that once said: "There aren't that many good people in this world, it's just that the degrees of badness vary!"

And then Wang Yue no longer paid him any mind, turning to look at the little fox demon Su Xiaomei. He then slowly spoke:

"Unable to resist his overwhelming invitation, you followed him to this villa as a man-eater, and were warmly welcomed."

"They all greeted you warmly."

"You found this place to be quite suitable, a place for you to cultivate in seclusion."

"But to ensure that these people don't interfere with you, you used illusions to trap them in a dreamland, while you drained all of their vitality completely..."

"At the same time, gaining the energy needed for your breakthrough."

"And so you began your seclusion in this wine cellar."

"Their bodies were discovered by their mahjong buddies, who were frightened and quickly called the police.

At that critical moment in your breakthrough, you chose to ignore them and continued your breakthrough."

"The police arrived, searched the wine cellar, but you didn't want any complications, so you simply used illusions to make yourself invisible, leaving no trace of your presence, and they eventually left."

"And so, another unsolved case was added to the record!"

And for some reason, their souls did not reincarnate, but instead turned into vengeful spirits, lingering in this house."

Originally, their ghosts wanted to seek revenge on you right away, but your enchanting power influenced them, causing their desire for vengeance to disappear and instead turning into a desire to please you.

And you continued to ignore them, focusing on your breakthrough in seclusion.

As the saying goes, time stands still in seclusion.

After you made your breakthrough, you continued to cultivate and consolidate for a while, until our arrival woke you up.

That's when you put on the facade of pretending to be panicked.

Wang Yue's words felt like a hammer striking the hearts of the bewildered ghosts.

Breaking the enchanting power that trapped their hearts, allowing their true feelings to be released.

At this moment, their eyes gleamed with hostility.

They were itching to rush up and tear the little fox demon apart.

But they worried about being enchanted again by her power, so they just kept their distance and stared at the little fox demon.

Issuing powerless roars...

At this point, Wang Yue revealed a hint of playful smile, looking lightly at the little fox demon, Su Xiaomei, saying:

"Hehe, what do you think?

Do you want me to elaborate further on what I know?

I know quite a bit, don't I?"

"Do you want me to explain in more detail?"

Su Xiaomei, the little fox demon, was still in a state of confusion.

It could be said that Wang Yue's words were clearer and more detailed than what she remembered herself...

Although she didn't know how Wang Yue knew so much, at this point, she had developed a strong interest in Wang Yue.

She decided that after capturing Wang Yue, she would slowly study him...

Then she revealed a wicked smile, while unleashing her charm, and said sweetly to Wang Yue:

"Esteemed master, you are truly amazing!"

"To be able to discern such detailed past experiences just from a person's appearance."

"I am completely in awe of your fortune-telling skills.

But I wonder, besides being proficient in fortune-telling, are you equally skilled in other aspects?"

"Could you also let me experience, to see if you can thoroughly conquer me in bed?"

The little fox demon Su Xiaomei finished speaking and stuck out her tongue, seductively licking her lips.

Inside the room, the others were dry-mouthed and swallowing hard.

And yet, what they experienced was just a faint ripple of the charming power.

In the midst of the charming power, Wang Yue felt this special energy trying to influence his mind.

He also found this special energy quite intriguing.

Then he activated his spiritual power, dispelling the charming power.

Only then did he look back at the little fox demon, his lips curling slightly as he calmly said:

"Do you know why I just read your fortune?"

Internally, the little fox demon was greatly surprised. Wang Yue seemed unaffected by her charming power.

Not giving up, she pushed her charming power to the limit, lowered her suspenders, and then asked with a smile:

"Why is that?"