Chapter 256: Let Wang Yue experience the most cruel way of death?


The young fox demon Su Xiaomei, with a charming demeanor, constantly made teasing gestures, such as bending down, lifting her leg, posing in an S shape, touching her neck seductively, coyly biting her fingers, sticking out her tongue to lick her lips, and inadvertently revealing her chest...

all kinds of teasing actions aimed at Wang Yue.

Wang Yue felt the alluring force and it kept drilling into his mind, trying to influence him.

He once again circulated his spiritual energy to dispel it, then spoke to the young fox demon Su Xiaomei:

"There is a saying in this line of work, that divination comes with a cost!"

Seeing that Wang Yue was not affected by her charms, Su Xiaomei couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed.

She began to doubt her own allure.

But when she saw Manager Pang and Xia Yutong, who were only slightly affected by the residual charm, their eyes were already starting to glaze over.

She felt confident in her own charm again!

Could it be that this man in front of her was the issue?

But that didn't make sense, even if he were a eunuch, she could still make him kneel at her feet!

So the truth was clear, he was a dragon turtle spirit, only a dragon turtle could resist the temptations of a fox demon, and only a dragon turtle could possess such strong divination abilities.

Yes, that made sense, it must be the case, and those who had become spirits through the cultivation of a dragon turtle were said to have a particularly powerful trait, although she wasn't certain if it was true, of withstand her seduction technique...

She had to find a chance to verify it...

Then Su Xiaomei stopped wasting her charms, smiled at Wang Yue and said, "So, what is it?"

"Master, what price do you want me to pay?"

The attention of the onlookers also turned towards them, curious about what Master Wang wanted the other person to pay.

Isn't it usually three thousand in gold for divination?

Is this demon different?

Wang Yue's mouth curved slightly upwards, and he then slowly said:

"Hehe, I want you to…"

(°ー°)… Su Xiaomei the fox demon was stunned!!!

⊙▽⊙… Manager Pang and Xia Yutong were also dumbfounded!!!

⊙o⊙… Even the several ghosts were taken aback!!!

What did they hear???

Master Wang wants Su Xiaomei the fox demon???

Was it the way I understood it?

Master Wang, weren't you supposed to be immune to charms?

Why would you say such a thing???

Or has the fox spirit also ensnared you, Master Wang?

Were you just faking it earlier?

The onlookers are all scratching their heads in confusion?

Oh no, Master Wang has fallen for it, now we can only wait for our doom…

Meanwhile, the fox spirit Su Xiaomei was also lost in thought for quite some time.

She had thought Wang Yue might demand money, treasures, or seek vengeance for these people, but never did she imagine that Wang Yue would ask for her???

So at this moment, she shared the same doubts as the onlookers!

Aren't you a divine tortoise, impervious to my charms?

So, you were just pretending all along!

Seems like no one can resist my charms, not even a divine tortoise like you!

And then, the fox spirit burst into giggles.

"Giggle, giggle, giggle..."


"Master, how do you want me?"

"Will it be here?"

"Or shall we head up to the 3-meter bed upstairs?"

"Or perhaps we go straight from here all the way to the 3-meter bed upstairs?"

"Hehehe... I am quite excited about your abilities in that regard, so please don't disappoint me!"

After saying this, the fox spirit couldn't help but reveal a large expanse of snowy white fur...

The onlookers felt their mouths go dry, wishing they could just rush forward and engage in a 30,000-round battle.

But alas, she only wanted to battle Master Wang for 30,000 rounds, such a shame...

However, at that moment, Wang Yue calmly spoke:

"I haven't finished speaking yet, what's with those expressions?"

"You don't seriously think I want her body, do you?"

"Even though she might look beautiful now, at the end of the day, she's still an animal, and I don't have that kind of fetish, crossbreeding with animals..."

"What I meant to say was, I want your elixir!"

The surrounding onlookers collectively turned to stone...


You only wanted her elixir just now???

Master Wang, can you please say everything at once next time?

Look, the fox spirit was all ready, and now you're saying you got it wrong, starting over again?

The harm isn't great, but the insult is extremely strong, hahaha...

But speaking of, where is this inner pill located, is it in the biggest two?

Or is it in another place?

How should Master Wang retrieve it?

Can we still enjoy a grand performance?

Idle spectators, idle souls, this melon is absolutely enchanting...

The smile on the face of the young fox demon, Su Xiaomei, froze, then she was stunned...

Soon turned icy, then erupted in anger, her hair flying without wind, her three tails once again extending and dancing in the air, her face contorting with rage.

Then she roared at Wang Yue:

"Are you kidding me?"

Wang Yue shrugged, hands spread out, looking innocent.

Seeing Wang Yue's expression, the raging fire in Su Xiaomei's heart burned fiercely, staring at Wang Yue coldly and saying:

"I was planning to let you die slowly in happiness, even if you die, it will be with a smile."

"But since you are so ungrateful, I will make you experience the cruelest death."

"I will cut your flesh into pieces and then make you eat it yourself!"

After saying this, Su Xiaomei directly cast an illusion, instantly pulling Wang Yue into the illusion.

She saw Wang Yue's eyes lose their luster in an instant, knowing she had succeeded, then slowly walked towards Wang Yue.

She wasn't in a rush to kill Wang Yue immediately, she wanted to slowly torment him.

While Su Xiaomei was casting her illusion, Wang Yue felt a strange energy affecting his consciousness.

He knew this was an illusion created by the little fox demon.

Originally, he had wanted to directly dispel this energy, but at the last moment he withdrew his own spiritual power.

He also wanted to see the magical aspect of this little fox demon's illusion.

Then Wang Yue saw the scene in front of him change into a vision of earthly hell.

All the houses were in ruins, with smoke from the fires of war everywhere.

And all the people in front of him had turned into terrifying creatures, madly killing each other, gnawing on each other.

When the zombies discovered him, they crazily lunged towards him, wanting to feast on his flesh and blood...


The onlookers hid in the background and were not pulled into the illusion together.

They saw the little fox demon slowly approaching Wang Yue, but Wang Yue seemed oblivious as if he were in a stupor.

They all became anxious and quickly shouted:

"Master Wang, what's wrong with you? Wake up, the fox demon is coming."

Seeing that Wang Yue still had no reaction, Xia Yutong wanted to run over to shake him awake, but a glance from the little fox demon froze her in place.

Her legs could not move no matter what.

The little fox demon, Su Xiaomei, coldly glanced at the onlookers, then spoke:

"Don't bother yourselves, once under my illusion, unless I release it, he won't wake up."

"You all just watch me perform some 'cutting',"

"After I'm done with him, it will be your turn next."

After the little fox demon finished speaking, her fingernails slowly began to lengthen, transforming in an instant into claws just like Uncle Wolf's.

And at this moment, she was standing right in front of Wang Yue...

The onlookers anxiously watched this scene unfold, shouting desperately in an attempt to awaken Wang Yue...