Chapter 257: Is it delicious?

The scene made the onlookers anxious, shouting desperately in an attempt to awaken Wang Yue...

"Master Wang, wake up quick, or it'll be too late!"

"Master Wang, the fox demon is about to devour you, snap out of it!"

"Master Wang, your mom is calling you home for dinner, wake up..."


However, no matter how they shouted, Wang Yue seemed not to hear a word.

A smirk appeared on the face of the fox demon, Su Xiaomei.

Told you not to waste your efforts, but you just wouldn't listen.

Then she raised her sharp claws.

Addressing Wang Yue, she said:

"Where should I start slicing?"

"How about we start with your handsome face!"

"No matter how handsome, it's useless if you don't know what's good for you."

With that, she slowly extended her claws towards Wang Yue's cheek.

The onlookers had already given up, closing their eyes slowly.

Not wanting to witness the upcoming bloody scene.

As the fox demon's claws were just 1 centimeter away from Wang Yue's face, they could no longer move.

Suddenly, Wang Yue, at some point, tightly grabbed the fox demon's wrist.

Then he said faintly:

"Disappointing, thought your illusions were more impressive than this."

"You made me wait in vain!"

"Wearing those 3D glasses will give you a better effect than this illusion of yours."

The little fox demon's eyes bulged in shock, fear spreading across her face.

She kept repeating, "This can't be... It's not possible. You were trapped in my illusion, how could you break free on your own."

"I don't believe it, this isn't real!!!"

Then, she tried to exert her illusion again, only to be slapped away by Wang Yue with a loud smack.



The little fox demon slammed fiercely into the liquor cabinet, causing it to collapse with a hole in it.

All these changes happened in the blink of an eye.

The onlookers who had closed their eyes, upon hearing Wang Yue's voice, suddenly opened them wide.

They then witnessed the sight of Wang Yue slapping the little fox demon away.

Each of their mouths dropped open as if they could fit a quail egg inside...

Am I dreaming?

Didn't the fox demon just say that Master Wang was trapped in her illusion?

What on earth is going on?

And just a moment ago, a mere glance rendered me unable to move, yet this powerful fox demon was flung away by Master Wang's slap?

Is this really not an act?

Upon seeing the fox demon being slapped away, the few ghosts first froze, then excitement surfaced on their faces.

They had all thought revenge was hopeless.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yue had given them a great surprise, giving them the chance to witness the fox demon getting her just deserts.


The broken liquor cabinet's wooden boards flew around.

From the ruins of the liquor cabinet emerged a three-meter-tall, two-meter-long white fox.

Its eyes were now fiery red, revealing its teeth as it glared at Wang Yue.

The gigantic mouth roared, "Human, you have truly angered me!"

"I will devour you!"

After the roar, it vanished on the spot.

Despite its massive body, its speed was incredibly fast.

Almost like teleportation, it appeared directly in front of Wang Yue and went in for a bite at his head.

Although it moved fast, in Wang Yue's eyes, it was just slightly quicker than an average person.

Wang Yue was about to strike it down with a punch,

but then he remembered that the unbreakable brain of King Kong hadn't had a chance to test its effect, and this was a perfect opportunity.

Thinking this, he let the little fox demon bite him.

The onlookers only saw the little fox demon disappear, then reappear in front of Wang Yue the next moment, biting down on his head.

Xia Yutong was suddenly startled into a scream.


At the same time, a mournful cry was heard:

"Awoooo wuu wuu...."

The onlookers didn't see Wang Yue's head burst like a watermelon, blood splattering everywhere.

Instead, they saw the little fox demon with all its teeth falling out, shaking its giant mouth, continuously wailing...

This directly left them dumbfounded...

Having a head bitten by such a big mouth, yet the head was fine, and it was the fox demon's teeth that fell out?

Just how tough was that head!!!

Manager Pang muttered dazedly:

"Am I dreaming?"


The next moment, he sucked in a sharp breath from the pain.

He turned to see Xia Yutong's hand twisting his arm in a 360-degree rotation.

"What are you doing?"

"Uh, just confirming if I'm dreaming..."

"(⊙﹏⊙) Then why aren't you twisting yourself???"

Manager Pang: ... I'm not afraid of pain??

At that moment, the little fox demon stopped its wailing and immediately tried to escape.

She had never seen such a bizarre person before.

It was as if heaven had sent someone to counter her!!

Her seductive power had no effect on him, her illusions were useless, and now even physical attacks had knocked out a bunch of her teeth...

This kind of person was clearly not someone she could handle on her own,

so if she didn't make a run for it soon, there was only one way to go.

After all, the other party was someone who wanted her inner alchemy.

However, how could Wang Yue let it escape like that?

Wang Yue activated his spiritual power and cast the most powerful illusion from the Ten Thousand Ways Diagram toward the fleeing fox demon.

In an instant, the fox, which was about to crash into a wall, stopped in its tracks.

The next second, it began to crazily tear into its own flesh with its bloody mouth.

Then it devoured it.

And it didn't seem to show any pain, but rather excitement...

In the illusion, she was happily tearing into Wang Yue's flesh, one piece at a time...

Soon she had eaten up all three tails and four legs.

The onlookers were horrified.

Their stomachs churning...

At this point, Wang Yue dispelled the fox demon's illusion.

As the fox demon emerged from the illusion, a massive wave of pain instantly shot through its brain.

Causing it to continuously wail in agony...

"Ah ah ah... my tails! My front legs and hind legs... Ah~~"

"What have you done to me?"

"You're a demon!"

Wang Yue sneered:

"You wanted to cut the flesh off my body and make me eat it, so I thought that was your kind of thing, and gave you a hand!"

"Does it taste good?"
