Chapter 258: Since you won't let me live, don't expect a happy ending for yourself either!

"Hehe, delicious, right?"

At this moment, Wang Yue's smile, in the eyes of the little fox demon Su Xiaomei, appeared as the most terrifying demon!!!

She had never imagined that one day, she would fall flat on her face in her best field.

Now, all her limbs were gone, and fresh blood kept flowing from the severed parts, unable to run even if she wanted to.

Completely reduced to a lamb waiting to be slaughtered... no, a fox waiting to be slaughtered...

The onlookers all felt a chill running from the soles of their feet to their heads.

They had never expected that Master Wang, who usually seemed harmless, could be this ruthless!

Directly made the other person eat themselves, and just now, the scene of the other person enjoying the meal was so ecstatic, as if possessed, probably if it was a little later, the body would have been completely consumed...

At the same time, they were also relieved that they hadn't offended Master Wang, otherwise, they didn't know how they would die!

And after finishing speaking, Wang Yue walked towards the little fox demon with a smile on his face.

The little fox demon watched Wang Yue approaching step by step, with only a frantic body left, trying to retreat.

At the same time, she kept shouting:

"Don't come over, please don't come over, don't come over..."

"Please spare me, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have wanted to harm you!"

"As long as you spare me, I can do anything for you!"

After speaking, she directly transformed into a human form, but at this time, with no hands or feet, she looked rather pathetic, completely devoid of her previous charm, instead appearing very disheveled.

Wang Yue did not stop his steps because of the little fox demon's words, and continued to walk towards her.

With every step taken, it felt like he was stepping on the heart of the little fox demon, causing her heart to skip a beat.

The little fox demon Su Xiaomei also realized her current state as a human stick. When she was complete before, Wang Yue was unmoved, let alone now in this ghostly appearance, it was even less likely!

But the instinct to survive still made her unwilling to give up.

She anxiously shouted:

"Don't kill me, I am useful, I am still useful!"

"I can enchant those little celebrities for you, whichever one you want, I can make them obediently climb into your bed."

"If you want money, I can enchant those big bosses, make them transfer all their assets to you!"

"Since you don't want any of these, I can still help you find treasure.

I can communicate with animals; they know where the treasures are..."

"Don't kill me!!!"

Wang Yue was already standing in front of her, saying lightly:

"All the things you mentioned, I can do them as well."

"What do you want from me?"

"Just hand over the inner pill obediently!"

"Don't worry, I will make it quick, you will only feel a moment of pain, and then it will be over."

Onlookers felt a chill down their spines.

Why does this sound so much like what was said on Valentine's Day back then, to trick a middle school girlfriend into going to a hotel to rest!!!

The art of Wang's speech, for those who didn't know, what would they think you wanted to do???

But they only dared think in their hearts, not daring to say out loud, afraid of angering Wang Yue and letting him bear the consequences on his own...

The little fox demon Su Xiaomei was also stunned...

Yes, the opponent's illusion technique was even more powerful than her own, and also so handsome; what kind of woman wouldn't fall for him?

What else could she offer?

It seemed like apart from the inner pill, she had no other value...

Thinking of this, she went crazy directly, since you won't let me live, then don't think you'll have it easy...

She directly roared at Wang Yue:

"Hmph, dreaming if you want my inner pill!"

"Even if I die, I won't let you benefit!"

"Let's die together!!!"

After saying that, she was ready to self-detonate the inner pill, not giving Wang Yue a chance to get the inner pill, preferably blowing him up and burying him together!

The bystanders felt the fox demon's aura become violent, and her limbless body swelled rapidly.

Instantly, everyone was terrified.

Even if you've never eaten pork, have you not seen a pig run?

This situation was just like what they saw on TV. It was clearly going to explode!

For a moment, whether it was a few ghosts or Manager Pang and Xia Yutong, they all panicked.

Then they quickly ran outside.

While running, they remembered to shout:

"Master Wang, run!"

"She's about to self-detonate!"

"This kind of cultivated fox, the explosion power must be super strong.

Hurry, run, or it will be too late!"

Before the little fox demon was disabled, they didn't dare to run, nor could they run.

Now that the little fox demon has been disabled, they all wish they had two more legs.

In an instant, they all ran out of the wine cellar and kept running towards the villa.

However, Wang Yue did not run out with them but stood still.

The little fox demon originally looked ferociously at Wang Yue, hoping to see fear, resentment, and regret on his face.

But she found that Wang Yue remained calm throughout, with a faint smile on his face.

Suddenly, a sense of unease surged through her.

Then she saw Wang Yue raise a hand and touch his forehead.

A strange energy instantly entered her body, interrupting her self-detonation.

Her inflated body stopped and quickly deflated back to normal, like a deflating balloon.

She widened her eyes, looking as if she had seen a ghost!

"No... it's impossible... I had already activated the self-detonation, how could you still stop it?"

"How did you do it?"

"What was that energy that entered my body just now?"

... The little fox demon was now in despair!!! Physical combat, she couldn't win!

Seduction, it had no effect on the opponent!! Illusions, the opponent was even stronger than herself!!!

Now, even her attempt to self-detonate could be easily stopped by the opponent.

This is no way to bully people like this…

Wang Yue didn't answer her question. Instead, he activated his spiritual power, wrapped it around his hand, and pierced through the heart position of the little fox demon.


The next moment, there was a small green bead the size of an egg in Wang Yue's hand.

And there was a bloody hole in the chest of the little fox demon, she spat out blood and said to Wang Yue:



Before she could finish speaking, another mouthful of blood spurted out...

Wang Yue didn't look at her again, but started to study the fox demon's inner core in his hand...

Then he muttered to himself:

"Not bad, this inner core is quite unique!"


Meanwhile, Manager Pang and Xia Yutong, who had just run outside the villa, did not hear the explosion behind them.

Both of their faces were filled with confusion.

"What's going on?"

"That fox demon had expanded so big just now, why hasn't she exploded yet?"

"Could it be that what they show on TV is deceiving?

That wasn't a self-destructive reaction?"

"I don't know either.

Master Wang hasn't come out yet.

Should we go back and check?"

"Shall we go back and see then?"

After some inner struggle, the two cautiously returned to the villa...